Category: Career Forecast

Your Career Forecast: March / April 2018

Your Career Forecast: March / April 2018

I work as a career and business strategist. But my secret passion is… astrology!

About once a month,  I post an overview of what’s happening in the cosmos and how it might influence your career. It’s called: Your Career Forecast.

Whether you’re job-hunting, running your own business, or wondering about the ideal time to ask for a raise or take a vacation, each Career Forecast will reveal the important dates and cosmic shifts that you need to know about.

I am joined by my dear friend, Heidi Rose Robbins, a master astrologer who will provide expert insight into what’s going on in the stars.

Let’s dive in!


What’s going on this month…

HEIDI: The Sun moves into Aries on March 20th, 2018 at 9:16 am Pacific time. Aries is the first sign of the Zodiac and launches us into a new astrological year.

Aries brings initiative, bold ideas, and chutzpah. It’s pioneering and cutting-edge. It says, “the time is now to begin again.” It is not shy. It leaps in and seizes the moment. It does not wait for perfect circumstances. It is, in fact, impatient and tends to plunge in. So much is begun under this fiery energy.

However, on March 22nd, not far after we launch into Aries, Mercury goes retrograde. It stays retrograde until April 15th. Many people think about Mercury retrograde as a time when our technology goes awry and when travel plans get muddied. It is true that Mercury retrograde can put a wrench in our plans and bugs in our computers. But there is a gift in Mercury retrograde as well. It asks us to step back and reflect on what has transpired over the previous four months. It asks us to generate new ideas,  feel the forward momentum, but also to pause before acting.

Venus moves into Taurus on March 30th. This is the ideal time to share your beauty and your gifts with the world, a time when you attract beauty and abundance in equal measure. Pay attention to what you value most, put energy towards that, and let it grow.

Then, there is the Full Moon of Aries on March 31st. While the moon is actually in Libra, we celebrate the energy of Aries. This is a time when the energies of Aries are most available to us. The phrase for Aries is “I come forth and from the plane of mind, I rule.” We might take a few moments on this day to get quiet and ask ourselves how we want and need to come forth during this next month. What ideas do we want to share?

Mars lines up with Saturn on April 2nd. This is all about endurance and discipline. The young warrior teams up with the wise mentor and together, they tackle whatever needs to be addressed. Stay the course, commit, and bring all your feisty energy along for the ride.

Mercury moves direct on April 15th. There is also a New Moon in Aries on the same day. This is the true liberated Aries energy, let loose at last. Everything moves forward after tax day. Feel the joy of direct, unimpeded, initiating energy.

Finally, the Sun sits in the same degree as Uranus on April 18th. Expect the unexpected. Feel your freedom and do something out of your own box. Brainstorm. Be a little wild.

The month of Aries is a potent time, full of vitality, refreshing energy, and new beginnings. Seeds are ready to burst—finally emerging through the solid ground.

What does all of this mean for your career? Let’s look closer…



Here’s what you need to know…

ELLEN: With the Sun moving into Aries, it’s the astrological New Year! A chance to hit the reset button. On March 20th, it’s like New Year’s Day all over again.

If you’ve been job-hunting without much success—and if things are feeling frustrating, blocked, or stagnant—this is the perfect opportunity to begin anew.

You’ve heard of New Year’s Resolutions, right? On March 20th, consider setting some New Job Resolutions. Make a list that starts with two powerful words: “I want.” But instead of writing, “I want to hit the gym 3x a week” or “I want to quit eating so much sugar,” focus on job-related resolutions. For example: “I want 3 weeks of paid vacation every year.” “I want a flexible schedule.” “I want to be able to walk or bike to work.” Write down everything you want.

When you set clear intentions, then it’s easier to figure out which jobs to apply for and which to skip, and it’s easier to focus your attention in the right places.

If you’re more of a visual thinker, instead of making a list of resolutions, try making a New Job Vision Board with images that express the kind of job you want. You can use Canva (it’s free) to create a beautiful online collage.

Download your collage and make it your computer desktop wallpaper so that you’ll see it every day—a visual reminder of the career that you’re working to create. Then, tap into the power of Aries and go for it! Take one bold step towards making it happen. One phone call. One networking event. One application. Go!

To keep you inspired throughout your job hunt, consider reading When To Jump by Mike Lewis and Playing Big by Tara Mohr, two books that will motivate you to be bolder and reach for the type of career that you really want.


Here’s what you need to know…

ELLEN: Mercury goes retrograde from March 22nd to April 15th. This is an ideal time to take stock of the last four months. Review, assess, and evaluate. How have things been going? Do you feel on track with your projects? What about the people that you manage or supervise? Have you checked in with them recently?

Also, is there any “unfinished business” that needs to be dealt with? March 22nd to April 15th is an excellent time to tidy things up. Finish any lingering projects. Clear out your inbox. Tie up loose ends. Focus on finishing what’s already been started. Ideally, try to wait until April 15th (or later) to begin any big new projects.

