Category: Career Forecast

Your Career Forecast: October / November 2019

Ellen Fondiler | Your Career Forecast: October / November 2019

Once a month, I post an overview of what’s happening in the cosmos and how it might influence your career. It’s called the Career Forecast.

Whether you’re job-hunting, employed, or running a business, each Career Forecast reveals the important dates you need to know.

I’m joined by my dear friend, Heidi Rose Robbins, a master astrologer who provides expert insight into what’s going on in the stars.

Love these forecasts? Want more? Book a Chart Your Career session. You get a 60 minute astrology reading with Heidi plus a 60 minute career strategy session with me. Find out what’s happening in your chart right now, what to expect from the year ahead, and how to take your career in the direction you want it to go. Schedule a Chart Your Career session here.


What’s going on this month…

HEIDI: The Sun moves into Scorpio on October 23rd at 10:20 am Pacific time. We enter a fixed, water sign embodying intensity, depth, and transformation. Scorpio fights the necessary fight within and without. It is tenacious and courageous. It faces its own fear and wrestles it into the light where it can become love. Scorpio season is always one of shedding, healing, and re-emerging. It dives deep to bring treasures to the light of day.

There is a New Moon in Scorpio on October 27th which is a potent time to name what wants and needs to be transformed. It’s a perfect time to do a ritual releasing the old fear or obstacle and making way for the new. In what area do we wish to feel victorious? In what area do we feel it is most necessary to make an offering to the fire?

Mercury moves retrograde on October 31st. It stays retrograde until November 10th. It will be in Scorpio that entire time. We are doing deep psychological work at this time. Mercury retrograde is not necessarily a time to press forward—rather, to review, reflect, and reassess. We turn inward to do the work that is often pushed to the back burner. This is a brilliant time to do therapeutic work or body work that helps to release the old.

On November 1st, Venus moves into Sagittarius which is like a breath of fresh air. This month will be a time to dream about where we are headed. It offers a surge of idealism and a willingness to take a few risks along the way.

The Full Moon of the Scorpio Season is November 12th. The beautiful invocatory phrase for Scorpio is, “Warrior I am and from the Battle I Emerge Triumphant.” This is a moment every year when we can struggle our way to higher ground, when we can glimpse and even experience moments of triumph over old fears and old patterns of behavior. We summon light to use as a sword. As Ruth St. Denis says, “I use my body as a gleaming sword to carve out lines of beauty on the face of the world.” Our tests transform us. And we deeply commit to offering the beauty that emerges after the struggle.

Mars moves into Scorpio on November 18th which amplifies our tenacity. There’s no giving up now. This is pure grit and determination.

Finally, Mercury moves direct on November 20th. We are released into the next chapter after our review and reflection about the last several months. All communications freely move forward.

Let’s think of this month as a month of victory. What might we overcome? What might we wrestle into the light? What might we transform? It’s a month of healing. Let’s use it well.

What does all of this mean for your career? Let’s look closer…


Here’s what you need to know…

ELLEN: When Mercury goes retrograde, people often cringe—worrying about canceled flights, long delays, email blunders (whoops, uh, didn’t mean to click “reply all” on that one!), all kinds of logistical and technological meltdowns.

But Mercury retrograde isn’t necessarily a “bad” time. In fact, if you’re searching for a new job, you can definitely use Mercury retrograde to your advantage.

We have our next Mercury retrograde beginning October 31st. This is not the ideal time to begin a brand-new project—however, it’s a great time to evaluate a project that’s already in motion (say, hunting for a new job), assess what’s working and what’s not, and tidy things up.

Use the final day of October and the first 20 days of November to tap into Mercury retrograde energy and tie up loose ends. You’ve emailed your resume to a few places but haven’t heard back? Follow up and find out if the position has been filled or not. You’ve been meaning to update your LinkedIn profile to include your latest accomplishments, but haven’t gotten around to it? Do it now. A friend emailed you the link to an interesting company that’s hiring now, but you haven’t investigated yet? Now’s the time.

Mercury is the planet of communication—emails, texts, conversations, messages of all kinds. Retrograde means going backwards. And so, Mercury retrograde is often a time when people from your past resurface and reach out in surprising ways. For instance: you might get an email from a former employer, out of the blue, wondering where you’re working these days. Or, a text from a classmate you haven’t seen in ages. Stay open and receptive to these “blasts from the past.” You never know—that high school marching band member you haven’t seen in twenty years might now be head of HR and Hiring at Google!


Here’s what you need to know…

ELLEN: If you’re employed, November 1st is a powerful day to note—especially if you’ve been feeling a little bored, stagnant, or just “meh” about your work lately.

When Venus moves into Sagittarius on November 1st, we have the planet of love and relationships, plus the sign of new goals, freedom, and adventure. It’s an exciting combination. You might fall back in love with your career all over again—or maybe for the first time!

On this day, ask yourself, “Do I feel ‘in love’ with my work? If not, what would make my job feel more meaningful?” “What would make my job feel like an adventure?” “What are some new goals I’d like to pursue?” “Are there any tweaks, big or small, that would make coming into work feel 10x more exciting?”

Sagittarius is all about freedom, so consider asking yourself, “Do I feel ‘trapped’ or ‘bogged down’ at work? What would help me to feel more free? What do I need?” Often, a relatively small shift—like working offsite one day a week—at a peaceful location where you won’t be continually interrupted—can make a massive difference in how you feel at work.

November 18th is another powerful day. Mars moves into Scorpio, so we’ve got an intense combination of energies. Mars brings a warrior attitude—charge ahead, get it done, win the day—plus we have Scorpio’s qualities of shedding, renewal, and transformation. If there’s a situation at work that’s been stuck—or that you’ve neglecting for some reason—this is a fantastic day to dive back in, full throttle. Decide, “It’s time to tackle this with full power. Let’s get moving!” With Mars on your side, you can gallop forward and make big progress quickly. Extra credit: watch inspirational movies (like Wonder Woman or Mulan) to get into that warrior mindset!


Here’s what you need to know…

ELLEN: The entire month of Scorpio—beginning October 23rd—is all about shedding, healing, and transformation. A very potent time to let go of anything that’s burdening you—including burdensome thoughts and beliefs.

Review your business year thus far. Write a list of your proudest accomplishments. Write another list of your greatest discouragements, disappointments, mistakes, anything that feels heavy in your heart. Then do something—whatever feels good to you—to clear that heaviness out of your mind and body. Dance it out of your system, take a long walk, burn a piece of paper, talk it out with a mentor, whatever works for you. Use the energy of Scorpio to cleanse any lingering emotional residue so that it’s no longer weighing on you. You don’t want to carry any of that into the next month—or the New Year!

If you love rituals (like burning sage or lighting a vigil candle) check out Briana Saussy’s new book, Making Magic, which is filled with simple rituals you can do to cleanse your home, workspace, and more. You don’t need any special “witchy” powers. In her book, Briana beautifully articulates that doing “magic” really just means, “doing something to make everyday life feel a little more extraordinary.”

If you run your own business, I also want to highlight November 20th. On this day, Mercury goes direct, which means communication flows even more freely—and it’s an ideal time to begin new projects. If you’ve been yearning to record an audiobook, launch a podcast, or any other kind of creative project, November 20th (or after that date) is an especially good time to begin.


Scorpios are passionate, faithful, intuitive, and tend to create catharsis and healing wherever they go.

Bill Gates
He has given away $50 billion to date because he’s determined to heal systems that don’t work and make the planet a better place.

Hillary Clinton
A woman who devoted her entire career to public service and healing a fractured nation, and whose passion enabled her to make history—many times over.

Brené Brown
This academic researcher became a household name after giving a TED Talk about the power of emotional vulnerability—letting down your shield and saying what you truly think and feel.

This emotional, passionate singer isn’t afraid to share what he really feels. He’s so proud to be a Scorpio, he even named one of his albums Scorpion.


