Category: Career Forecast

Your Career Forecast: September / October 2017

Your Career Forecast: September / October 2017

I work as a career and business strategist. But my secret passion is… astrology!

About once a month,  I post an overview of what’s happening in the cosmos and how it might influence your career. It’s called: Your Career Forecast.

Whether you’re job-hunting, running your own business, or wondering about the ideal time to ask for a raise or take a vacation, each Career Forecast will reveal the important dates and cosmic shifts that you need to know about.

I am joined by my dear friend, Heidi Rose Robbins, a master astrologer who will provide expert insight into what’s going on in the stars.

Let’s dive in!


What’s going on this month…

HEIDI: The Sun moves into Libra on September 22nd, 2017 at 1:02pm Pacific. Libra is a sign of relationships. We shake hands. We kiss. We offer friendship. We treat a stranger with respect. We recognize that we are not alone in the universe and that everyday we have the opportunity to connect with our fellow human beings in a kind and compassionate way.

Libra is all about beauty and harmony. Libra does its best to create environments and conversations that uplift us and allow us to feel connected. When the Sun moves into Libra, the month ahead is an opportunity to collaborate, connect, and call interesting people into your life.

On September 29th, Mercury joins the Sun in Libra. Mercury is the planet of communication and Libra brings diplomacy. So, conversations over the next few weeks could flow with ease. Use these weeks to have the conversations you’ve been putting off. With Mercury in Libra, you can often find peaceful resolution.

October 5th is the Full Moon of Libra. While the Moon is actually in Aries, we focus on the highest and best qualities of Libra. Again, collaborate. Unify. Work together. Harmonize. How can you extend yourself to someone and make the relationship better from one encounter? How can you protect the rights of someone who’s being treated unfairly? Libra brings justice and equality.

October 5th is also a very creative day because Mars and Venus sit in the same degree of the sign of Virgo. This is “creativity at work” at its best! It’s a great day to get things done, to clean things out, or finally find a solution to a problem.

October 10th is a big day. It’s the most significant astrological shift this month. Jupiter has been in Libra for the entire last year. It now moves into the sign of Scorpio for one year. Scorpio rules money, power, intimacy, and the therapeutic process. Jupiter grows whatever it touches. We want it to grow the best parts of Scorpio. For anyone with strong Scorpio in his or her chart, this should be very good year—a year of conscious growth. We will all benefit from the Scorpio journey of transmuting fear to love again and again.

Venus joins Mercury and the Sun in Libra on October 14th. This is a great combination for love. When Venus is in Libra, everyone is the lover. Everyone just wants things to be beautiful and harmonious. It’s a great time to spend with a partner or beloved.

Mercury moves into Scorpio on October 17th. This is a great combination for getting to the heart of the matter. It creates the energy of the researcher, the scientist, the one who dives deep. Get tenacious with this combination. Don’t give up.

October 18th is a great day for expansive thinking. Jupiter and Mercury meet in the same degree of Scorpio. Again, it emphasizes the depth of Scorpio and the power of the mind to reach beyond the norm. This is penetrating thinking at its best.

Finally, on October 19th, there is a New Moon in Libra. This is always a good time to initiate relationships, to make the calls, to plan an important meeting. Libra has the gift of bringing beauty and harmony. Do something that allows you to feel at peace or feel full of the beauty life can offer.

It’s a powerful month with many planets in Libra. Work on all the most important relationships in your life—strengthen and deepen them. And who knows? Maybe you’ll start a new significant relationship (or two) this month as well.

What does all of this mean for your career? Let’s look closer…


Here’s what you need to know…

ELLEN: In an interview on NPR’s All Things Considered, Matt Youngquist, the President of Career Horizons, said, “At least 70 percent, if not 80 percent, of jobs are not published. Most people [spend] 70 or 80 percent of their time surfing the net versus getting out there, talking to employers, taking some chances [and] realizing that the vast majority of hiring is friends and acquaintances hiring other trusted friends and acquaintances.”

Matt is right. Tons of great jobs are never posted online. To find these kinds of jobs, you’ve got to ask your friends, family, colleagues, and acquaintances to help you out. You’ve got to ask the people in your social circle to keep their eyes peeled for opportunities, to make introductions, and sometimes, to put in a good word for you.

Fortunately, with all the Libra energy in the air, this is the ideal time to do that! Especially between October 10th – 17th, you can use the Libra/Scorpio energy to get out there and network with enthusiasm.

Remember that “networking” doesn’t have to be awkward and complicated. Networking can mean sending a handwritten note to your aunt, posting a quick note on Facebook, or emailing three friends to say, “I’m searching for a new job. My dream would be [describe your ideal situation]. If you happen to hear about anything like that, could you let me know?” If you fire off a couple emails like that, it might lead to some surprising opportunities. A little effort can open big doors.

This Libra month is also a great time to negotiate. Is it time to ask for a raise, a promotion, or something else that you want? What would make you feel happier at work? A different schedule? A new chair that doesn’t constantly squeak? An intern? On September 29th, Mercury joins the Sun in Libra. Use this day to ask for exactly what you want. Your conversations will flow with ease, and you’ll be able to tap into your “inner diplomat”—calm and reasonable, yet persuasive.


Here’s what you need to know…

ELLEN: This is a great month for team collaboration. On October 5th, the Full Moon of Libra gives us a chance to collaborate, work together, and harmonize. On October 5th, we also have some fiery, warrior energy from Mars, making this a terrific day to rally the troops and get things done. If there’s a project that hasn’t been progressing very quickly, this is a great moment to hold a meeting, assign tasks, and set an aggressive timeline to finish it. No more dithering around. Go, team, go! Onward to victory!

On October 18th, as Heidi mentioned, we have a great day for expansive thinking—for thinking beyond the norm. This would be a great day to sit with a tricky problem at work and explore some new solutions. Try brainstorming a list of 20 brand new solutions and write all of them down—no matter how off-the-wall, zany, or unreasonable they may seem. Sometimes, ideas that initially seem “unrealistic” or even “silly” turn out to be… exactly the right approach!

Also, sometime this month, consider giving your workspace a “face lift.” Libra is all about beauty and harmony, so this is a great time to declutter and spruce things up. Crack open the windows and let the fresh air inside. Hang some artwork inside your cubicle or office. Treat yourself to some fresh lowers. Put nice pens and stationery on your desk to remind yourself to send “thank you” notes to colleagues, to keep strengthening those relationships. Set the stage for a successful October, November, and December… so you can finish the year on a strong, positive note!


Here’s what you need to know…

ELLEN: The whole month of Libra—which begins on September 22nd and lasts for 30 days—invites us to think about the idea of partnership.

What does partnership mean to you? Are you craving more partnership and support in your business? Are you spending a little too much time working alone, at home in your PJs? Does that need to change? These are excellent questions to consider, especially when there’s Libra energy in the air.