A great book to read during Mercury retrograde: The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up by Marie Kondo. It’s a lovely book on how to create more simplicity, organization, and serenity in your environment.

Also, if you’ve already got a job, mark down April 18th on your calendar. On that day, the Sun sits in the same degree as Uranus. Uranus is all about… the unexpected! On this day, you might be offered an unexpected promotion, or someone at the company might step down, or a project might get canceled suddenly, without warning, or… who knows? Anything could happen! Stay alert and enjoy the ride. This is also a great day to propose wild, unusual ideas—like turning that empty conference room in an employee Pilates studio! Go nuts!


Here’s what you need to know…

ELLEN: As an entrepreneur myself, I’m looking forward to the Full Moon of Aries on March 31st. On this day, the energies of Aries reach their peak. It’s a day of boldness and trailblazing. The universe whispers, “Come forth.” If you’ve been hiding, come out. If you’ve been holding back, shift gears. If you’ve been wishy-washy or indecisive, make up your mind.

One of Aries worst—and also, best—qualities is impatience. Impatience can sometimes be a very good thing! If there’s something about your business that hasn’t felt right for a long time, March 31st is a great day to put your foot down and decide, “Enough!” Be decisive. Use your impatience as fuel to make positive changes. This might mean firing someone, hiring someone, finally launching your long-awaited podcast, or fixing a system that’s not functioning. Do whatever needs to be done!

If you’re thinking, “Oh my gosh, there are so many things that need to be upgraded… it’s going to take more than just one day to fix everything!”… that’s OK! You’re in luck, because after the Full Moon of Aries, you’ve got another big burst of passionate energy on April 2nd. On this day, Mars lines up with Saturn. It’s all about endurance, discipline, and tackling whatever needs to get done. Go, go, go!

If you’re looking for something to read, I recommend Shooting the Boh, a memoir by Tracy Johnston. It’s the story of a woman who decides to raft down one of the world’s most dangerous rivers. It’s a story of courage, risk-taking, and pioneering into new territory. Much like white-water rafting, running a business is an exciting (and sometimes terrifying) adventure. Like Tracy, we’ve got to be brave and bold—and maintain a sense of humor throughout the journey.

Famous Aries:

Aries people often tend to be first in line and ahead of their time. They’re bold, trailblazing, independent thinkers. Here are a few famous Aries leaders and celebrities:

Lady Gaga. Who else would wear a dress made entirely of raw meat?

Reese Witherspoon. A passionate leader who not only acts, but also runs her own production studio.

Marc Jacobs. A brilliant fashion designer who made history by employing transgender models for many of his runway shows and ad campaigns.

Al Gore. A forward-thinking man who revealed the “inconvenient truth” about climate change to the world.

David Blaine. A magician and endurance artist who pushes our concept of what is “possible.” David has pushed his body to unbelievable limits—including holding his breath underwater for over 17 minutes.


Bold action. Be first in line, first to apply, first to raise your hand and speak up.

Seizing the moment. If an unexpected opportunity arises, don’t overanalyze it. Go for it!

Independence. Break away from tradition. Create your own rules.

Hitting the reset button. In a sense, it’s New Year’s Day all over again.

Going after what you really, truly want. What’s your secret wish? Your buried dream? Let it come forth. Bring it into the light!


March 20th: The Sun moves into Aries. We begin a month-long period of boldness, independence, and trailblazing. This is not the time for shyness!

March 22nd: Mercury moves retrograde until April 15th. Keep working towards your goals, but focus more on “finishing” rather than “starting new projects.”

March 30th: Venus moves into Taurus. A day of beauty, love, and manifesting to make your dreams real.

March 31st: The Full Moon of Aries. All of the bold Aries energies are maximized.

April 2nd: Mars conjunct Saturn. Another burst of bold, warrior-like energy. Charge forward. Get things done.

April 15th: Mercury moves direct and New Moon of Aries. A feeling of liberation and freedom.

April 18th: Sun conjunct Uranus. A day of unexpected propositions, surprise invitations, a little bit of wildness. Who knows what might happen?


“Fortune favors the bold.” —Latin proverb

It’s been reported that women are less likely to receive a salary increase at work. There are many, many reasons for this. One reason is that women are far less likely to actually ask for a raise.

In fact, about 40% of women never ask. Ever. Not even once over the course of their entire career. We tend to hang back and hope it will just… happen. But it rarely works like that. When you don’t ask, you don’t get.

Regardless of your gender, there’s a big lesson here: Be bolder. The time of Aries invites us to tap into our boldness and stop apologizing and hesitating. Fly! Jump! Go! Ask for what you want. Or if it doesn’t exist yet, then be a trailblazer and create what you want.

Have an amazing month!

With love,

Ellen & Heidi

Learn more about my career & business coaching services here.

Learn more about Heidi and her astrological services here.