Healing, catharsis, and transformation. Pour feelings into your journal. Hike until you’re pouring with sweat. Let it all out.

Bringing emotions to the surface. What have you been hiding, stuffing down, not doing, or not saying? It’s time to face the music.

Being intense—in a good way. Write a love letter. Hug your kids tightly. Fully commit to a project at work. Give your all. Don’t hold back.

Using the Mercury retrograde time in a positive way. Take a step back to review and assess, act with great discernment, and tie up loose ends.

Letting go of the old, welcoming the new! It’s like an early New Years Day.


October 23rd: The Sun moves into Scorpio. We begin a month-long period of intensity, intuition, healing, and deep emotions coming up to the surface.

October 27th: The New Moon in Scorpio. Tremendous healing potential.

October 31st: Mercury moves retrograde. Review, reflect, and reassess. Take a step back. Finish what you’ve already started.

November 1st: Venus moves into Sagittarius—a breath of fresh air. Love, idealism, and adventure abounds!

November 12th: Full Moon of the Scorpio. Scorpio energy at its peak!

November 18th: Mars moves into Scorpio, bringing a feeling of grit and determination.

November 20th: Mercury moves direct. Communication freely moves forward.


“When I let go of what I am, I become what I might be.” ―Lao Tzu

Scorpio invites us to shed, release, and step into a new season of life.

Use this emotionally-charged time to focus on anything that feels “not quite right” in your life and career. Are you bored of doing the same tasks every week? Have you outgrown your current position? Are you running a profitable business, except you’re also working too hard, depleting your health, and running yourself into the ground?

It’s time for self-evaluation and honesty—because stuffing down your emotions just doesn’t work in the long run! If something doesn’t feel right, then it’s got to change. Scorpio is here to guide the way.

Let go of anything that feels outdated—so that fresh energy and new possibilities can flood into your life.

Much love,

Ellen & Heidi

Want a personalized astrological forecast + career planning session—based on your star chart? Book a Chart Your Career session here. Let’s take a close look what’s happening in your chart—and what it means for your career!

Your Career Forecast: September / October 2019

Ellen Fondiler | Your Career Forecast: September / October 2019

Once a month, I post an overview of what’s happening in the cosmos and how it might influence your career. It’s called the Career Forecast.

Whether you’re job-hunting, employed, or running a business, each Career Forecast reveals the important dates you need to know.

I’m joined by my dear friend, Heidi Rose Robbins, a master astrologer who provides expert insight into what’s going on in the stars.

Love these forecasts? Want more? Book a Chart Your Career session. You get a 60 minute astrology reading with Heidi plus a 60 minute career strategy session with me. Find out what’s happening in your chart right now, what to expect from the year ahead, and how to take your career in the direction you want it to go. Schedule a Chart Your Career session here.


What’s going on this month…

HEIDI: The Sun moves into Libra on September 23rd at 12:51 am Pacific Time.

Libra is an air sign and rules relationship. It is also the great sign of peace. It’s interested in justice, fairness, and equality and stands up for how we treat one another. It is also a sign deeply interested in beauty and harmony, with an eye for design.

When the Sun is in Libra, we all have a chance to find our center point. We can quiet down enough to make clear, deliberate choices. We are deeply interested in collaborative opportunities. And let’s not forget that Libra is the sign of marriage and partnership, so our relationship lives often get a sweet boost.

September 28th brings a New Moon in Libra. This is an auspicious time to think about partnerships and potential collaborators. Who inspires you? Is there someone with whom you’ve always wanted to work? Reach out! Ask for a coffee date. Brainstorm together. Double the potential.

Pluto moves direct on October 2nd. This simply means that the planet of power and will is now more present and active. When Pluto was retrograde, we all were doing our fair share of healing and transforming. We faced the dark, cleaned a few things up and emerged. Now, Pluto says, “Let’s move forward as the powerful beings we are. Let’s instigate healing for others. Let’s build wealth and WILL so we can be a powerful agent of good in the world.”

October 3rd is a busy day. Mercury moves into Scorpio and Mars moves into Libra. Mercury in Scorpio dives deep and investigates. Mars in Libra fights for what’s right. We are willing to fight for better conditions and we are willing to strive for more harmony and equilibrium in our lives. Mercury in Scorpio is great for strategizing, while Mars in Libra brings the power of good negotiation.

Venus joins Mercury in Scorpio on October 8th. The planet of love enters the sign of depth and intensity. Be aware of potential jealousy or more heightened feeling in the realm of relationship. This combination, however, is good financially. You might attract some interesting business deals or partnerships.

Finally there’s a FULL MOON on October 13th. This is the Libra Full Moon when we meditate on bringing more unity to a very dualistic world. We strive to use diplomacy to create more common ground. We start with our own lives and our own inner experience. How can we activate greater balance and unity in our own personal lives?

Let’s use this month to make small choices that lead to bigger visions and dreams. Let’s this foster our relationships and collaborations. And why not use this month to meet a few new friends, a few new inspirations? Every day is a chance to be inspired by another gorgeous human.

What does all of this mean for your career? Let’s look closer…


Here’s what you need to know…

ELLEN: October 2nd is a strong day for job-hunters. Pluto, the planet of power and will, moves direct. This is a moment of enhanced willpower and drive. You may notice a sudden desire to go, go, go, full steam ahead. No more waffling on the fence!

Pluto is also associated with death, cleansing, and renewal. Think: Hades, God of the underworld in Greek mythology. Pluto invites us to identify our demons, purge, cleanse, and transform. Intense? Yes! But sometimes, very necessary.

If you’ve been feeling stuck with your job search, tap into this Pluto energy and ask yourself, “What’s stopping me, really? What’s been getting in the way? What is the deepest truth?”

For example, are you feeling stalled with your job search because, in fact, you don’t actually want a new job? Perhaps you dream about running your own business, but you’re scared that you won’t succeed, so you’ve been half-heartedly searching for a new 9-to-5 job even though the prospect of a new job doesn’t excite you.

Or, are you avoiding networking events because you feel insecure about your weight, your skin, your age, your conversation skills, the fact that you lack a college degree, or something else? Try to get to the root of why your job hunt has been stalling. What’s really going on, emotionally? What insecurities are holding you back? Let Pluto reveal the truth, so you can choose to do something about it.


Here’s what you need to know…

ELLEN: If you’re employed, I’d recommend marking down September 28th which is the New Moon in Libra. This day is charged with excellent energy for partnerships of all kinds.

Do you want someone at your company to become your new mentor? Would you like to collaborate with someone at the office on a special project—like starting a yoga-at-lunchtime series, walking club, or public speaking training program? Perhaps you have an idea on how to take a project that’s been stuck and approach it from a new angle—partnering with your colleagues in a fresh way?

September 28th is a powerful day to join forces with inspiring people. And, since it’s the New Moon, it’s also a great day to start new projects and set new intentions. Projects that get started on (or around) the New Moon tend to flourish especially beautifully.

If you already have a job, another day I’d like to highlight is October 3rd. Mercury moves into Scorpio and Mars moves into Libra. The spirit in the air is, “Let’s fight for better conditions. Let’s negotiate. Let’s reach for more.”

This is an ideal day to ask for something you want. You want a nicer office? A more flexible schedule? Higher pay? Or maybe a bonus/incentive program to reward you for hitting certain goals? Whatever you’d love to have, ask now. Talk to your employer and make an enticing win-win proposition that they can’t refuse. With Mars in Libra, you’ll have extra-sharp negotiating skills on this day.

If negotiating makes you nervous, check out the free negotiating tips at Women Who Ask. Also, check out Ladies Get Paid (see my interview with founder Claire Wasserman). For personalized life and career coaching, apply to join my Mastermind program. You’ll work with me plus a small group of peers to breathe fresh energy into your life and work. Set exciting new goals. Take action consistently. Create beautiful, exciting changes. As a former attorney, I’m more than happy to brainstorm negotiation strategies with you—or anything else you want to discuss!