Personally, I don’t like running my business alone. If I feel too isolated, my creativity dries up. That’s why I love doing this Career Forecast each month along with my friend Heidi. I love working at co-working spaces like The Hivery, because I can soak up the creative energy in the room and chat with other women about my projects, and theirs. And I love running my interview series, How Did You Do That?, because it’s so collaborative. I ask questions, people respond, we chat and exchange ideas, back and forth… it’s a joy for me to do!

Even if you don’t have any full-time employees (I don’t either) maybe it’s time for a little more partnership in your business. It could be an intern, an assistant, a new workspace where you’re surrounded by other entrepreneurs, or a weekly date with a writing buddy or business buddy.

On that note… October 19th brings the New Moon in Libra, which is a beautiful time to begin new projects and initiate new relationships—whether it’s a romantic relationship, friendship, or business collaboration. The energy in the air is fresh, sparkly, and new. Think: first date.

If there’s a local business owner you’ve admired for years, reach out and say, “I love your work, and I wanted to finally introduce myself and say hello.”

If there’s a podcast you love, send a fan letter to the host and let them know how much you appreciate the show.

If you’re trying to line up more clients, reach out to one of your dream clients and say, “I don’t know if you need this sort of thing right now, but if you’re ever looking for a [describe whatever you do], I’d love to work with you!”

This is a powerful time to initiate all kinds of relationships. Reach out, wave hello, and make your presence known!


• Beginning new relationships.

• Strengthening existing relationships.

• Teamwork, partnership, and collaboration.

• Expansive thinking, fresh ideas, new solutions.

• Handling tricky conversations with grace and diplomacy.

• Creating more support in your career—new friends, buddies, and allies who can support you on many levels.

• Relationships, in general. Romantic, platonic, creative, professional, all of the above!


September 22nd – The Sun moves into Libra. We begin a month of harmony and beauty. Focus on strengthening all kinds of relationships.

September 29th – Mercury in Libra. A great time for peaceful communication, diplomacy, negotiation, and reaching successful resolutions.

October 5th – Full Moon of Libra. Libra powers in full force! Harmony, togetherness, friendship and goodwill for all.

October 10th – Jupiter moves into Scorpio. Lots of power in the air today, focused on themes of intimacy, healing, and transformation. It’s also my birthday!!

October 14th – Venus in Libra. Love, love, love is all around! Hang with your best friend or schedule a date night.

October 17th – Mercury moves into Scorpio. A great day for tenacious research and communication. Scour the Internet. Look under stones. Don’t give up too quickly.

October 18th – Jupiter and Mercury in Scorpio. A great day for expansive thinking and problem solving.

October 19th – New Moon in Libra. A new beginning—and a beautiful time to initiate new relationships and make new plans.


“Umuntu ngumuntu ngabantu. (A person is a person because of other people).”
—Zulu proverb

We are social creatures. We need one another to survive and thrive. Even if you’re fairly introverted and independent—like me—there’s no denying that we all need relationships. The stronger and deeper, the better.

During this month of Libra, work on your relationships. When your personal and professional relationships are strong, that’s worth more than gold. Those relationships will carry you through difficult times, and those relationships will unlock doors for you, and carry your career forward.

This month, instead of spending 5 hours fussing with your résumé or website to make each sentence “totally perfect,” take those 5 hours and invest in your relationships. Call. Text. Send flowers. Help out a friend. Take someone out for a meal. Do something kind for a colleague with no strings attached. Those kinds of actions will pay off… a hundred times over.

Whatever you’re working on this month, I’m wishing you great connections and collaborations!


Learn more about my career & business coaching services here.

Learn more about Heidi and her astrological services here.

Your Career Forecast: August / September 2017

Your Career Forecast: August / September 2017

I work as a career and business strategist. But my secret passion is… astrology!

About once a month,  I post an overview of what’s happening in the cosmos and how it might influence your career. It’s called: Your Career Forecast.

Whether you’re job-hunting, running your own business, or wondering about the ideal time to ask for a raise or take a vacation, each Career Forecast will reveal the important dates and cosmic shifts that you need to know about.

I am joined by my dear friend, Heidi Rose Robbins, a master astrologer who will provide expert insight into what’s going on in the stars.

Let’s dive in!


What’s going on this month…

HEIDI: The Sun moves into Virgo on August 22nd, 2017 at 3:20pm Pacific. Virgo is a sign that rules hard work and analysis. Under Virgo, we purify, clean up our act, and get organized. We adjust what needs to be adjusted. We create systems that allow for more efficiency. It is “back to school” time, whatever age we happen to be. Sometimes Virgo feels like a welcome relief from the lazy days of summer, and sometimes it feels like the to-do list suddenly got very, very long.

Venus moves into Leo on August 25th, which might extend the Leo summer days for just a bit longer. Venus rules the beautiful. Leo rules expression. With Venus in Leo, we create. We shine. We rule. Venus in Leo loves to lead. So, even if you don’t have a team to lead, you can lead your own life wearing your crown!

Mercury joins Venus in Leo on August 31st. Use these days between August 31st and September 10th (when Mercury moves into Virgo) to write, speak, and express yourself freely. Enjoy the combined energies of the communicator (Mercury) and the sign of radiant expression and leadership (Leo). 

We have an electric trine of Mars and Uranus on September 2nd. Take bold action. Expect the unexpected. Give your warrior-self a shot in the arm. Establish a new pattern that you wish to create in your life. 

The very next day, September 3rd, Mars and Mercury line up in the heavens, so your words have an extra punch. Be careful not to use your words to attack or destroy. Simply know you’ve got energy and strength on your side when you communicate.

On September 5th, Mars moves into Virgo. This is the real threshold for no-nonsense work. Dive in. You will have plenty of fortitude and enthusiasm to get a lot done. The editing and refining energy is very strong.

The Full Moon of Virgo is the very next day: September 6th. The Full Moon is a potent time to steep in the energy of the month. The Virgo energy is at its richest. Under Virgo, we get the material and physical life in order so that we can let anxiety fall away. We replace the anxiety with a great flow of love and calm.

Mercury joins Mars in the sign of Virgo on September 10th. This is a great time to look at something carefully, to edit or refine your work, or to streamline a project and let the essence shine forth.

September 17th brings a very creative, electric day. Venus trines Uranus in the heavens. Sudden love! Unexpected, bolt-out-of -the-blue ideas! Life won’t feel status quo or mundane.

Finally, Venus moves into Virgo on September 19th. We have a stellium (or collection) of planets in Virgo! The Sun, Moon, Mercury, Mars and Venus will all be in Virgo! If there’s a mess to be cleaned up in your life, now is the time. If there’s a problem that needs untangling, now is the time. If ever you had the energies of hard work and discrimination on your side, this is the moment. Go for it. Be meticulous. Be precise. Refine what you do. Everyone you work with–and for–will benefit.

What does all of this mean for your career? Let’s look closer…


Here’s what you need to know…

ELLEN: All the details that job hunting requires will feel almost effortless during this Virgo month. This is especially true at the end of the month.

On September 17th, when Venus trines Uranus, you’re likely to experience sudden, unexpected ideas. You might come up with a new approach for your job search. Or, while you’re in the shower, you might think of a brilliant way to re-write your cover letter. If you find yourself having a “sudden flash” idea, run with it! Keep a notebook or pad of Sticky notes nearby at all times. Make sure you capture the ideas when they come.