Your Career Forecast: February / March 2018

Your Career Forecast: February / March 2018

I work as a career and business strategist. But my secret passion is… astrology!

About once a month,  I post an overview of what’s happening in the cosmos and how it might influence your career. It’s called: Your Career Forecast.

Whether you’re job-hunting, running your own business, or wondering about the ideal time to ask for a raise or take a vacation, each Career Forecast will reveal the important dates and cosmic shifts that you need to know about.

I am joined by my dear friend, Heidi Rose Robbins, a master astrologer who will provide expert insight into what’s going on in the stars.

Let’s dive in!


What’s going on this month…

HEIDI: The Sun moves into Pisces on February 18th at 9:18 am Pacific time. Pisces is a water sign. It brings an ocean of sensitivity and compassion. Pisces rules endings, as it is the last sign in the zodiac. It rules letting go, release and surrender.

Under Pisces, the ocean washes up and erodes what has outlived its time. It also softens the more rigid or structured parts of ourselves, helping us to learn more about unconditional love in our lives.

On another note, Pisces rules the imagination and wakes up the dreamer in each of us. When the Sun is in Pisces, we are meant to steep in the dream. Music, film and poetry all fall under the domain of Pisces.

The Full Moon of Pisces falls on March 1st, amplifying the energy of Pisces. This is the most heightened time of the year for meditating upon compassion, love and uplifting one another through kindness and service. We can take time today to feel beyond ourselves and remember our capacity to positively impact and profoundly change and uplift the lives of others.

March 4th is an extra dreamy day as the Sun shares the same degree as Neptune in the heavens. This is a perfect day for artistry and love. It is a time to receive. The imagination is hugely stimulated. Always with Neptune, however, we must be sure we are seeing clearly. It is easy to let the dream subsume reality.

Mercury moves into Aries on March 5th. Mercury loves to be in Aries. This is a combination that brings bold ideas and forward progress. There may be a certain impatience that accompanies this duo, but sometimes it’s good to get a little impatient with ourselves so we finally take the action we need to take.

The very next day, March 6th, Venus moves into Aries and amps up the fire. These are days to begin again, to push forward, to brainstorm. These are days when the great ideas descend and we get excited to dive in.

Mars moves into Capricorn on March 17th which is the best energy to help implement those new ideas. Mars in Capricorn is the Warrior of Work, The Warrior of Determination, The Warrior of Leadership. You’ll get the work done—and done well—when Mars is in Capricorn.

There is also a New Moon in Pisces on March 17th which plants the seeds for the upcoming month. Plant seeds of self-compassion and compassion for Humanity! Imagine a better world and take your own tiny steps to make it so.

What does all of this mean for your career? Let’s look closer…


Here’s what you need to know…

ELLEN: Mercury moves into Aries on March 5th. It’s a day of bold ideas, forward momentum, and quite possibly, a feeling of urgency and impatience. You might think to yourself, “It feels like I’ve been job-hunting forever. Why is everything taking so long?” If you feel annoyed, that’s good! Take your irritation and use it as fuel. Channel all of that energy into your job-hunt.

Be bold. Be decisive. Call someone you’ve been meaning to call. Reach out to a recruiting expert. Contact five close friends and ask them to keep their eyes and ears open for you. Contact a company you love and give them your résumé—even if they’re not hiring right now—“just in case.” It certainly couldn’t hurt. A week or two from now, who knows… they might have an unexpected opening!

Bottom line: on March 5th and March 6th (which is another fiery, push-things-forward type of day) take whatever action step you’ve been hesitating on. Now is the time to act!

(Side note: if you’re feeling stuck with your job-hunt—like nothing’s moving forward—I recommend reading Designing Your Life: How to Build a Well-Lived, Joyful Life by Bill Burnett and Dave Evans. It’s one of my favorite books on how to map out your life and career with thoughtfulness and care. It might trigger several new ideas for you.)


Here’s what you need to know…

ELLEN: The Sun moves into Pisces on February 18th. Here, we have an opportunity to wash away the past—and begin anew. As Heidi mentioned, Pisces is the final sign in the Zodiac and it’s associated with endings, release, and letting go.

Is there anything you’ve been “holding onto” at work? Maybe there’s a project from last year that didn’t pan out very successfully—and you’re still feeling embarrassed about it. Maybe you’re holding a grudge against a colleague who took credit for your hard work. Or that person who flaked out and left you with a huge mountain of extra tasks. Or that person who sends you passive-aggressive emails five times a day.

If there’s anything about your job that feels burdensome, it’s time to let it all go. After all, you don’t want to walk into the office feeling heavy and stressed!

During the time of Pisces, do whatever you need to do to release the heaviness of the past. Meditate. Exhale deeply. Put a quartz crystal—known for clearing away stale energy—or a healthy plant in your office. Create some kind of ritual or symbol to indicate to yourself, “The past is past. I’m moving on.”