Here’s what you need to know…

ELLEN: I mentioned September 28th previously but I want to highlight it again! As someone who cherishes deep, and meaningful relationships, I’m especially excited about this day. With the New Moon in Libra, this is a lovely day to ask yourself, “Who makes my life even more beautiful? Who inspires me?”

As a New Moon ritual, write down a list of 5 people who inspire you—creatively, professionally, personally, in any way. Then, do something big or small to connect with each of those people. Spark a new relationship. Or deepen an existing one.

A few ideas: On the New Moon, you could send a fan letter to someone whose work uplifts you. You could invite someone to attend your next class or workshop—for free—as your guest of honor. You can email a dream client and say, “I don’t know if you’re looking for [describe your service] right now, but if you’re ever looking to hire someone like me in the future, I’d be very interested in working with your company!”

As an entrepreneur, the best way to get more clients, more opportunities, and more sales is to reach out and connect with people. Always. It’s all about relationships. Nothing happens when you’re isolated at home all alone, cut off from the pulse of the world. So, reach out and connect in a genuine, sincere way. With a strong community around you, your business will thrive.

Also, because Libra is all about fairness and justice, this entire month is a great time to do some positive “payback” and “make things right.” For instance, if there’s a business podcast you love—you’ve listened to 100 episodes but you’ve never donated to the Patreon fund to keep the show going, now’s the time to make things right. Post a five-star review. Make a donation. Contribute. Bring things back into rightness and balance. Heidi’s wonderful podcast The Radiance Project is only $5/month in exchange for so much goodness.

Venus joins Mercury in Scorpio on October 8th. This is a powerful day to communicate with your fanbase, customers, or clients in a manner that’s loving—but also deep and emotional. This is not the day for superficial musings about breakfast ideas and skincare routines (even though those are very fun to discuss!). Scorpio invites us to go deep. Post a true story about a business challenge that you’ve faced and what you learned from the experience. Record a video sharing your honest emotions and thoughts. People crave depth today so serve it up.


Librans tend to be peace-loving, steady, balanced, calm, and masterful at building relationships. Typically, they prefer working in a team—or with a partner or coach—rather than being totally alone.

Serena Williams
She’s a mom and one of the greatest athletes in history. How she manages to keep things in balance…is a mystery. It must be her Libra magic!

Will Smith
An A-list celeb with a reputation for being friendly, likeable, generous, and focused on family and relationships. Classic Libra traits.

Kim Kardashian West
With over 100 million Instagram followers, and many connections in the world of TV, media, and business, this is a woman who definitely knows how to spark relationships with people all over the world.

Snoop Dogg
A rapper who builds strong, loyal relationships—often, in surprising places! Like that time he hosted a TV cooking competition show with Martha Stewart. An unlikely duo and yet it totally works!


• Working harmoniously with others.

• Creating new partnerships, new collaborations, and new teams.

• Celebrating and deepening the relationships in your life—thank you cards, brunch with friends, an annual retreat with your business team.

• Any projects related to justice, balance, peace, love, bridging differences, coming together as one human race.

• Assessing the relationships in your life—both personal and professional—and determining which ones should stay, which should go, and which should be reinvented.

• Creating win-win situations that benefit everyone involved.

• Making things right. Paying back old debts (financial or energetic). Making reparations. Setting things back into balance.


September 23rd – The Sun moves into Libra. We enter a month-long period that’s all about justice, fairness, equality, beauty, and harmony.

September 28th – New Moon in Libra. Great day for collaborating and connecting, and for starting new projects.

October 2nd – Pluto moves direct. Be a force for good. Feel the power, will, and drive!

October 3rd – Mercury moves into Scorpio. Mars moves into Libra. Fight for what’s right. Negotiate for something better. Don’t settle for piddly crumbs.

October 8th – Venus joins Mercury in Scorpio. Strong communication powers combined with emotional depth and love.

October 13th – Libra Full Moon. Ask, “How can I create more balance and unity in my life?”


“The true test of character is to live win-win even when promoted to positions where win-lose is possible.” ―Orrin Woodward, author, Guinness Record holder, and leadership expert

Libra invites us to ask, “How can I negotiate for a better life and career? How can I experience more balance in my life? How can I reach for more of what I desire—without harming others in the process? How can I create situations that are fair, just, and win-win for everyone involved?”

Let these questions guide you into a beautiful, harmonious month.

Much love,

Ellen & Heidi

Want a personalized astrological forecast + career planning session—based on your star chart? Book a Chart Your Career session here. Let’s take a close look what’s happening in your chart—and what it means for your career!

Your Career Forecast: August / September 2019

Ellen Fondiler | Your Career Forecast: August / September 2019

Once a month, I post an overview of what’s happening in the cosmos and how it might influence your career. It’s called the Career Forecast.

Whether you’re job-hunting, employed, or running a business, each Career Forecast reveals the important dates you need to know.

I’m joined by my dear friend, Heidi Rose Robbins, a master astrologer who provides expert insight into what’s going on in the stars.

Love these forecasts? Want more? Book a Chart Your Career session. You get a 60 minute astrology reading with Heidi plus a 60 minute career strategy session with me. Find out what’s happening in your chart right now, what to expect from the year ahead, and how to take your career in the direction you want it to go. Schedule a Chart Your Career session here.


What’s going on this month…

HEIDI: The Sun moves into Virgo at 3:02 am Pacific time on August 23rd, 2019. Virgo is a sign of work, devotion, and precision. It is the most mentally acute of the earth signs, with a great love of analysis and intelligent discrimination. It’s the sign we associate with getting back to work, going back to school, and generally attending to what needs our care. It’s one of the most dedicated and determined signs, with an eye for perfection within and without.

On August 24th, Venus and Mars form an exact conjunction in Virgo as well. This is creativity married to the industry of Virgo. We not only have innovative, original ideas but begin to make them manifest. Creativity wants structure and Virgo provides the way.

Mercury joins the Sun, Venus and Mars in Virgo on August 29th just before the New Moon of Virgo on the 30th. Mercury in Virgo will help us get clear about our next steps. It will help us assess this moment in our lives. The question for the New Moon is about our devotion. Where do we wish to devote our full attention? What or whom requires the particular service we offer? We also may turn our attention to the health and well being of ourselves, our families and our communities. How can we be healthier physically, emotionally, and mentally? Another good question for the New Moon is: “What requires loving improvement in our lives?”

The Full Moon of Virgo falls on September 13th. The esoteric phrase for Virgo is: “I am the Mother and the Child, I God, I Matter, am.” Virgo pays attention to the sacred within the mundane. She attends to what needs attending in the physical world so that great grace and love can flow. Virgo is supremely devoted and willing to do hard work in the name of beauty. During the Full Moon, let’s ask ourselves what we can attend to in very practical, concrete ways that will bring greater health, ease and flow to our daily lives.

Mercury and Venus shift into Libra on September 14th. This shift brings an eloquence and peace to our communication. We explore both sides of an issues. We weigh what is the next correct choice. We strive for greater ease in all our written and spoken exchanges.

Finally, Saturn moves direct on September 18th. The qualities of Saturn—discipline, commitment, authority, and responsibility—are now strongly present. We take action on all we considered and learned during the retrograde period. We are ready for some potent, deliberate steps forward. No more procrastination!

It’s an exciting month ahead. It’s a month when much can be accomplished. Enjoy the productivity of Virgo!

What does all of this mean for your career? Let’s look closer…


Here’s what you need to know…

ELLEN: After those long, lazy, hot, and sticky summer months, Virgo brings a crisp, whip-cracking energy back into our lives. It’s time to sharpen those pencils, make a plan, and enact your plan with precision and diligence.

If you’ve been somewhat lackadaisical with your job search, now’s the ideal moment to get organized and really apply yourself.

Make a list of companies you admire. Research each one to see if they’re hiring. (Even if they’re not hiring right now, it still never hurts to get in touch and send over your résumé! Who knows? They might open a new position two weeks from now. Happens all the time.)