And on September 19th, there will be five planets in Virgo. This is called a “stellium,” and it will create a huge surge of energy—the wind beneath your wings. This is the moment to finish your job applications, to update your job search spreadsheet, to schedule coffee dates and informational interviews, to contact people on LinkedIn… whatever needs to get done, this is the moment, and the timing really couldn’t be better! You’ll have five planets working together to give you the focus, precision, and detail-oriented mindset that you need. Go, go, go!


Here’s what you need to know…

ELLEN: Some of the words used to describe Virgos are: analytical, meticulous, practical, conscientious, hard working, sensible, efficient, orderly, health conscious, careful with money, serious, nit-picky, concise, detailed, sensitive, efficient, cautious, intelligent, perceptive, contemplative, prudent perfectionists.

With the sun in Virgo, this is the perfect time to buckle down and apply yourself. The long, languorous summer is over. Now, it’s time to get things done.

On September 5th, when the action sign Mars moves into Virgo, you will have extra fortitude, energy, and enthusiasm. If there’s a daunting project at work that you’ve been putting off, this would be an ideal time to dive in and get it finished, once and for all.

This get-it-done energy continues as the planet Mercury moves direct (hooray, no more Mercury Retrograde!) and Mercury joins Mars in Virgo. You will be virtually unstoppable! That big pile of paperwork on your desk will be reduced to zero. You will rule the meetings, soar through difficult tasks, and you’ll be astonished by how much you’re able to complete. Make a list of your achievements so that you can give an impressive “recap” to your boss at the end of each week. She’ll be floored by your productivity, even more so than usual.

September is also a great month to deal with thorny problems. In the book Sprint by Jake Knapp, he recommends tackling big problems in small sprints—like 5 day increments. If there’s an issue at work that needs to be resolved, or a project that’s been stalled, gather your workmates and create a 5-day plan to sort it out and get it done. Everyone will feel better once this “unfinished business” is over and done with, at last.


Here’s what you need to know…

ELLEN: Melissa Cassera—a highly creative business coach and TV screenwriter—teaches a productivity tool called batching.

When you’re batching, it means you block out a specific chunk of time—like an entire day or an entire week—and during that time, you focus exclusively on just one type of project. You could spend the entire day writing newsletters, queuing up blog posts, clearing out your inbox, sending “thank you” gifts and cards to your top clients, or sending press releases to the media. Anything you want. The key is to focus on just one type of task. Uni-tasking, not multi-tasking.

Batching allows you to focus deeply, get into a creative flow-state, and churn out a ton of work in way less time than it would normally take.

This Virgo month is a perfect time to practice batching. Use the days between August 31st (Mercury and Venus in Leo) and September 10th (when Mercury moves into Virgo) to batch, batch, batch your heart out. Block off those days to write a bunch of blog posts, record a slew of podcasts, or anything else that’s on your to-do list. Turn off social media, put your phone on silent, and dive in! You’ll be amazed by how much you can get done.


• Focus
• Organization
• Planning
• Practicality
• Precision
• Productivity
• Sprinting


• Perfectionism
• Obsessiveness
• Excessive working, burn-out
• Being hyper-critical and nit-picky


August 22nd – Sun in Virgo (we’re kicking off a 30-day period of hard work, lists, spreadsheets, organization, and heightened productivity!).

August 25th – Venus moves into Leo (put on your crown, create, shine, and rule your kingdom).

August 31st – Mercury moves into Leo (excellent day for leadership, self-expression, and communication in all forms).

September 2nd – Mars trines Uranus (bold action—expect the unexpected!).

September 3rd – Mercury conjunct Mars (great time for strong, powerful communication).

September 5th – Mars moves into Virgo (even more get-it-done energy in the air!)

September 6th – Full Moon of Virgo (rich Virgo energy—soak it in! Put things in order, create better systems, and create more ease).

September 10th – Mercury moves into Virgo (do some careful editing, refining, and streamlining on this day).

September 17th – Venus trines Uranus (sudden ideas, unexpected breakthroughs, beautiful surprises!)

September 19th – Venus moves into Virgo (a stellium of five planets will give you a huge surge of focused, diligent energy—major productivity!)


“Your self-worth is determined by you. You don’t have to depend on someone telling you who you are.” —Beyoncé

Beyoncé is a Virgo—which isn’t too surprising, given her incredible work ethic. She’s considered one of the hardest working people in show business—if not the entire world!

In this interview, she explains: “I am a Virgo to the tee! […] I pay attention to details. When I do something, I do it 100 percent. I have high expectations of myself and expect the exact same thing of everyone around me. I’ve always been that way. I am all or nothing.”

This month, tap into your inner Beyoncé. Hold yourself to the highest standards. Make your list of priorities and tick things off—no excuses, no delays. Give your very best effort—not 50 or 60 percent.

How would you move through your life—and workday—if Beyoncé was watching?

It’s a slightly intimidating thought, right? But it’s definitely something to think about!

Have a fantastically productive month! Whether your career involves writing, designing, accounting, or recording your next musical masterpiece in the studio, you’ll benefit from the Virgo energy in the air. The stars and planets are completely on your side!


Learn more about my career & business coaching services here.

Learn more about Heidi and her astrological services here.

Your Career Forecast: July / August 2017

Your Career Forecast: July / August 2017

I work as a career and business strategist. But my secret passion is… astrology!

About once a month,  I post an overview of what’s happening in the cosmos and how it might influence your career. It’s called: Your Career Forecast.

Whether you’re job-hunting, running your own business, or wondering about the ideal time to ask for a raise or take a vacation, each Career Forecast will reveal the important dates and cosmic shifts that you need to know about.

I am joined by my dear friend, Heidi Rose Robbins, a master astrologer who will provide expert insight into what’s going on in the stars.

Let’s dive in!


What’s going on this month…

HEIDI: The Sun moves into Leo on July 22nd at 8:16am Pacific Time. We have a big month ahead. Leo is a sign of courage. It is a sign of radiance and, at its best, benevolent leadership. Leo grows from being entirely self-consumed to wanting to be generous with its gifts in the name of the greatest good for all.

Leo asks us to express, to be generous, and to give our gifts. It asks us to ignite the fire of the heart and love with greater gusto.

One of the reasons that this is such a huge month is that we have a complete Solar Eclipse on August 21st. The solar energy is completely blocked by the lunar energy. It’s a time when we will need to hold steadfastly to the greatest light in our nature, to keep the light within us kindled and potent. Strong eclipses often bring major external events. In the sign of Leo, this could have to do with who is in charge. I would expect intense political upheaval during this month.

Earlier in Leo, we have a New Moon on July 23rd. During the New Moon, we plant seeds with the energy available to us in any given sign. In Leo, we sow the seeds of self-expression, courageous acts, and a commitment to our loving nature. We make choices that don’t allow us to compromise our true, radiant Self. We dare ourselves to be who we truly are.