About a month later, on March 17th, Mars moves into Capricorn. If there’s something at work that seriously needs to get done, today, the Universe is completely on your side! The word for today is: “Implement.” This is not a day for dreamy musing and meditating. It’s a day to buckle down and crunch the numbers, write the emails, make the calls, complete the designs, send out the invoices… go, go, go! Keep your nose to the grindstone. You’ll be stunned by how much you get done.


Here’s what you need to know…

ELLEN: Not only is March 17th an excellent day for implementing and getting things done, it’s also the New Moon in Pisces. On this day, we’ve got a big, beautiful ocean of emotion—love, compassion, and hope for humanity. If you’re self-employed, ask yourself, “How could I use my position as an entrepreneur to improve the world?”

You don’t have to be “world famous” or a “billionaire philanthropist” in order to make a difference in people’s lives. Be imaginative. Come up with a project that you feel excited to do. The New Moon is an especially good day to begin a healing, world-changing project.

What type of project? Well, for example, you could host a fundraiser inside your shop. You could contribute a small percentage of your profits to charity. You could use your online platform to spread an important message. You could partner with a local school to create a special line of products featuring artwork from kids. You could do something really, really small—like mail one anonymous “thank you” letter to a fellow entrepreneur who inspires you. You could mentor young business owners, writers, or artists—perhaps you’ve got one, two, or ten years of hard-earned wisdom that you could share.

During the time of Pisces, especially on the powerful New Moon day, think beyond yourself—beyond your individual life and your individual ambitions.

How could you create a ripple of compassion that extends far, far, far beyond yourself? Take a step to make it so.

Famous Pisceans:

George Washington. America’s first President. His Presidency marked the end of a turbulent, violent war—and the dawn of a new country. Big, oceanic waves of change!

Albert Einstein. A scientist, a dreamer, an innovator. A prime example of Piscean imagination—seeing what might be possible, even if nobody else sees it yet.

Steve Jobs. Another highly creative, imaginative thinker who created massive ripples of change. Jobs’ creativity has awakened creativity in millions of people—people who now use his products to blog, podcast, make videos, and so much more.

Rihanna. Her new makeup company—Fenty Beauty—is a beautiful example of Piscean artistry and compassion. Her product line includes 40 different skin tones, and with this, Rihanna is sending a clear message to her customers: “Nobody is left out. Everyone is welcome here.”


Dreaming and imagination. Your next big idea could be right around the corner.

Compassion and emotional depth. Dive deep inside your heart. Express. Make art.

Refilling your creative tank. Reading poetry, attending a film festival, or diving into an inspiring Netflix documentary.

Finding new ways to serve humanity. Creating positive ripples of change.

Shedding, creating closure, releasing the past. The time of Pisces is like “New Years Eve” all over again—an ending and a new beginning.


February 18th – Sun moves into Pisces. (We enter a month-long period of dreamy, imaginative, artistic qualities.)

March 1st – Full Moon of Pisces. (Pisces qualities are amplified! Write a love letter today, a love poem, or a song. Let yourself be filled with sensitivity and compassion.)

March 4th – Neptune conjunct the Sun. (Imagination will be highly stimulated. Another great day for dreaming and creativity.)

March 5th – Mercury moves into Aries. (Determination and fire, maybe even a twinge of impatience. It’s time to implement and get things done!)

March 6th – Venus moves into Aries. (Another excellent day to push forward and get lots of things done.)

March 17th – Mars moves into Capricorn. (Yet ANOTHER day for implementation and getting things done! Stay focused. Go, go, go.)

March 17th – New Moon in Pisces. (An opportune moment to begin a new project—especially a project that’s related to artistry, love, and serving humanity.


“Listen to your life…touch, taste, smell your way to the holy and hidden heart of it, because in the last analysis all moments are key moments and life itself is grace.” —Frederick Buechner

Pisces reminds us that there’s so much more to life than just… work.

Yes, it’s wonderful to have a career that you love. Everyone deserves to have meaningful work. Even so, we must remember that work is just one fraction of life—one shore, not the entire ocean.

Try not to let the pressures of work consume you. Don’t forget to dream… to touch, taste, and smell… to experience the full emotional spectrum of life. The tiny moments of joy. The scent of the ocean. The pleasure of discovering your new favorite song. All the precious, ephemeral moments that comprise a well-lived life.

During the time of Pisces, let your inner CEO take a backseat, and let your inner Artist lead the way.

Have an amazing month!

With love,

Ellen & Heidi

Learn more about my career & business coaching services here.

Learn more about Heidi and her astrological services here.

Your Career Forecast: January / February 2018

Your Career Forecast: January / February 2018

I work as a career and business strategist. But my secret passion is… astrology!

About once a month,  I post an overview of what’s happening in the cosmos and how it might influence your career. It’s called: Your Career Forecast.

Whether you’re job-hunting, running your own business, or wondering about the ideal time to ask for a raise or take a vacation, each Career Forecast will reveal the important dates and cosmic shifts that you need to know about.