Reach out to interesting companies. Create a spreadsheet to track who you contacted, and when, and which people you need to follow up with. Update your résumé, if need be, and load the new version to LinkedIn. Tie up loose ends. Bring a serious, focused energy into your job search. Your efforts will be doubly rewarded during the month of Virgo!

August 29th and 30th are especially potent dates for job-hunters. With New Moon energy in the air, we’re invited to make new wishes and plant new seeds. This is a beautiful time for self-reflection. Turn inward. Check in with yourself. Take a few moments to write down some new wishes and goals. It’s believed that wishes made under the New Moon are supercharged with special energy, and more likely to come true!

Good questions to consider during the Virgo New Moon: What are your career aspirations for the next 2-5 years? What is your dream job? Not your “oh I suppose I could settle for that” just-okay job, but truly, your dream?

Contemplate these questions. Write down your thoughts. And then, let your answers determine your “next move” with your job hunt. Be honest with yourself. Have you been applying for jobs that, honestly, you don’t even want? Life is short. Why not reach for your dream?


Here’s what you need to know…

ELLEN: September 14th is a lovely day for workplace communication. Mercury and Venus shift into Libra, bringing a feeling of eloquence to our communication. Mercury rules communication. Venus is all about precision and attention to detail. Libra represents the scales of justice, fairness, and harmony. On this day, words flow gracefully. Emotions are steady. (Think: more Obama, less Trump!)

If you have an important document you’ve been working on, a presentation, any type of communication-related project, September 14th is an especially good day to work on this. Similarly, if you have to deliver some difficult news to a colleague—perhaps, giving some constructive criticism—this is an especially good day to do it. Your words are more likely to flow smoothly—and be received well.

I also want to highlight September 18th. Saturn moves direct on this day—and it’s all about discipline, commitment, and responsibility. This is a powerful day to do a self-assessment on your performance at work. Where are you flourishing? Where are you holding back? Are there any loose ends you’ve been avoiding? Any projects you’ve been procrastinating on finishing, and if so, why is that? This is an excellent day to take responsibility for your actions—and pledge to do better.

September 18th is also a great day to officially begin a new project. If there’s a project you’ve been discussing in meetings for awhile (but nobody’s actually done any concrete work to move it forward), September 18th is the perfect day to dive in (for real!) and go, go, go.


Here’s what you need to know…

ELLEN: I love this New Moon question that Heidi posed earlier: “Where do we wish to devote our full attention?” On August 30th, the night of the Virgo New Moon, this is a beautiful question to consider.

As an entrepreneur, it’s so easy to get caught up in the hamster-wheel-race of what you think you “should” or “ought” to be doing. Perhaps you’ve been told you “should” have a large Instagram following, and you “should” write an email newsletter twice a week, and hire a publicist, and launch a podcast, and strive to increase your sales every quarter, etc., etc. So many projects! So much to do! But which things are unnecessary noise—and which really deserve your attention?

August 30th is a powerful day to ask yourself, “What do I really want to be doing as a business owner? If I had two weeks to live, how would I run my business? What really matters? What doesn’t?”

Another great question to help you simplify and subtract: “Which of my marketing efforts lead directly to new clients/customers, and which are just sucking up my time without yielding any rewards?” Is there anything you could delete from your to-do list? The answer is probably: Yes.

The Full Moon of Virgo falls on September 13th. Virgo energies reach their peak! Celebrate your accomplishments from the last month, large and small. What did you check off your list? What did you complete? What loose ends did you tie up? How have you created even more order, grace, and ease in your life?

Every astrological sign has a light side—and a dark one, too. Virgo’s dark side is a highly self critical, perfectionistic, nothing’s-ever-good-enough attitude towards life. All the more reason to focus on your “wins” from the month! Rather than obsessing about what you haven’t finished yet, take a moment to acknowledge everything you’ve done. It’s probably a great deal more than you think.


Virgos are perfectionists, quick-thinking, observant, and analytical. They pay attention to detail and have a tendency to be critical—both within and without. They’re hard workers and go all out with whatever they do. So, it’s no wonder that the following people were born under this sign…


Beyoncé is a Virgo—which isn’t too surprising, given her incredible work ethic. She’s considered one of the hardest working people in show business—if not the entire world! In this interview, she explains: “I am a Virgo to the tee! […] I pay attention to details. When I do something, I do it 100 percent. I have high expectations of myself and expect the exact same thing of everyone around me. I’ve always been that way. I am all or nothing.”

If you haven’t seen it yet, watch her Homecoming documentary on Netflix to see a behind-the-scenes look at Beyonce’s incredible work ethic and determination.


A multi-talented artist who can sing, dance, and act—with astounding maturity and depth for someone who’s just 22 years old. (Side note: if you haven’t seen HBO’S Euphoria, check it out—and buckle up for serious heartbreak and drama! The Internet is already buzzing with Emmy Award predictions about Zendaya’s performance on the show.)

It takes tremendous focus and discipline to achieve such a high level of artistry and superstardom. People like Beyoncé and Zendaya prove that when it comes to “applying yourself” and “working hard to achieve your goals,” Virgos do it like nobody else!

Freddie Mercury

Did you know that Freddie, lead singer of Queen, was a huge astrology lover? In fact, he chose his last name (“Mercury”) because of its astrological significance! The band’s logo also contains secret symbols representing the zodiac signs of each band member. Fellow musicians recall that Mercury was extremely perfectionistic—an artist with a very specific vision for how he wanted his music to sound, and nothing less would suffice.

For instance, Mercury began composing his most famous song of all time—
“Bohemian Rhapsody”—in the late ’60s but did not feel ready to record until 1975, about five years later! Once recording began, it was an elaborate undertaking requiring three weeks of rehearsal time and four different recording studios, with Mercury directing every move. If that’s not Ultimate Virgo Energy, I don’t know what is! Of course—the hard work paid off. The song became the UK’s third-best-selling single of all time, with over one million copies sold.


Focus. Direct your full, undivided attention into projects that really matter.

Practicality. What’s the simplest, most sensible approach? Choose that.

Planning. Spreadsheets, checklists, and bulletin boards—to the max!

Responsibility. Tie up loose ends. Don’t leave people hanging. Handle your affairs with integrity and discipline.


August 23rd – The Sun moves into Virgo. We begin a one-month period of focused, organized, disciplined Virgo energy!

August 24th – Venus and Mars form an exact conjunction in Virgo. A combination of love, warrior-like focus, and precision. Creativity and structure, combined.

August 29th – Mercury joins the Sun, Venus and Mars in Virgo. Where do you wish to devote your full attention?

August 30th – New Moon of Virgo. Make new wishes. Consider which areas of your life/career could be lovingly improved. How will you do that?

September 13th – Full Moon of Virgo. Celebrate all that you’ve accomplished. (Watch out for perfectionistic not-good-enough gremlins lurking in your mind!)

September 14th – Mercury and Venus shift into Libra. A great day for graceful, balanced communication.

September 18th – Saturn moves direct. Take responsibility and take charge. Get things done. Let your actions speak louder than words.


“It is never too late to be what you might have been.” —George Eliot

With Virgo’s focused, productive energy, you can choose any goal imaginable—and go for it!

It’s never too late to pivot your career, reinvent yourself, or make subtle changes to upgrade your quality of life.

Have a fantastic month! No matter what type of work you do, you’ll benefit from the Virgo vibes in the air. The stars and planets are completely on your side!

Much love,

Ellen & Heidi

Want a personalized astrological forecast + career planning session—based on your star chart? Book a Chart Your Career session here. Let’s take a close look what’s happening in your chart—and what it means for your career!

Your Career Forecast: June / July 2019

Ellen Fondiler | Your Career Forecast: June / July 2019

Once a month, I join forces with my dear friend and astrologer extraordinaire, Heidi Rose Robbins to post an overview of what’s happening in the cosmos and how it might influence your career. It’s called Your Career Forecast.