On July 25th, Mercury moves into Virgo. This is a time for careful, analytical thinking. Make a plan in these next weeks. Figure out how you will execute it step by step. Under Virgo, we create systems that work. We solve problems. We refine our offerings.

July 31st brings the shift of Venus into the sign of Cancer. Venus is the planet of what we value. Cancer is a sign that rules family and home. Though we are blazing in the sign of Leo, we may find comfort in the nourishment of our chosen families during this time. Though Leo asks that we express and be courageous, Venus in Cancer will welcome us back to the nest where we can replenish.

August 7th brings the Full Moon of Leo. Though the moon is in Aquarius on this date, we celebrate the energies of Leo during the Full Moon. This is a time to prepare for the Solar Eclipse just two weeks later. It’s a time to stand in your greatest light. We can all sound a note of the power of love, and the power of intelligent and loving leadership. We must recognize our interconnectedness and stand for the good of all.

It’s a fiery month. If ever there was a time to dare yourself to give your gift, it’s now.  Let’s cheer one another on!

What does all of this mean for your career? Let’s look closer…


Here’s what you need to know…

ELLEN: The phrase “job hunting” is usually accompanied by groans and deep sighs. Most people don’t enjoy hunting for a new job. Resumes, cover letters, online applications, waiting to hear back, and then hearing nothing. It can feel like one big… Ugh.

If that’s how you’re feeling, then it’s time to change the channel inside your brain from sad, dreary music to something more positive and proactive. Flip your attitude-switch. You can tap into the meticulous, hyper-organized Virgo energy that’s arriving on July 25th, and use this energy to your advantage.

Virgo is a sign that’s all about planning and list-making. So, start by making a list of your top 25 dream companies—places you’d really love to work. You can search sites like to learn about different company cultures and read anonymous reviews posted by employees who actually work there.

Then, ask yourself, “What kind of job am I hunting for, exactly?” Make a list of your dream job qualities—hours, pay, location, responsibilities, benefits, perks, everything you’d love to have as part of your salary package and workday.

Then, make a list of people who might be able to help you find that kind of job. Cast a wide net. Friends. Family. Colleagues. Classmates. Online connections. People you know from church, temple, mosque, the gym, yoga class, wherever. Start reaching out, one by one. Text, email, or call one or two people, every day, and share the exciting news that you’re searching for a new job.

You never know who might know somebody… who knows somebody… who works at one of your dream companies. The people in your social circle might be more well-connected than you think!


Here’s what you need to know…

ELLEN: Every astrological sign has a dark side and a light side. Leo is no exception. When Leo falls into a dark place, the energy can be aggressive (think: schoolyard bully) self-obsessed and narcissistic. When Leo rises into a bright place, we find generosity and skillful, courageous leadership.

If you currently have a job, but you’re not particularly happy, this month is a potent time to examine your life and career and ask, “Who is leading my life?”

Are you the leader of your own life? Are you taking courageous action to create what you want? Or have you taken a passive role?

When we’re unhappy at work, it’s tempting to passively point fingers at everyone else. “My boss doesn’t get it.” “There’s so much red tape.” “It’s impossible to get anything approved.” “Management is terrible.” “Nothing ever changes around here.”

Instead of blaming other people, what if you took matters into your own hands? OK, maybe your workplace isn’t perfect, and maybe you don’t have your dream job… yet. But that doesn’t mean you have to continue feeling miserable. What are 3, 4, or 5 things you could do this week to feel a little happier at work? A yoga class during your lunch break? Fresh flowers on your desk? An exciting new project that you pitch to your boss and lead? You can probably come up with at least a couple ideas that are realistic. Things you could put into motion today, or this week.

When you take matters into your own hands, your career will feel better immediately, and you’ll become an inspiration to those around you.


Here’s what you need to know…

ELLEN: Just before we entered the month of Leo, I booked a photo shoot. I wanted fresh photos for my website, which I’ll be revamping soon. But more importantly, I wanted to challenge myself to stand in front of the camera and “be seen.”

This is not something that’s particularly comfortable for me. I definitely prefer to be behind a computer screen, or behind a camera, or crafting someone else’s story rather than telling my own. I’ve never been extroverted or flashy. But I recognize that being an entrepreneur means being willing to step into the spotlight and say, “Here I am,” even when doing so is not 100% comfortable.

August 7th is the Full Moon of Leo. This is a beautiful day for everyone—especially entrepreneurs, freelancers, consultants, and all kinds of self-employed people. It’s a day, as Heidi put it so beautifully, to “stand in your greatest light.”

This would be an excellent day to write a business manifesto and post it publicly, to let the world know why you do what you do. It would also be an excellent day to do a photo shoot, post a Facebook Live video, send out a newsletter or a press release, host a party, or anything that represents you “being seen” in a strong, vibrant way.

Do you believe that your products and services can improve people’s lives? If so, then there’s no reason for you to hide in the shadows. Take centerstage. Imagine a noble lion or lioness. Stand tall and proud and let the people know what you’re selling, with the intention of serving as many people as possible, contributing to the highest good for all.


• Leadership. Taking charge of new projects. Taking charge of your life. Taking personal responsibility to create the career that you want.

• Courage. Putting yourself in a new kind of spotlight. Taking centerstage. Making a bold proposition.

• Disruption. Leadership shake-ups. Political shake-ups. There could be big changes ahead, both positive and maybe not-so-positive.

• Planning. The last week of July is an especially good time for making lists, making plans, and updating systems.


• July 22nd – Sun moves into Leo. (Themes: courage, radiance, benevolent leadership.)

• July 23rd – New Moon in Leo. (Dare to be who you truly are.)

• July 25th – Mercury moves into Virgo. (A great time for making careful lists and double-checking all the details.)

• July 31st – Venus in the sign of Cancer. (Take a mental health day and relax with friends and family, or wherever feels like “home” for you.)

• August 7th – Full Moon of Leo. (Stand in your greatest light.)

• August 21st – Solar Eclipse. (Change, upheaval, intensity in the air!)


“Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for. We are the change that we seek.” —Barack Obama

Barack Obama is a Leo, with a birthday coming up on August 4th. Obama represents some of the best Leo qualities. He’s confident, but without being flashy. He’s comfortable in the spotlight, but not self-obsessed. He’s a caring leader, devoted to the highest good for all. Most of all, he’s driven by the idea that change begins on an individual level—with individual leadership.

Rather than asking, “Who will save me?” or “Who’s fault is this?” or “Why is this happening to me?” this month, we have an opportunity to ask, “What can I do to make things right?”

We can’t wait, as Obama reminds us, “for some other person or some other time.” The time has arrived.

Have a beautiful month!


Learn more about my career & business coaching services here.

Learn more about Heidi and her astrological services here.

Your Career Forecast: June / July 2017

Ellen Fondiler | Career Forecast: April / May 2017

I work as a career and business strategist. But my secret passion is… astrology!

About once a month,  I post an overview of what’s happening in the cosmos and how it might influence your career. It’s called: Your Career Forecast.