I am joined by my dear friend, Heidi Rose Robbins, a master astrologer who will provide expert insight into what’s going on in the stars.

Let’s dive in!


What’s going on this month…

HEIDI: The Sun moves into Aquarius on January 19th at 7:10 pm Pacific time. Aquarius is an air sign. Under Aquarius, we are drawn to create together. This is the sign of the group. Aquarius wants us to gather to improve our world. It is innovative, improvisational and rules experimentation.

Aquarius asks us to break rules and color outside the lines. It is objective, clear thinking and service oriented. The phrase for Aquarius is beautiful: “Water of Life am I Poured Forth for Thirsty Men.” This is a month to jam, hold meetings, reinvent and perhaps most importantly, remember the spirit of democracy.

Mars moves into Sagittarius on January 26th. Mars is the warrior and Sagittarius is the risk-taker and adventurer. When Mars works in this sign, he becomes the warrior of freedom, the warrior of the big vision or the warrior of optimism. This is an unstoppable combination. Three words: Go for it.

There is a Lunar Eclipse (and Full Moon) on January 31st at 5:27 am Pacific time. This falls at 11 degrees Leo. If you know your chart well and have any planets in that degree or nearby, that planet will be activated and extra charged over the next 6 months. This eclipse (and Full Moon) may help to continue to break down old paradigms and old corporate structures that have outlived their time. Expect more darkness to come to light and expect group protests and gatherings to grow.

Mercury also moves into Aquarius on January 31st. The group voice is heard. And again, we are being asked to reinvent and think outside the usual paradigms. Mercury in Aquarius loves to solve problems with new and unconventional solutions.

Venus moves into Pisces on February 10th. This will bring a little love and sensitivity to the table. In our individual lives, this may create a need for a bit more solitude. We replenish in quiet ways when Venus is in Pisces. We need the spaciousness of music, poetry, film or meditation.

There is another eclipse—this time a Solar Eclipse—on February 15th. This eclipse falls at 27 degrees Aquarius. Again, if you have a major planet or your Rising Sign near that degree, it will activate that position for 6 months. Major world events occur under Solar Eclipses. It’s a powerful activating energy. This eclipse (and New Moon) is stimulating the group, democracy and the united power of the people.

Finally on February 17th, Mercury moves into Pisces. Again, this is a turn towards the internal. Aquarius brings an electric energy and Pisces brings the power and depth of the ocean. When Mercury is in Pisces, we communicate with feeling and sensitivity. We muse, meditate and imagine. Let’s use this energy to center ourselves so that we can communicate with love and compassion.

It’s a powerful, activating, change-it-up month. If your life needs an overhaul (or even just a boost), this may be just the energy you need to set things in motion.

What does all of this mean for your career? Let’s look closer…


Here’s what you need to know…

ELLEN: Mars moves into Sagittarius on January 26th. Mars is the warrior and Sagittarius is the adventurer. This is a “Go get it!” day—the perfect day to go after a new job, especially a job that feels like a bit of a “reach.” Take a risk, throw your hat in the ring, and go for it!

If you worry about “not being qualified enough” or “not having enough experience,” here’s a story to boost your courage…

I know a woman who landed a job at a top radio company. She wasn’t necessarily the most qualified person for the job. She’d never worked in radio before. In fact, she’d never even set foot inside a radio station! However, she’s an adventurous person and—a few years prior—she had gotten her helicopter pilot’s license.

She mentioned “Licensed Pilot” on her résumé—and that’s the one detail that grabbed her future employer’s attention. He thought, “I definitely want to interview this person. I like her spirit!” She ended up getting the job—even though there were plenty of other applicants who were technically much more “qualified” for the position.

Moral of the story: your résumé isn’t just a dry, boring list of credentials. At least, it doesn’t have to be. The details on your résumé should tell a story—a story about the type of person you are. The risks you’ve taken. The things you love most. The experiences that have shaped you.

If you’ve studied yoga for 15 years, mention that on your résumé. If you’ve traveled to 7 countries and taught English overseas, say so. If you volunteer at an animal shelter and you’ve helped over 100 dogs to find loving homes, mention that, too. Often, it’s those kinds of details that will grab a hiring manager’s attention and make them think, “This is somebody I definitely want to meet.”

Lastly, if you’re job-hunting, remember that the sign of Aquarius is all about group dynamics. The energy of many is greater than that of one. Think: “Collaboration.”

Rather than job-hunting all by yourself, meet up with friends. Host a dinner party, cocktail hour, or brunch. Ask questions like: “Do you happen to know anybody who works at {name of company}? Could you make an introduction for me?” “What do you think about your current workplace?” “Would you recommend working there? “Why or why not?”

More often than not, exciting job opportunities arise because of personal connections. To unlock all kinds of surprising doors, don’t isolate yourself. Turn to your community.