Whether you’re job-hunting, running your own business, or wondering about the ideal time to ask for a raise or take a vacation, each Career Forecast reveals the important dates that you need to know about.

Let’s dive in!


What’s going on this month…

HEIDI: The Sun moves into Cancer June 21st, 2019 at 8:54 am pacific time. Here in the Northern Hemisphere, we celebrate the Summer Solstice. The sign of Cancer, at its best, carries the great Mother energy. It holds, enfolds, listens and feeds. It comforts and soothes the pain. It builds by being attuned to what wants to be built. There is something vast and spacious in how people with strong Cancer energy listen and receive.

It’s important to note that there is nothing passive about Cancer. Yes, it is sensitive and feels deeply. But its energy is potent. It is the energy of a creative builder. It is, after all, the sign of birth. It brings the NEW to life with awesome care and protection.

The only caveat for this month is to share our emotional responses as they emerge and not stuff disappointment or hide resentment. Sometimes, under Cancer, we can nurse wounds and close down instead of addressing hurt or disappointment in the moment.

Let’s explore what else this month may hold:

On June 26th, Mercury moves into Leo. We speak and write courageously. Perhaps we are more playful with the way we communicate. We do not hide or minimize our message. We are willing to share what we have to say.

Mars joins Mercury in Leo on July 1st. Mars in Leo is the courageous warrior. We come forth with the fullness of Self for the benefit or all. We offer our fiery hearts and are willing to shine. It’s a great time to step forward with confidence.

The New Moon of Cancer falls on July 2nd and is a tender time of gestation. We are willing to carefully grow a new idea or project. Yes, there is vulnerability. Yes, we may feel hesitant. But we give ourselves to the nourishment of the new. We quietly tend the growing seed.

On July 7th, Mercury moves retrograde until July 31st. Remember, this doesn’t have to be a fraught time. We are meant to reflect on the previous 4 months and not necessarily press forward with the new. But it can be a reflective, quiet, contemplative time. As ever, double check travel arrangements and try to avoid the signing of major contracts. If you must commit to something big, be sure to be thorough and attend to the details.

July 16th brings the Full Moon of Cancer. The phrase for Cancer is “I build a lighted house and therein dwell.” We envision ourselves as a lighted house, offering nourishment and warmth to those who most need our care. We envision our country as a lighted house as well, welcoming those bereft or troubled. Energy follows thought. We hold the vision and goodness can grow.

Finally, on July 19th, Mercury retrogrades from Leo into Cancer again. We revisit any feelings that haven’t been properly processed. There is an opportunity to heal some old wounds. We may feel a bit nostalgic or enjoy walking down memory lane with those we love.

Overall, this is a potent month of growth with a healthy dose of feeling sensitivity. We express the depth of our feeling. We protect what we care about most. We build slowly and surely that which is most meaningful. We spend exquisite time with family— nourishing and deepening our understanding of one another. Big love.

What does all of this mean for your career? Let’s look closer…


Here’s what you need to know…

ELLEN: This is a month when both Mars and Mercury are in Leo. This is the time to step forward with your full heart and with confidence; to go for what you are after.

In the work I do with life design I see how important it is to create the life that works for you. That very much includes the work that you do. We see so many people on Instagram or social media living lives that look so amazing and perfect. But the real question is- Is That the life that YOU want?

Being an entrepreneur may look great from the outside, but it may not be for you. You might be a person that loves working in an office. That loves having a prescribed job and tasks. That needs the support of co-workers.

So, think about what you want. Do your research. Prototype. Talk to people who are doing exactly what it is you want to do. Make lots of contacts. Then go for it.


Here’s what you need to know…

ELLEN: On July 7th, Mercury moves retrograde until July 31st. As Heidi said, it can be a reflective, quiet, contemplative time. As ever, double check travel arrangements and try to avoid the signing of major contracts. If you must commit to something big, be sure to be thorough and attend to the details.

When Mercury is retrograde it is a great time to dream and plan and lay things out. One great thing to do is to get some big butcher paper. Hang it on your wall. Make action plans. Make lists. MAP OUT your next new thing. A book? A course? A new job? Running a marathon? How will you do it? What will you need to pull it off?

Alex Franzen is the best at this. She surrounds herself with butcher paper and maps out her daily, monthly and even yearly goals. Every so often she offers a course about how to best do this. So, subscribe to her newsletter and keep your eyes open.

This gestation time is helped by the New Moon in Cancer on July 2nd.


Here’s what you need to know…

ELLEN: July 16th brings the Full Moon of Cancer. The phrase for Cancer is “I build a lighted house and therein dwell.” We envision ourselves as a lighted house, offering nourishment and warmth to those who most need our care. We envision our country as a lighted house as well, welcoming those bereft or troubled. Energy follows thought. We hold the vision and goodness can grow.

Clarissa Pinkola Estes wrote a wonderful poem called “You Were Made for This”. In it she writes:

“One of the most calming and powerful actions you can do to intervene in a stormy world is to stand up and show your soul. Soul on deck shines like gold in dark times. The light of the soul throws sparks, can send up flares, builds signal fires, causes proper matters to catch fire. To display the lantern of soul in shadowy times like these — to be fierce and to show mercy toward others; both are acts of immense bravery and greatest necessity. Struggling souls catch light from other souls who are fully lit and willing to show it. If you would help to calm the tumult, this is one of the strongest things you can do.”


It comes as no surprise that some of our most beloved actors and politicians were born under the sign of Cancer. Here are a few:

Meryl Streep (born June 22, 1949)

Mary Louise “Meryl” Streep is an American actress. Often described as the “best actress of her generation”, Streep is particularly known for her versatility and accents. Nominated for a record 21 Academy Awards, she has won three. Among other accolades, she has received 31 Golden Globe nominations, winning eight. All told, she is an American icon.

She is also very much a family person. She has been married to same man since 1978. She has 3 children. She loves to cook. She loves her home.

Tom Hanks (born July 9, 1956)

Thomas Jeffrey Hanks is an American actor and filmmaker. He is known for his comedic and dramatic roles in such films as Splash (1984), Big (1988), Turner & Hooch (1989), A League of Their Own (1992), Sleepless in Seattle (1993), Apollo 13 (1995), You’ve Got Mail (1998), The Green Mile (1999), Cast Away (2000), Road to Perdition (2002), Cloud Atlas (2012), Captain Phillips (2013), Saving Mr. Banks (2013), and Sully (2016). He has also starred in the Robert Langdon film series, and voices Sheriff Woody in the Toy Story film series. He is one of the most popular and recognizable film stars worldwide and is widely regarded as an American cultural icon.

When you think of a Cancer man, you think of Tom Hanks. He embodies heart and goodness. You trust him.

Nelson Mandela (born July 18, 1918)

Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela was a South African anti-apartheid revolutionary, political leader, and philanthropist who served as President of South Africa from 1994 to 1999. He was the country’s first black head of state and the first elected in a fully representative democratic election. His government focused on dismantling the legacy of apartheid by tackling institutionalized racism and fostering racial reconciliation. Ideologically an African nationalist and socialist, he served as President of the African National Congress (ANC) party from 1991 to 1997.

He used his Cancer energy to build a home for all South Africans. He was a father figure for the whole country. When I think of Nelson Mandela I picture that small cell he lived in for over 18 years and how he was able to make a home from the direst of places.

The Dalai Lama (born July 6, 1935)

His Holiness, the 14th Dalai Lama is Tibet’s head of state as well as the spiritual leader of the Tibetan people. He was recognized at age 2 as the reincarnation.

His Holiness the Dalai Lama is a man of peace. In 1989 he was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for his non-violent struggle for the liberation of Tibet. He has consistently advocated policies of non-violence, even in the face of extreme aggression. He also became the first Nobel Laureate to be recognized for his concern for global environmental problems. He and his people have been in exile since 1954, not easy for a Cancer!