Whether you’re job-hunting, running your own business, or wondering about the ideal time to ask for a raise or take a vacation, each Career Forecast will reveal the important dates and cosmic shifts that you need to know about.

I am joined by my dear friend, Heidi Rose Robbins, a master astrologer who will provide expert insight into what’s going on in the stars.

Let’s dive in!


What’s going on this month…

HEIDI: The Sun moves into Cancer at 9:24pm Pacific on June 20th, 2017. We enter the great sign of receptivity and sensitivity, a sign deeply connected with nourishment. It wants to feed, to encourage growth, to protect and produce. It rules birth, families and building homes. One of the most potent Cancer phrases is:

“I build a lighted house and therein dwell.”

During Cancer, we ask ourselves what home we want to fill with light. Do we want to focus on our family home or on a studio for our art? Is there a project we wish to see grow? Is there an event we are meant to produce? Or are we meant to fill our own body with light—paying attention to our physical, emotional and mental well being? All are possible.

Mercury moves into Cancer just one day later on June 21st. Mercury in Gemini had us juggling a LOT. When Mercury moves into Cancer, our thinking becomes more intuitive and we tend to let our feelings have more say. We “feel our way” into things. The only danger is letting our current mood derail our larger momentum. It’s definitely a quieter time—to reflect, write and meditate.

The New Moon of Cancer falls on June 23rd. New Moons bring new energy and opportunity. We plant new seeds and feel refreshed. We welcome the potential of Cancer—which is thriving summer.

Venus moves into Gemini on July 4th and will be there about a month. Venus has the power to bring people together. It is magnetic. Venus has the power to fuse the opposites of Gemini. So, with Venus in Gemini we can see the beauty of both sides. We can come up with powerful ways to build a bridge between opposing sides—even within ourselves. It’s a GREAT time to write. It’s a great time to give a talk about what matters to you.

It helps that on that same day, July 4th, Mercury will move into Leo. This is a sign of great self-expression and confidence. We roar under Leo. We lead well. We shine. Some of us will boast or take ourselves a little too seriously but most of us could use a little kick to share our message and dare ourselves to offer our gifts.

The very next day, July 5th, the Sun will trine Neptune. This is a great day to daydream. Neptune is the God of the water so there’s no better place to dream than near a big body of water. Take a walk. Breathe in the vastness. Allow yourself to imagine your next chapter. Read some poetry. Listen to music you love. Let the inspiration flow.

July 8th is the Full Moon of Cancer. Though the moon is in Capricorn, we celebrate the Cancer energy. It is the most potent moment of the month to work with the energies of Cancer. What do you wish to build? What do you wish to fill with light? What needs your loving care?

On July 19th, Mercury trines Saturn which allows you to get very concrete about whatever you dream up. It’s a great time to cross off every line of your to-do list. It’s an “I mean business” day. Roll up your sleeves and dive in.

Have a beautiful month. Wrap your arms around something and see it grow. I always think of the quote from Field of Dreams when we arrive in the month of Cancer: “If you build it, they will come.” Welcome people into your lighted house.

So what does all of this mean for your career? Let’s look closer…


Here’s what you need to know:

ELLEN: If you’re looking for a new job, this is a powerhouse month for you! Venus moves into Gemini on July 4th and stays there for about a month. That same day, we’ve got Mercury moving into Leo. This combination of planetary forces means that your writing, communication, and leadership skills will be heightened. You might feel a little more daring than usual. More confident. More magnetic. More comfortable in the spotlight. More willing to talk about your achievements enthusiastically, instead of brushing them aside with a sheepish, “Oh, it was nothing, really…”

During this month, the Venus-Gemini energy allows us to “see both sides” of a situation. As you move through the job-hunting process, remember that you’re being evaluated by potential employers, but you’re also evaluating them, too. It’s a two-sided process.

And remember that if you’re feeling intimidated or nervous, just know that your future boss is probably feeling the same way! They’re feeling pressured to find the right person as quickly as possible, just like you might be feeling pressured to get hired as quickly as possible. You’re both human beings searching for “the right fit.” Even though you might be sitting on different sides of the interview table, ultimately, you’re on the same side.


Here’s what you need to know:

ELLEN: Mark down June 23rd on your calendar, because that’s the New Moon… which means new energy, new ideas, and often, renewed excitement! If you’ve been feeling a little “blah” about your work lately—bored, disconnected, aimless—you might notice your attitude shifting on this day, or throughout the surrounding days.

The New Moon is also a great time to reflect on the previous month and set some new goals. When it comes to your work, what would you love to keep doing, stop doing, or change? Also, which skills would you like to strengthen? What kinds of projects would you love to lead? What kinds of meetings, retreats, or conferences would you like to attend? Who would be your dream mentor? What would you love to achieve during the upcoming month, and also, during the second half of 2017?

Use the fresh, revitalizing New Moon energy to percolate on these kinds of questions. And if you’re sitting in a room all by yourself feeling blank (“Um… I don’t know what I want!”), then… get out of your PJs, get out of the house, and meet up with a friend to discuss these questions together. Personally, I always feel much clearer when I can talk things out with a friend. Make a New Moon walk ’n talk date with someone you love, and see where the conversation leads.


Here’s what you need to know:

ELLEN: When you’re self-employed, it can feel like your to-do list never ends. There’s always something else you could be doing—another potential client that you could reach out to, another newsletter you could write, another invoice that needs to be sent. If you’ve been feeling burnt out and exhausted lately, this month is an especially good opportunity to nourish yourself and set healthier limits and boundaries.

If you reply to emails and texts from your clients 24/7, even when you’re tucked in bed, maybe it’s time for some new communication policies. Maybe it would feel great to put your phone into a drawer at 6pm and leave it there, untouched, until the next morning.

Small choices like this can make a huge difference to your mental and physical health.

As the Sun moves into the sign of Cancer on June 20th, it’s a chance to ask yourself, “How could I nourish myself a little bit more? How could I reduce my stress levels? How could I protect myself from getting burnt out?” Ask yourself these kinds of questions, and see what your intuition says in response. It might be something very simple, like, “More sleep!” or “Five clients per month, not six.”

After several weeks of extra TLC, you’ll be recharged and ready for action. Perfect timing, because Mercury trines Saturn on July 19th, which means it’s a go-go-go, get-it-done type of day. You’re likely to feel extra-focused and energetic on this day, so tackle your to-do list and see how much you can plough through! You might astonish yourself!


• Setting limits and boundaries.

• Preventing (or recovering) from burn out.

• Protecting yourself from unnecessary stress and negativity.

• Paying extra-close attention to your physical, emotional and mental well being.

• And, talking about your accomplishments with confidence and enthusiasm.


June 20th – Sun moves into Cancer. (Nourish yourself, tend to your well being.)

June 21st – Mercury moves into Cancer. (Lead with your heart, not your brain, and feel your way forward.)

June 23rd – New Moon in Cancer. (Plant new seeds, make new wishes.)

July 4th – Venus moves into Gemini. (Build bridges, see both sides of the situation.)

July 4th – Mercury moves into Leo. (Heightened self-expression and confidence.)