Here’s what you need to know…

ELLEN: Mercury moves into Aquarius on January 31st. It’s time to reinvent old systems and think outside the box. At work, be the one to come forth with an unexpected solution. Don’t be afraid to make your voice heard.

You could start by asking yourself, “What’s one thing about my job that really doesn’t make sense?” Or… “One thing that’s really inefficient?” Or… “One thing that’s just not working smoothly?” Identify something about your job, department, or company that feels stuffy and outdated. Decide, “I’m going to propose a new way of approaching this.” Your innovative stance will be appreciated—and rewarded.

Venus moves into Pisces on February 10th. This is a loving, dreamy combination of energies. On this day, you might notice that you’re craving some alone-time. Ask your manager if you can work off-site. Even better, take a mental health day and spend your time resting, reading, visiting an art gallery, or connecting with nature. This is an excellent day to surround yourself with beauty and recharge.


Here’s what you need to know…

ELLEN: There’s a Solar Eclipse on February 15th. This particular eclipse brings a feeling of togetherness and activation. Use this powerful day to “rally the troops” and bring people together with a shared goal.

For example, you could invite your social media followers to join together and sign a pledge. You could encourage your customers to join a 7-day challenge—guide them through a fun, energizing experience, moving towards a specific end-result. You could start a private Facebook group where your clients can chat, brainstorm, and interact. The spirit of this eclipse is: “United we stand, divided we fall.” Bring people together and watch the sparks—and sales—fly!

On February 17th, Mercury moves into Pisces. Mercury rules communication. Pisces is all about emotional depth, imagination, and sensitivity. If you run a business, this is an excellent day to communicate with your clients and customers—especially if you’re sharing a tender, heartfelt message.

If you’re short on time, keep it brief. Think: a 1-minute video expressing your gratitude for every customer who made a purchase in the last year. Or record a 5-minute meditation and share it on your blog. Or send out a newsletter with a touching story about an experience that changed your life. You’ll be surprised by how many people respond to say, “Thank you. That was beautiful. I really needed to hear that today.”

Famous Aquarians:

Ellen DeGeneres. A classic Aquarian. She’s all about community, togetherness, and healing old, divisive wounds of the past—like homophobia. Every day, she’s uniting people through laughter, fun, and fresh ideas.

Oprah Winfrey. Her mission is to heal and serve humanity—and it shows in everything she does. A true Aquarian, she’s not afraid to reinvent herself over and over. TV host. Actress. Magazine creator. Philanthropist. Maybe one day… Politician? President? (Let us pray!)

Ronda Rousey. Aquarians love to innovate. They bring radical ideas to the table. Because of Ronda’s persistence, the UFC/Mixed Martial Arts sport now has a female division. Previously, only men were allowed to compete. Not anymore.


• Thinking outside the box. Radical, disruptive ideas. Fresh solutions.

• Clearing away stuffy, stale energy. The old systems have got to go!

• Group activities. Think: pledges, petitions, marches, rallies, and brainstorming sessions.

• Celebrating the voice of the people. Think: articles, blog posts, performances, and other creative projects that bring many voices together.

• Risk-taking and reinvention. Rather than choosing from Option A or B, consider, “Could there be an Option C?”


January 19th – Sun moves into Aquarius. (The sign of group dynamics. Let’s draw together and create together.)

January 26th – Mars moves into Sagittarius. (Take risks! Begin a new adventure! Don’t hold back.)

January 31st – Mercury moves into Aquarius. (An excellent day for communication and collaboration.)

January 31st – Lunar Eclipse and Full Moon of Aquarius. (Old structures are breaking down. Aquarian powers are at their peak.)

February 10th – Venus moves into Pisces. (Love, imagination, and emotional depth.)

February 15th – Solar Eclipse and New Moon of Aquarius. (Major events tend to happen on and around the Eclipse. Since it’s a New Moon, consider how you want the rest of 2018 to feel. Set new intentions.)

February 17th – Mercury moves into Pisces. (Communicate with love and compassion.)


“We did not ask for this room or this music; we were invited in. Therefore, because the dark surrounds us, let us turn our faces toward the light. Let us endure hardship to be grateful for plenty. We did not ask for this room or this music. But because we are here, let us dance.” —Stephen King

Our world is far from perfect. The time of Aquarius is a time to shed the darkness of the past, create bold new systems, and come into the light.

And of course, we’ll move faster if we work collaboratively. One vote, one donation, one person marching is… just one person on the street. It certainly helps, because every little bit helps. But we need more than just one person—we need hundreds, thousands, millions—in order to tip the scales of history.

May we use the energy of Aquarius to unify, collaborate, and make magic happen—together.

With love,

Ellen & Heidi

Learn more about my career & business coaching services here.

Learn more about Heidi and her astrological services here.

Your Career Forecast: December 2017 / January 2018

Ellen Fondiler | Your Career Forecast: December 2017 / January 2018

I work as a career and business strategist. But my secret passion is… astrology!