Since the mid-1980s, His Holiness has engaged in a dialogue with modern scientists, mainly in the fields of psychology, neurobiology, quantum physics and cosmology. This has led to a historic collaboration between Buddhist monks and world-renowned scientists in trying to help individuals achieve peace of mind. It has also resulted in the addition of modern science to the traditional curriculum of Tibetan monastic institutions re-established in exile.


Overall, this is a potent month of growth with a healthy dose of feeling sensitivity. We express the depth of our feeling. We protect what we care about most. We build slowly and surely that which is most meaningful. We spend exquisite time with family, nourishing and deepening our understanding of one another. Big love.


June 26th – Mercury moves into Leo
July 1 – Mars moves into Leo
July 2 – New Moon of Cancer
July 3 – Venus moves into Cancer
July 7 – Mercury moves retrograde until July 31st
July 16 – Full Moon of Cancer
July 19 – Mercury moves into Cancer


David Whyte wrote this about his poem ‘The House of Belonging’ (a Cancer poem if there ever was one!)

“Where is the temple of my adult aloneness? In 1996, I wrote a poem called “The House of Belonging.” In it, I spoke about the small, beautifully old house I came to live in after the end of my first marriage. In the poem, I wrote: This is the temple of my adult aloneness and I belong to that aloneness as I belong to my life. That temple was the house I moved into after the end of a chapter in my life. There I would live alone, but also with my son a good deal of the time. It was a new start. There was a great deal of grief in letting go of the old, but I was so very excited about my new home. I felt that even though it was such a small house and an old house, it had endless new horizons for me, as if the rest of my life was just beginning from that place. It is important to have the equivalent of this house at every crucial stage in our lives. Where do you have that feeling of home? Do you have it in your apartment? Do you have it when you walk along the lakeshore or the seashore? Where do you have that sense of spaciousness with the horizon and with your future? Gaston Bachelard, a French philosopher, said that one of the beautiful things about a home is that it is a place where you can dream about your future, and that a good home protects your dreams; it is a place where you feel sheltered enough to risk yourself in the world.”

Move forward in this Cancer month with creativity, wisdom and an open heart.

Much love,

Ellen & Heidi

Your Career Forecast: May / June 2019

Ellen Fondiler | Your Career Forecast: May / June 2019

Once a month, I join forces with my dear friend and astrologer extraordinaire, Heidi Rose Robbins to post an overview of what’s happening in the cosmos and how it might influence your career. It’s called Your Career Forecast.

Whether you’re job-hunting, running your own business, or wondering about the ideal time to ask for a raise or take a vacation, each Career Forecast reveals the important dates that you need to know about.

Let’s dive in!


What’s going on this month…

HEIDI: The Sun moves into Gemini today, May 21st at 12:59 am pacific time. Gemini is a masculine sign full of movement and intelligence. It is primarily a sign of relationship and goodwill. The drive is to connect and weave a tapestry of relationship which reveals the connection of everyone and everything.

Gemini rules how we think, write and speak. We offer our message to the world and look for response. We create conversation to broaden consciousness. We exchange ideas to build true wisdom in the field of Humanity.

The great opportunity in the sign of Gemini is to fuse duality, to use the energy of Venus (Gemini’s soul-centered ruler) to bring harmony and wisdom to the often-warring opposites. Venus holds the point of beauty and intelligence, inviting us to use a more soulful approach to conflict.

Perhaps the greatest opportunity of this month is to cultivate conversation with your soul. Have an ongoing conversation with the true YOU. Refuse to see superficially. Look deeper at every encounter, at every exchange. Refuse to polarize. You can stand in integrity and right action without polarizing. Can you feel this?

Our hearts can blaze with oneness, with non-duality, with striving. This month I myself want to work on the relationship with my own heart. I want to feel how it is connected to every heart in this Solar System. I want to feel its universality. I envision the heart as a lit torch which once lit wants to light any heart it meets. We can ignite a chain of fiery love. Relationships are kindled through the heart.

So, during this most auspicious month, here are a few dates to note:

May 21st: Mercury moves into Gemini on the same day that the Sun shifts into Gemini. We think quickly and our desire to communicate and connect grows stronger. This is a great time to “get the word out.”

June 3rd: New Moon of Gemini. We ask ourselves beautiful questions about what it is we are meant to say, to offer to write and then we plant the seeds to do just that. Listen in and then reach out.

June 4th: Mercury moves into Cancer. We turn inward, quiet down, feel outward and communicate with care. This shift tunes us into our feeling life. Conversation is more personal. Communication might be more about family matters and sensitive issues. It’s a deeply receptive time. Mercury in Cancer demands that we stop, breathe and feel.

June 8th: Venus moves into Gemini. This is eloquence. This is an opportunity to speak or write words that can heal. This offers a window of compassionate communication.

June 17th: Full Moon of Gemini. Though the Moon is in Sagittarius, we consider this the Full Moon of Gemini. The energies of Gemini reach our Earth with greatest ease during this time. Goodwill is the word of the day. Reach out in a spirit of Brotherhood and Sisterhood. Connect in the name of growth. Speak out to help build bridges. Look upon a world and choose to cultivate your spiritual family. And for those not yet ready to join you in a more soulful realm, bless them and let them be.

Overall, this is an amazing month to share our message and to connect with others in the spirit of building the new. We work to grow in consciousness and share more of what matters. We speak to make a difference.

What does all of this mean for your career? Let’s look closer…


Here’s what you need to know…

ELLEN: If you are looking for work, the New Moon of Gemini on June 3rd will be so helpful.

It is a great time to reach out. Write those emails. Meet people for coffee. Attend meet ups. Go to book signings. Think outside the box.This is the time to NETWORK AND CONNECT.

This is also a great time to go within before we reach out. As David Whyte has written:

“Being quiet amongst a frenetic life is the hardest thing we can do. All of our great traditions, religious, contemplative and artistic, say that you must a learn how to be alone—and have a relationship with silence. It is difficult, but it can start with just the tiniest quiet moment. Silence turns, in effect, into its opposite, so it becomes not only a place to be alone but also a place that’s an invitation to others to join you, to want to know who’s there, in the quiet.”


Here’s what you need to know…

ELLEN: Mercury moves into Cancer on June 4th. This placement of Mercury can have a profound impact on your work life. As Heidi said, this shift tunes us into our feeling life. Conversation is more personal. It’s a deeply receptive time. Mercury in Cancer demands that we stop, breathe and feel.

Start each meeting with a personal check in. Take care to ask your co-workers how they feel and what is happening in their lives.

As Priya Parker says in her wonderful book The Art of Gathering: How We meet and Why it Matters:

“When we fall into a specific format where we know how to behave, we go on autopilot. If nothing else, create a gathering in some part of your work or life that is unexpected in some way because when people are invited into something that they don’t know exactly what’s going on, they don’t fall into roles or scripts.”


Here’s what you need to know…

ELLEN: On May 21st: Mercury moves into Gemini on the same day that the Sun shifts into Gemini. This is a great time to “get the word out.”

Also, on June 8th: Venus moves into Gemini. This is eloquence. This is an opportunity to speak or write words that can heal. This offers a window of compassionate communication.

I love the website More Love Letters as a great example of compassionate communication. In this time of so much turmoil, it is so healing to reach out to others with messages of love.

What is most important is that whatever you do- you bring presence to your communication.

FOR EVERYONE On June 17th: Full Moon of Gemini. Goodwill is the word of the day. Reach out in a spirit of Brotherhood and Sisterhood. Connect in the name of growth. Speak out to help build bridges. Look upon a world and choose to cultivate your spiritual family. And for those not yet ready to join you in a more soulful realm, bless them and let them be.

With our abortion rights threatened, this is the time to donate or spread the word about organizations that will help with this fight.