July 5th – Sun trine Neptune. (Daydream and go with the flow.)

July 8th – Full moon of Cancer. (A beautiful day to ask, “What needs my loving care?”)

July 19th – Mercury trine Saturn. (A super-productive day. Get things done!)


“Nourishing yourself in a way that helps you blossom in the direction you want to go is attainable, and you are worth the effort.” —Deborah Day

Whether we work in a cubicle, on a cruise ship, or in the world of social justice, activism, or politics, we’re all trying to add something “good” to the world. More ease. More beauty. More entertainment. More laughter. More equality. But in order to do good work, we’ve got to take good care of ourselves. When we’re dehydrated, hungry, ache-y, sleep deprived, or zombie-like from too many hours spent in front of a computer screen, that’s not fun, and it doesn’t lead to our “best quality of work,” either.

This month, tune into Cancer energies, and protect yourself from excessive stress. Nourish yourself as best you can. Take excellent care of your mind and body. Really make your well being a priority. This doesn’t necessarily mean “eating Paleo” or “hiring a personal trainer.” Often, it just means shutting off your computer at a reasonable hour, laughing a little more, walking a little more, and finding a little more balance.

And yes, you are worth the effort.
Have a beautiful month!


Learn more about my career & business coaching services here.

Learn more about Heidi and her astrological services here.

Your Career Forecast: May / June 2017

Ellen Fondiler | Career Forecast: April / May 2017

I work as a career and business strategist. But my secret passion is… astrology!

About once a month,  I post an overview of what’s happening in the cosmos and how it might influence your career. It’s called: Your Career Forecast.

Whether you’re job-hunting, running your own business, or wondering about the ideal time to ask for a raise or take a vacation, each Career Forecast will reveal the important dates and cosmic shifts that you need to know about.

I am joined by my dear friend, Heidi Rose Robbins, a master astrologer who will provide expert insight into what’s going on in the stars.

Let’s dive in!


What’s going on this month…

HEIDI: The Sun moves into Gemini on May 20th, 2017. Gemini infuses the month with movement and activity. If this last month in Taurus had a slower or quieter pace, in Gemini we are on the go. We network, connect, and converse. We meet one another and create relationships. We get even better at listening to our own inner voice so we can make better life decisions. Mercury is one of the planets most associated with Gemini and Mercury is quick, sharp and clever—here, there and everywhere. Mercury builds bridges between people and ideas.

Early June brings a great deal of activity. On June 2nd, Venus will sit in the same area of the heavens as Uranus. This is stimulating to the creative life. It brings the unexpected in love and creativity, excites new possibility and artistry. Be open to improvisation and reinvention. Be open to creating a new pattern in your life.

Two days later, June 4th, the planet Mars moves into Cancer. Mars is the warrior. When in the energy of Cancer, Mars is the warrior who can produce and protect. Even though we are in the very active time of Gemini, when Mars moves into Cancer, there can often be a gestating time. Something can be quietly growing or needing extra care and nourishment. If you work at home, you might get a surge of energy and aspiration because Cancer rules the area of home and hearth and Mars brings vitality.

One day later, June 5th, Venus moves into a new sign as well—the sign of Taurus. Venus loves to work though Taurus. Both the planet and sign are deeply interested in manifesting beauty and producing value. This is a good financial combination. It tends to attract what it needs. We can use these energies to hold our next step in the light of intuition so we move forward with clarity and the power to attract.

The very next day, June 6th, Mercury moves into Gemini. This will amplify the Gemini energy already at work. The two weeks following this shift will be incredibly busy and stimulating. You won’t find a better time to network or create relationship. You can use this energy both professionally and personally. And sometimes, the friendship created out of curiosity and joy will evolve into a relationship that will serve your work in the world as well.

When you think about Gemini, think energy, curiosity, delight and movement. Think writing, speaking, and connecting. Carry a spirit of goodwill toward all you meet. In Gemini, we can ultimately build a tapestry of love, light, and connection just by offering the best of ourselves to everyone we meet.

So what does all of this mean for your career? Let’s look closer…


Here’s what you need to know:

ELLEN: On June 2nd, Venus aligns with Uranus, which means… get ready for the unexpected! On this date, and for about a week after this date, it’s an especially great time to disrupt patterns, try new things, and think creatively. If your job hunt has been feeling “stalled” or “stuck,” it’s time to mix it up! Improvise and try something out of the ordinary.

For example, if you’ve applied for 30 jobs on a big website like, but you haven’t gotten any responses, this would be a good time to change up your strategy. Instead of sitting by your computer applying for positions online, get out of the house—and out of the box.

Head to a co-working space, attend a free seminar, throw a dinner party and invite a few people you don’t know very well, or sign up for a couple hours of volunteer work. Chat with your next-door neighbor. Chat with your Uber driver. Chat with the woman standing in front of you at the grocery store. Ask people about their careers and ask questions like, “Where do you work?” “Do you like the company?” “What’s the best part about working there?” “Do you happen to know if they’re hiring right now?”

The simple act of “chatting with people” can spark new relationships and unlock all kinds of surprising information and opportunities. You never know where these kinds of conversations might lead. Your yoga teacher’s sister might be the HR director at your dream company. Your neighbor might be a former Twitter employee with great tips on how to apply for a job there. You may already know a whole bunch of people who can help you find your next job. You never know until… you start chatting!


Here’s what you need to know…

ELLEN: On June 4th, the planet Mars moves into Cancer. On this day, and for a few days afterward, you might feel an urge to cocoon yourself, rest, and treat yourself to some extra TLC. Don’t fight that urge… embrace it!

With the Mars-Cancer combination, we’ve got an interesting blend of “warrior energy” from Mars plus “emotional sensitivity” from Cancer. This gives us a chance to pause, breathe, and ask, “What do I need to change in order to feel emotionally/mentally healthy? How can I take better care of myself? How can I protect myself from negativity and excessive stress? How can I nourish myself and avoid burning out?”

If you’re already employed, this would be a nice week to take a day or two off work. Give yourself a “mental health” day. Sleep in. Recharge. Don’t even peek at your work-related email. Don’t peek at the latest Trump news, either. Give yourself a chance to exhale and find your center again. You’ll feel amazingly refreshed.

If you can’t take time off work, then make sure to dial up the self-care. Treat yourself to a nourishing lunch and give yourself a real lunch break—with no laptop or phone—rather than munching at your desk while you work. Take a mid-afternoon walk to stretch your legs. Clock out at 5pm sharp instead of pushing yourself into overtime-mode. Tip: book a pedicure or massage for 6pm to motivate yourself to leave work on time!

During this cocoon-time, you might notice some new ideas gestating inside your mind. Maybe a new project you’d love to work on, or a new system that could be implemented at work. Jot your ideas down as they tumble into your brain. When we allow ourselves to slow down and recharge, that’s when our brightest “lightning bolt ideas” tend to strike!


Here’s what you need to know…

ELLEN: Trying to find more clients and customers, or some other type of opportunity—like a new sponsor for your podcast, a book deal, or a paid speaking engagement? Great news: June 6th – 20th is prime time for networking in a lively, joyful way! Expect a busy, stimulating couple of weeks. With Mercury moving Gemini, this two-week period is all about communicating, connecting, socializing, and expressing yourself.