About once a month,  I post an overview of what’s happening in the cosmos and how it might influence your career. It’s called: Your Career Forecast.

Whether you’re job-hunting, running your own business, or wondering about the ideal time to ask for a raise or take a vacation, each Career Forecast will reveal the important dates and cosmic shifts that you need to know about.

I am joined by my dear friend, Heidi Rose Robbins, a master astrologer who will provide expert insight into what’s going on in the stars.

Let’s dive in!


What’s going on this month…

HEIDI: The Sun moves into Capricorn on December 21st at 8:29 am Pacific time. Capricorn is an earth sign and carries great weight and responsibility. Under Capricorn we get down to work. We climb. We articulate our purpose and we move resolutely towards the next achievement. Saturn rules Capricorn and Saturn is the planet of discipline, authority and accomplishment. There’s work to be done under Capricorn.

The very next day, December 22nd, Mercury moves direct. This will indicate that communication now moves forward in a clear and direct manner. The reflection period is over and we can act. If your thinking has been a big foggy, Mercury direct will help to clear that fog.

On December 24th, Venus moves to join the Sun in Capricorn. This makes the climb more pleasurable. Venus in Capricorn loves work. It loves hard work. It loves commitment and creating a structure to hold what wants to be created. Venus in Capricorn is committed creativity.

Look for the power to change and shake things up when Mars is conjunct Uranus on December 27th. It’s a shot in the arm and the opportunity to break up old patterns.

January 1st is the Full Moon of Capricorn. What an auspicious day! Welcome the New Year with clarity and purpose. Make plans. Feel your uprightness. Know how capable you are. Feel how you can be your OWN wise parent and take great care of yourself this year.

January 9th brings a profound window for depth and healing. Venus and the Sun line up with Pluto. Pluto rules wealth and power. There is the possibility of shedding anything that obstructs your ability to stand fully in your power and attract the resources you need.

Mercury joins Venus, the Sun and Saturn in Capricorn on January 10th. Now anything is possible. Hard work is the name of the game. We buckle down. We think seriously. We concentrate.  The New Moon on the 16th further adds to the power of this line-up in the heavens. It’s a time to align with purpose. Capricorn in fact rules TIME. So, with this much focus on Capricorn, we feel that the TIME IS NOW.

Venus moves into Aquarius on January 17th giving a little more freedom and flexibility. If Capricorn is a bit more solo, Aquarius loves to be in the group. You might need to share your vision to accomplish it. Bring in your like-minded, like-hearted peers.

All in all, it’s a month of determination and clarity. It’s a great way to start the year. What’s your PLAN? Make one—even if it’s just for today or this week. Then make another. Capricorn says PLAN and EXECUTE that plan. Capricorn says it will feel like such a relief if you finally do what you’ve been wanting to do. So, let’s all finally do it!

What does all of this mean for your career? Let’s look closer…


Here’s what you need to know…

ELLEN: The time of Capricorn (December 21st – January 19th) is excellent for anyone who’s job hunting.

Firstly, Capricorn brings a determined, forceful, climb-up-that-mountain type of energy—you’re likely to feel driven and motivated, not lackadaisical.

Secondly, January is a peak month for recruitment and hiring. Most companies have a new annual budget in place, and new positions that need to be filled, and interviews and hiring meetings go into full swing. It’s a great month to amp up your job search.

On December 24th, Venus joins the Sun in Capricorn. This is a beautiful combination of warm, loving feelings (thanks to Venus) plus a disciplined work ethic (courtesy of Capricorn). The vibe is: work hard, but make it fun!

If you’re updating your résumé, light a candle and treat yourself to some hot cocoa. If you’re putting together a proposal to request a salary increase, work on it while listening to your favorite holiday music. When you’re done, reward yourself with a sappy romantic movie. It’s the last week of the year, after all… so if you intend to do some work, try to make it as pleasurable as possible!

On January 10th, Mercury joins Venus, the Sun and Saturn in Capricorn. With this celestial combination, hard work will be hugely rewarded. It’s time to buckle down, focus, and use your time wisely. This is not the moment to spend your day idly watching videos on YouTube. It’s time to get focused and take actions that can yield big results.

For job hunters: instead of casually surfing the ‘net looking for new job postings, use your time more intentionally. Make a list of 10 people that you like and admire—colleagues, mentors, classmates, friends and family—and send a personal note to each person. Wish them a happy New Year. Ask how they’re doing. Then let them know you’re searching for a new position. Describe your dream job and ask them to keep their ears open for you.

More often than not, it’s the people in your network—genuine friendships and relationships—that lead to a great new job. So, throughout January, spend less time Googling and more time strengthening the relationships in your life. You never know where one text, “thank you” card, or coffee date might lead. You might find yourself with a fantastic job offer much faster than expected!