Donate to the ACLU or the Yellowhammer Fund, a reproductive justice nonprofit in Alabama, or sending them a few items off of their Amazon wish list. You’ll notice it contains a lot of maternity and infant care items, because they truly support all choices a pregnant person might want to make.

Also, check out this state-by-state resource guide.


Gemini is the third sign of the zodiac, and those born under this sign love to talk! It’s not just idle chatter with these folks, either. The driving force behind a Gemini zodiac sign’s conversation is their mind. Ruling the third house, the Gemini-born are intellectually inclined, forever probing people and places in search of information.

The more information a Gemini collects, the better. Sharing that information later on with those they love is also a lot of fun, for Geminis are supremely interested in developing their relationships. Geminis are bright, quick-witted and the proverbial life of the party. Even though their intellectual minds can rationalize forever and a day, Geminis also have a surplus of imagination waiting to be tapped. Never boring!

Many poets, musicians, writers, politicians, and actors are born under this sign including Walt Whitman, Ralph waldo Emerson, Alan Ginsburg, Che Guevara, Bob Hope, Alanis Morrissette, Bill Hader, Cole Porter, to name a few.

Here are a few stand outs:

Kanye Omari West (born June 8, 1977)

He is an American rapper, singer, songwriter, record producer, entrepreneur, and fashion designer. West is among the most critically acclaimed musicians of the 21st century and one of the best-selling music artists of all time with over 135 million records sold worldwide.” His musical career has been marked by dramatic changes in styles, incorporating an eclectic range of influences including soulbaroque popelectroindie rocksynth-popindustrial, and gospel. Over the course of his career, West has been responsible for cultural movements and progressions within mainstream hip hop and popular music at large.

West’s outspoken views and life outside of music have received significant media attention. He has been a frequent source of controversy for his conduct at award shows, on social media, and in other public settings, as well as his comments on the music and fashion industriesU.S. politics, and race. His marriage to television personality Kim Kardashian has also been a source of substantial media attention.

Amy Beth Schumer (born June 1, 1981)

She is an American stand-up comedian and actress. She ventured into comedy in the early 2000s before appearing as a contestant on the fifth season of the NBC reality competition series Last Comic Standing in 2007.

Since 2013, she has been the creator, co-producer, co-writer, and star of the Comedy Central sketch comedy series Inside Amy Schumer, for which she received a Peabody Award and for which Schumer has been nominated for five Primetime Emmy Awards, winning Outstanding Variety Sketch Series in 2015. Very open and real about her life, she shared her recent pregnancy and birth of her son. Her podcast, 3 girls and one Keith is a Gemini party.

Neil Patrick Harris (born June 15, 1973)

He is an American actor, comedian, writer, producer, magician, and singer. He is known primarily for his comedy roles on television and his dramatic and musical stage roles.

Harris has hosted the Tony Awards in 2009, 2011, 2012, and 2013, for which he won four special class Emmy Awards.[2] He also hosted the Primetime Emmy Awards in 2009 and 2013, and hosted the 87th Academy Awards in 2015, thus making him the first openly gay man to host the Academy Awards. Along with his talent, he is known for his kindness, generosity, and family values.

Peter Hayden Dinklage (born June 11, 1969)

He is an American actor and producer. Dinklage studied acting at Bennington College, starring in a number of amateur stage productions. His film debut was in Living in Oblivion (1995) and his breakthrough came with the comedy-drama The Station Agent (2003). He has since appeared in many films, including Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri (2017), which earned him his first Screen Actors Guild Award.

Dinklage received universal acclaim for portraying Tyrion Lannister on the HBO television series Game of Thrones, for which he won three Primetime Emmys from seven nominations. He also received a Golden Globe for the role in 2011.

He was snapped from certain death during the series finale to be the Head of the King to the newly crowned Bran the Broken.


• Connecting

• Sharing your message

• Writing

• Speaking authentically


Where Many Rivers Meet

Enough. These few words are enough.
 If not these words, this breath. 
If not this breath, this sitting here.
This opening to life 
we have refused
 again and again
 until now.
Until now.

By David Whyte

Much love,

Ellen & Heidi

Your Career Forecast: April / May 2019

Ellen Fondiler | Your Career Forecast: April / May 2019

Once a month, I join forces with my dear friend and astrologer extraordinaire, Heidi Rose Robbins to post an overview of what’s happening in the cosmos and how it might influence your career. It’s called Your Career Forecast.

Whether you’re job-hunting, running your own business, or wondering about the ideal time to ask for a raise or take a vacation, each Career Forecast reveals the important dates that you need to know about.

Let’s dive in!


What’s going on this month…

HEIDI: The Sun moves into Taurus at 1:55 am pacific time on April 20th. Taurus is a sign of manifesting beauty, taking practical action and implementing the power of the Will. Taurus rules the garden and under Taurus, the flowers of our lives start to grow. Seeds planted under Aries burst forth and we find ourselves surrounded by beauty.

The month of Taurus slows us down in the best of ways. It is a sign that understands what is of value. So many of us move so fast and have so much on our plate that we forget what is important. Under Taurus, we show up and do the work rhythmically and steadily. With this energy we can grow our businesses and attract resources through our sure, committed work.

Having sounded that note, it’s interesting that Venus moves into Aries on April 20th as well. Venus rules Taurus so it has a greater impact this month. The Aries energy will boost us and add a bit of thrust or pioneering spirit. New ideas abound and a sense of possibility is definitely in the air.

Pluto moves retrograde April 24th and will stay retrograde until October 3rd. This happens every year for a big chunk of time. Retrogrades provide reflection time. As the retrograde occurs in Capricorn, we review the structures of our life. We prepare for the next build. We explore what can be eliminated or is no longer necessary before we engage Pluto to grow our businesses and bring greater depth to our lives. It’s definitely a shedding time.

Saturn also moves retrograde on April 29th. And Saturn is also in Capricorn. These two planets moving retrograde together make sure that we assess before we progress. Saturn stays retrograde until September 18th, so this is a good 5-month period to be clear, meticulous and hard-working before big launches and life changes. We get our ducks in a row.

The New Moon of Taurus occurs on May 4th and asks us what we consider valuable and beautiful in our lives. It invites us to spend our time on what matters instead of frittering it away with endless to-do lists. This New Moon asks us to make choices that are in alignment with our deepest loves.

On May 6th, Mercury moves into Taurus. Mercury, the planets of communication, always takes a breather in Taurus. Mercury in Taurus is good for deliberate study and methodical work. We quiet the chatter of the mind. We definitely do not want to rush our communications in any way.

On May 15th, Venus moves into Taurus, joining both Mercury and the Sun. Venus loves to be in Taurus and brings beauty and bounty. It is a great position for attracting the resources we need. We can breathe in the bounty of spring and the beauty that abounds. Once again, we put our attention on what we value most and we make choices about our time in alignment with those values.

Mars also shifts on May 15th. It moves into Cancer. Mars isn’t overly comfortable in the sign of Cancer as the water energy tends to dampen the vigor of Mars. But Mars in Cancer is a beautiful time to turn our energy and vitality towards family. It is also an excellent time for saving money or getting more financially secure.

Finally, the Full Moon of Taurus occurs on May 18th. At its best, Taurus is a profoundly receptive, intuitive energy. There will be four major planetary positions in Taurus during the Full Moon. Take some time to listen deeply. Try not to be too scattered or busy. Imagine that a great idea is waiting to get through to you and you just need to be poised and present enough to receive it. It’s a great day to meditate or journal about next life steps.

What does all of this mean for your career? Let’s look closer…


Here’s what you need to know…

ELLEN: As Heidi talked about, Taurus is a time that the seeds that we planted in Aries begin to grow. So, all those job inquiries and resumes that we sent out last month might begin to bear some fruit.

However, there are other factors that might slow us down – not I a frustrating way, but rather because it is a good time to really assess what path you want to take and what you might want to do next with your life. You may think that it looks one way, but in fact, the universe may be whispering something else, totally different.