This is a great time to… Email former customers and see how they’re doing. Email potential clients to pitch a fun new package that you just whipped together. Invite a few colleagues out for brunch. Host a wine tasting at your studio. Throw a spontaneous webinar for your mailing list subscribers. Mercury is all about communicating your beliefs and ideas, so… write, podcast, teach, and speak up! Your efforts will be doubly rewarded during this time.

One word of caution: Gemini is a lively, chatty sign, and your communication powers will be super-heightened with Mercury in the mix, too. However, Gemini can also create an indecisive, wishy-washy feeling. “Too many amazing options. Ugh, I can’t choose!”… that’s the eternal Gemini dilemma! So as you’re networking, scheduling events, and RSVP-ing for parties, be realistic about your availability, and try not to overbook yourself. Also, don’t flake out once you’ve made a commitment. (Canceling a brunch date with a business colleague 45 minutes before it’s supposed to happen? Not great.) Be decisive and follow-through on your promises so that you strengthen your relationships instead of weakening them.

Overall, this is GREAT month for…

— Curiosity, delight, feeling energized, and all kinds of movement—creative movement and physical movement, too.

— Communicating with joy, writing, speaking, teaching, and connecting… and lots of interesting chats! Strike up a conversation with the person sitting next to you on your next flight. Compliment a stranger’s unique t-shirt. Ask someone about their new TV show obsession. You never know where these kinds of conversations might lead!

— Random acts of kindness. Carry a spirit of goodwill toward all you meet and spread light and love. Be “the life of the party,” even if “the party” is just you chatting quietly with one colleague over coffee.


May 20th – Sun moves into Gemini. (We’re entering a lively, quick-witted, chatty, high-energy month!)

June 2nd – Venus conjunct Uranus. (Excellent time for creative, out of the box thinking. Improvise. Reinvent. Do the unexpected.)

June 4th – March moves into Cancer. (Gestate, rest, and give yourself lots of TLC. Take a breather in the midst of a very busy month.)

June 5th – Venus moves into Taurus. (A great day for making something beautiful that’s also valuable and profitable. Sell that new painting. Launch a new product.)

June 6th – Mercury moves into Gemini. (We’re kicking off a two-week period that’s excellent for networking and connecting. Print extra business cards, fill your social calendar, mingle and chat!)


“Be a lamp or a lifeboat or a ladder. Help someone’s soul heal. Walk out of your house like a shepherd.” —Jalaluddin Rumi

I know a Gemini woman (birthday: June 12th) who’s currently working in Thailand, volunteering on farms, helping to repair houses, traveling lightly, meeting all kinds of new people, and having the time of her life! She’s spreading delight and joy everywhere she goes—and all throughout her journey, unexpected blessings keep tumbling in. A free place to stay. A free meal. A free ride. An unexpected opportunity to study yoga for 30 days at a top-notch training center. And who knows what tomorrow will bring?

That’s the type of “Gemini attitude” we can all try to cultivate this month. We can be lamps, lifeboats, and ladders. We can spread goodwill. We can throw ourselves into the next adventure—whatever it may be—with an open mind and open heart. We can chat with strangers. We can repair houses and build bridges. This is a time to open our arms—not cross them over our chests. And, this is an especially good time to whirl out of the box, challenge ourselves, and approach life and work differently. To quote a very famous Gemini, Angelina Jolie, “If you don’t get out of the box you’ve been raised in, you won’t understand how much bigger the world is.”

Whatever you’re working on this month, I’m wishing you great success.

Have a joyous month!


Learn more about my career & business coaching services here.

Learn more about Heidi and her astrological services here.

Your Career Forecast: April / May 2017

Ellen Fondiler | Career Forecast: April / May 2017

I work as a career and business strategist. But my secret passion is… astrology!

About once a month,  I post an overview of what’s happening in the cosmos and how it might influence your career. It’s called: Your Career Forecast.

Whether you’re job-hunting, running your own business, or wondering about the ideal time to ask for a raise or take a vacation, each Career Forecast will reveal the important dates and cosmic shifts that you need to know about.

I am joined by my dear friend, Heidi Rose Robbins, a master astrologer who will provide expert insight into what’s going on in the stars.

Let’s dive in!


What’s going on this month…

HEIDI: The Sun moves into Taurus on April 19th at 1:26 pm PST. Taurus is an earth sign, one of great manifestation and beauty. Taurus lands us in the middle of spring when everything is blooming and beauty abounds. One of the signs of financial success, Taurus can make us rich on many levels. But money is not the only signature of wealth. Taurus asks us to look for abundance in the realm of beauty. It asks us to be thankful for the light hidden in all things. Taurus deeply appreciates being alive and sees the replenishment available in the natural world. A sunset can restore a sense of hope. A little flower breaking through the crack in a cement sidewalk can instill a new sense of courage.

Taurus is also a sign of tremendous Will. This is a sign that has the WILL to get something done or to stand, immovable and unshakeable, in the name of what is true and good. If you want steady strength, invoke Taurus.

This is a busy month astrologically. Mercury retrogrades into Aries on April 20th. It was in Aries just a short while ago and its return can signify another chance to plant new seeds. If you missed the window of launching new ideas, you have until May 16th to brainstorm and discuss what next wants to be created. It’s a dip back into feisty and fierce creation process.

Mars moves into Gemini April 21st, which ignites the warrior of words. If you have something to say, Mars will give the words a punch. The only danger here is scattering your thoughts and energy. Your choice of words and how you deliver them will be very important for the next couple of months. Be careful of reacting too quickly with too much force. Pause before sending that fiery email.

On April 24th (and again on May 11th) Mercury trines Saturn. This is a great transit for clear, practical thinking. Saturn gives structure to your thought. If you’ve been putting off writing a blog (or a novel) get started now. You have time and structure on your side. It’s also a great time for favorable outcomes when talking to people in positions of authority.

On April 28th, Venus moves into Aries. It has been swimming in the waters of Pisces and now dries off with the fires of Aries. You can fall in love quickly now—with a person or your work. Watch the impulsivity, but use this transit to take a leap into the new.

Mercury will conjunct Uranus (which is another way of saying that the planets will occupy the same degree of the zodiac) on April 28th and again on May 10th. There is a lot going on with Mercury this month. This transit is responsible for brilliant brainstorms and new ways of solving problems. Lightning can strike with the transit or you can just shake up the way you’ve been thinking or talking about things.

Use May 12th, when Mars trines Jupiter, to take bold action. This is generally a time of good fortune and positive movement forward. It is often associated with right timing. This is great for repairing relationships or forging new ones.

Finally on May 16th, Mercury will move into Taurus, which slows us down a bit. We can take a breath and a break and move more methodically. We study things carefully under this transit. We don’t skim what we are reading. We steep in it. Use this time to ruminate, meditate and activate a clear thinking process.

Remember, Taurus is a great sign for providing steadiness while you manifest. You can take clear, rhythmic action forward during this month. Don’t let the sometimes laziness of Taurus win the day. Absolutely have a gorgeous picnic in a field of flowers but then apply yourself. You can achieve much during the Taurus month.

What does all of this mean for your career? Let’s look closer…


Here’s what you need to know…

ELLEN: Use May 12th, when Mars trines Jupiter, to take bold action. Not sure what type of “action” you ought to be taking? Here’s a suggestion…

Make a list of 30 people that you know pretty well—including friends, family, colleagues, teachers, classmates, Internet buddies, anybody you can think of.

Then on May 12th, write a personal email to each person—30 emails in total. In each email, say, “Hey! You probably don’t know this, but I’m hunting for a new job right now.” Describe your dream job. Then say, “Please tuck me in the back of your mind. If you happen to hear about a job like that, let me know! Or if there’s anyone you think I should meet, or any companies you think I should check out, please let me know that, too.”

If you email 30 different people on May 12th, that’s a huge step! That’s 30 people who might be able to help you find your dream job. The more people that know about your job hunt, the better! You never know… someone might write back right away to say, “I know the perfect opportunity for you!”

And no, it really doesn’t take much time to fire off 30 emails—especially if you’re saying almost exactly the same thing in each one. You can probably send out 30 emails in less than three hours… while sipping a latte. Buckle down and get it done!


Here’s what you need to know…

ELLEN: Mercury aligns with Uranus on April 28th and again on May 10th. Both of those days are fabulous for brainstorming and creative problem solving. You’ll feel a “shake it up” energy in the air. If you’re having a meeting at work to discuss a recurring challenge, these are great days to wipe the slate clean. Rip up the old blueprint. Erase the chalkboard. Start from square one. Brainstorm together and see if you can come up with a fresh solution that hasn’t been tried before.

April 28th is a double-powerful day, because on that day, Venus moves into Aries. Venus is all about love, warmth, and harmony. Aries is all about new ideas and fiery action. Combine these forces together, and you’ve got a day where you might find yourself falling deeply in love with your work—or falling in love all over again. (Or falling in love with a co-worker, for that matter!)

April 28th is also a fantastic day to start a new project at work—especially a project that that’s driven by your heart and your emotions. Maybe you’re passionate about helping young women build confidence and reach their potential. Why not start a mentoring program at your office so you can work directly with teenage girls, and help them explore exciting career opportunities? Or maybe you’re passionate about mental health. You could collaborate with your company’s HR department to start a “de-stress club” where you get people away from their desks, outside in the fresh air, taking a 20-minute walk—without their phones. What type of project or initiative lights up your heart? Do it! April 28th would be the perfect day to get things started.


Here’s what you need to know…

ELLEN: On April 21st, Mars moves into Gemini. Mars is the planet of fiery, passionate action, and Gemini is expressive, sociable, and chatty. Put these together, and you’ve got a powerful day for communication! If you need to send a newsletter to your customers, make a big product announcement, or send out a press release, this would be a great day to do it.

Just make sure your writing isn’t too hot-headed and aggressive (Mars can have a militant, war-like quality). And make sure you’re not rambling all over the place (Gemini loves to explore both sides of any situation, which can create a scattered feeling). Tap into your emotions, definitely, but stay focused on the main point you’re trying to make. Before you hit “Send,” check in and ask yourself, “What’s my intention with this piece of writing? Is my intention coming through loud and clear?” If so… excellent! Send it out!

On April 24th and May 11th, Mercury trines Saturn. This combination of planetary forces is excellent for entrepreneurs, because it creates clear, focused thinking. Goodbye, brain fog! Use these days to focus on the skeleton of your business. The bones. The foundation. The systems and structures.

Look at your website with fresh eyes. Does the website navigation structure that you set up three years ago still make sense today? Think about your business model. Is it time to retire a few of your products or services, and clear the way for something new? What about that new project you’ve been percolating on? Maybe it’s time to title it, outline it, and create a clear structure and timeline for completion.

Saturn gives structure to your thoughts. Instead of feeling dreamy and starry-eyed, on April 24th and May 11th, you may find yourself feeling extra-focused and authoritative, like an architect determined to create a new building. Put this stone here! That beam goes there! That should be pine, not cedar! Create new structures that will support the next chapter of your business.


• Brainstorming. Shaking things up. Starting a passion project—something born from your heart. Finding beauty in everyday moments. Writing and communicating with energy and intensity. Planning out the second half of the year.

• MONEY! With the Sun in Taurus, it’s a great time for anything money-related. Ask for that raise with confidence. Launch a new product. Increase your hourly rate. Search for all kinds ways to feel more abundant and prosperous—new bed linens, more free time, a nightly bubble bath instead of a shower, whatever sounds “luxurious” to you.

• However, Mercury is retrograde for a big chunk of this month — April 9th to May 3rd — so be sure to back-up your computer, double-check for typos, and anticipate plenty of unexpected travel delays and other time-consuming hiccups. Take some time to “put your house in order,” literally and emotionally. Tidy and de-clutter. Tie up loose ends. Get back to basics—good eating habits, an energizing morning routine, a full night’s sleep, a gratitude practice. That’s the best way to use the retrograde energy in a productive way!


April 19th – Sun moves into Taurus. (Blooming, abundance, wealth, renewed hope.)

April 20th – Mercury retrogrades into Aries. (Today’s theme: “A second chance.”)

April 21st – Mars moves into Gemini. (Be a word warrior. Whatever you need to say, say it now!)

April 24th – Mercury trines Saturn. (Clear, practical thinking. Create sensible new systems and structures.)

April 28th – Venus moves into Aries. (Love is in the air! Fall in love with your work all over again—or fall in love with a new project.)

April 28th – Mercury conjuncts Uranus. (Shake things up! Fresh ideas. New solutions.)

May 10th – Mercury conjuncts Uranus again. (Another opportunity to shake things up!)

May 11th – Mercury trines Saturn. (Another round of Clear, practical thinking.)

May 12th – Mars trine Jupiter. (Take bold action. Get out there. Don’t hide at home watching Netflix.)

May 16th – Mercury moves into Taurus. (Take a deep breath. Take a break. Move a little more slowly and methodically.)


“It’s a beautiful day. Don’t let it get away.” —Bono

Bono, the lead singer of U2, was born under the sign of Taurus. His song “Beautiful Day” is a perfect example of the Taurus spirit. Work hard, but not too hard. Keep marching forward with your goals, but don’t forget to pause and appreciate the sunrise. Find beauty in ordinary, everyday moments. Earn money, while remembering that there are many types of “wealth.” Enjoy all of life’s basic pleasures—good food, good conversations, and the simple joy of having a home, a bed, and a roof over your head.

Taurus invites us to work steadily but also live fully—don’t let life “get away” from you while you’re bent over a computer screen. Look up occasionally. Breathe. Feel. LIVE.

Whatever you’re working on this month, I’m wishing you great success.

Have an amazing month!


Learn more about my career & business coaching services here.

Learn more about Heidi and her astrological services here.