When the New Moon of Taurus occurs on May 4th we are invited to spend our time on what matters instead of frittering it away with endless to-do lists. This New Moon asks us to make choices that are in alignment with our deepest loves.

It is so important not to just jump into the first place that offers you a job. Taurus is a perfect time to take your time to feel into what you want to do next. Making a choice that aligns with who you are. And what you believe will help to guarantee that you will be happy with your job or career choice.

In the book “Designing Your Life” by bill Burnett and Dave Evans they spend a good deal of time talking about finding coherence between your life view and work view.

Take some time to think about why you work? What you want to get from work? How do you want to live your life? What are your values? What is the overlap between the two? This overlap- or coherence- is the compass to help you find work that lights you up.

It can be scary not to jump when you are offered a job but know that you will have support this month to take your time. As Heidi wrote: on May 15th, Venus moves into Taurus, joining both Mercury and the Sun. Venus loves to be in Taurus and brings beauty and bounty. It is a great position for attracting the resources we need.

If you put your attention on what you value most, you will make choices in alignment with those values.


Here’s what you need to know…

ELLEN: The month of Taurus slows us down in the best of ways. We work steadily yet also take the time to smell the roses (and all the other beautiful spring flowers that are in bloom).

I don’t know about you, but sometimes I move so fast- almost as if I am automatic pilot, that I forget to slow down and actually tune into what I need and want to do next. Taurus helps us to work steadily attract the resources we need, without the intense buzz we have been feeling. This slow down, quiet the mind chatter, energy will be supported by Mercury (the planet of communication) moving into Taurus on May 6th.

That said, there will be new ideas and a pioneering spirit that spices up our days. Venus moves into Aries on April 20th. The Aries energy will boost us and add a bit of thrust or pioneering spirit. New ideas abound and a sense of possibility is definitely in the air.

It’s National Poetry Month, so pile a bunch of poetry books on your bed table and read a poem before work each day to set the mood. Perhaps honor the memory of a few of the greats, like Mary Oliver or W.S Merwin, who have recently died.


Here’s what you need to know…

ELLEN: Being self-employed is wonderful and also really hard. You are constantly having to make decisions, figure out how and when to launch your next big thing, how much to charge (my least favorite part) and also fight isolation.

Sometimes we need to stop a bit and take the long view about where we are going. Two transits that start this month will help us do that. As Heidi noted:

Pluto moves retrograde April 24th and will stay retrograde until October 3rd. provide reflection time. As the retrograde occurs in Capricorn, we review the structures of our life. We prepare for the next build. We explore what can be eliminated or is no longer necessary before we engage Pluto to grow our businesses and bring greater depth to our lives. It’s definitely a shedding time.

Saturn also moves retrograde on April 29th. And Saturn is also in Capricorn. These two planets moving retrograde together make sure that we assess before we progress. Saturn stays retrograde until September 18th, so this is a good 5-month period to be clear, meticulous and hard working before big launches and life changes. We get our ducks in a row.

Finally, the Full Moon of Taurus occurs on May 18th. At its best, Taurus is a profoundly receptive, intuitive energy. There will be four major planetary positions in Taurus during the Full Moon. Take some time to listen deeply. Try not to be too scattered or busy. Imagine that a great idea is waiting to get through to you and you just need to be poised and present enough to receive it. It’s a great day to meditate or journal about next life steps.

What else can you do? Host a dinner party with other entrepreneurs where everyone can talk about what plans are brewing for them and get the support of how to use this retrograde time. Priya Parker in her wonderful book, ‘The Art of Gathering’ details all sorts of innovative ways to create transformative gatherings. Also listen to some of the podcasts she has been on such as Hurry Slowly.

Hosting a lovely dinner with open and vulnerable conversations is the absolute best way to use the Taurus and retrograde energies this month. Check out Priya Parker’s ‘15 Toasts’ dinners which are set up to give 15 guests the permission to be vulnerable, engage as human beings in an open and genuine conversation.


Tauruses are known for being unwavering, strong-willed, and steadfast in their opinions. Those born under this sign revel in delicious excess. This zodiac sign is also tactile, enjoying a tender, even sensual, touch. Taurus adores comfort and likes being surrounded by pleasing, soothing things. Along these lines, they also favor a good meal and a fine wine.

Queen Elizabeth II

Queen Elizabeth II was born on April 21, 1926, in London, to Prince Albert, Duke of York (later known as King George VI), and Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon. She married Philip Mountbatten, Duke of Edinburgh, in 1947, became queen on February 6, 1952, and was crowned on June 2, 1953.
Elizabeth II is the mother of Prince Charles, heir to the throne, as well as the grandmother of princes William and Harry. As the longest-serving monarch in British history, she has tried to make her reign more modern and sensitive to a changing public while maintaining traditions associated with the crown.

For those of us that have read about Queen Elizabeth or watched the many movies on television shows about her life, she clearly exhibits many of the personality traits of a Taurus. She loves the outdoors and animals. She is stubborn, takes a while to change her mind, and is very loyal to the crown

Mark Zuckerberg

Mark Elliot Zuckerberg (born May 14, 1984) is an American computer programmer and Internet entrepreneur. He is the chairman, chief executive officer, and co-founder of Facebook. His net worth is estimated to be US $53.6 billion as of 2017, ranking him the 5th richest person in the world.

He possesses many Taurus traits, such as being patient, down to earth, independent, resilient, good with money and very loyal.

Florence Nightingale

Florence Nightingale is a quintessential Taurus. She was born in Florence, Italy on May 12, 1820. During the Crimean War, she and a team of nurses improved the unsanitary conditions at a British base hospital, reducing the death count by two-thirds. Her writings sparked worldwide health care reform. In 1860 she established St. Thomas’ Hospital and the Nightingale Training School for Nurses. She died August 13, 1910, in London.
Despite her mother’s interest in social climbing, Florence herself was reportedly awkward in social situations. She preferred to avoid being the center of attention whenever possible. Strong-willed, Florence often butted heads with her mother, whom she viewed as overly controlling.

She went to nursing school against her families’ wishes. She received many honors in her lifetime, including a broach from Queen (the Nightingale Jewel) and a prize of $250,000 from the British government.

When she was 38 years old, she contracted “Crimean fever” and never fully recovered. she was homebound and bedridden and would be so for the remainder of her life. Fiercely determined and dedicated as ever to improving health care and alleviating patients’ suffering, Nightingale continued her work from her bed for the next 52 years!

She is buried in Westminster Abbey.


• Listening Deeply

• Taking the long View

• Being in Nature

• Being Steady and Sure


The Seven of Pentacles

Under a sky the color of pea soup
she is looking at her work growing away there
actively, thickly like grapevines or pole beans
as things grow in the real world, slowly enough.
If you tend them properly, if you mulch, if you water,
if you provide birds that eat insects a home and winter food,
if the sun shines and you pick off caterpillars,
if the praying mantis comes and the ladybugs and the bees,
then the plants flourish, but at their own internal clock.

Connections are made slowly, sometimes they grow underground.
You cannot tell always by looking what is happening.
More than half the tree is spread out in the soil under your feet.
Penetrate quietly as the earthworm that blows no trumpet.
Fight persistently as the creeper that brings down the tree.
Spread like the squash plant that overruns the garden.
Gnaw in the dark and use the sun to make sugar.

Weave real connections, create real nodes, build real houses.
Live a life you can endure: Make love that is loving.
Keep tangling and interweaving and taking more in,
a thicket and bramble wilderness to the outside but to us
interconnected with rabbit runs and burrows and lairs.

Live as if you liked yourself, and it may happen:
reach out, keep reaching out, keep bringing in.
This is how we are going to live for a long time: not always,
for every gardener knows that after the digging, after the planting,
after the long season of tending and growth, the harvest comes.

– Marge Piercy

This should be a lovely, rich, rhythmic month. Enjoy the steady, sure steps of Taurus.

Much love,

Ellen & Heidi