Here’s what you need to know…

ELLEN: On December 22nd, Mercury moves direct. If your thinking has been a big foggy lately, this shift will help to clear the brain-fog. This would be an excellent time to meditate, take a long walk, or meet a friend for tea and talk about your vision for 2018. If you intend to stay at your current workplace for a while, that’s great—and how could things be even better in the New Year?

For starters, make a list of 3 things you’d love to achieve or experience at work in 2018—plus 3 skills you’d like to improve. Extra credit: write down 3 things you’d love to stop doing at your current job—projects that don’t feel mission-critical, tasks that feel irrelevant or outdated, stuff you could probably delegate. See if you can work with your manager to get these cleared off your plate. Ahhhh! Relief! It’s always great to move into the New Year feeling lighter and clearer, and feeling excited about what’s ahead.

Mars is conjunct Uranus on December 27th. Uranus is all about surprises and unexpected opportunities. You might receive a surprising proposition around this date. Maybe an old boss from a previous chapter of your career will come knocking on your door with a tempting offer, eager to woo you away from your current employer. Maybe a brand new position will open up at your current company, and you’ll realize, “This is my next move!” Keep your eyes and ears open. Who knows what’s coming your way? With Mars in the air, you might feel unusually bold and aggressive. When that surprise offer arrives, you can pounce with courage!

December 27th is also a great time to dust things off and bring in some fresh new energy—new policies, new habits, maybe a fun new workplace outfit—or a whole new wardrobe? Whatever’s been feeling “stale” in your life or career, now’s the moment to shake things up!


Here’s what you need to know…

ELLEN: January 9th is a powerful day for entrepreneurs. Venus and the Sun line up with Pluto. Venus is all about love. Pluto rules wealth and power, and also, the subconscious mind. On this day, the cosmos invites you to shed anything that is obstructing your power—anything that’s impeding you from attracting the clients, customers, and resources that you need. Shed it off. Let it go. Burn it up.

This is a transformative day—an excellent day to shed pessimism, negativity, and fear. A day to ask yourself, “Is there a belief that’s been limiting my success?”

For example, maybe you believe, “My services are worth $80 an hour and that’s it, nothing more.” But is that actually true? Maybe not!

Or, maybe you believe, “Nobody would ever want to read my book.” “Nobody will come to my event.” “I couldn’t possibly teach a class—I’m not qualified.” Are those beliefs actually true? Maybe not. You might be underestimating yourself.

Venus moves into Aquarius on January 17th, bringing an opportunity for loving, flowing creative collaborations. It’s a great to interview someone for your blog, collaborate with a colleague to start a podcast, or bring a new person onto your team. This would also be a great day to start a new writing group or accountability group—perhaps a couple of friends who’d like to meet monthly to share goals and swap ideas. Hang with like-minded people. They’ll open your eyes to new possibilities—and you’ll do the same for them!

But before the 17th, we’ve got… January 1st. It’s always an exciting day of the year, but January 1st, 2018 is especially powerful because we’ve got the Full Moon of Capricorn.

On this day, all the energies of Capricorn—determination, hard work, discipline, and clear-minded planning—are magnified. You may notice yourself feeling especially focused and clear, thinking to yourself: “I know what I want, and I’m ready to make a serious commitment and put in the work.” Regardless of your current job or business situation, this is a TERRIFIC way to start the New Year!


• Buckling down and putting in serious work to reach your goals—and also, using your time wisely and efficiently.

• Burning away old beliefs and patterns, and shaking things up in a big way.

• Clear, focused planning and even better, IMPLEMENTING your plan!

• Dreamy, joyful collaborations with colleagues.

• Unexpected invitations and opportunities.


December 21st – Sun moves into Capricorn. (A month of focused, disciplined effort begins today!)

December 22nd – Mercury moves direct. (Brain fog is lifted. Clarity returns. Communication becomes easier.)

December 24th – Venus moves into Capricorn. (Work hard and play hard, too. A great day to complete a project in a loving, fun, pleasurable way.)

December 27th – Mars conjunct Uranus. (There’s a warrior-like energy in the air, combined with surprises and unexpected invitations. Anything could happen!)

January 1st – Full Moon of Capricorn. (Capricorn’s qualities—determination, effort, making the long climb upward—are intensified on this day.)

January 9th – Venus conjunct Pluto, Sun conjunct Pluto. (Shed whatever is weighing you down in your career or personal life.)

January 10th – Mercury moves into Capricorn. (Time to act! Communicate. Launch. Activate. It’s time to buckle down and kick the New Year into full gear.)

January 16th – New Moon in Capricorn. (Set intentions. Plant new seeds. A great day to begin a new project or start a new adventure.)

January 17th – Venus moves into Aquarius. (Hang with like-minded people. Collaborate. Grow stronger, together.)


“Far away therein the sunshine are my highest aspirations. I may not reach them, but I can look up and see their beauty, believe in them, and try to follow where they lead.” —Louisa May Alcott

We set all kinds of goals in life. Sometimes we achieve them. Sometimes we do not. Sometimes we come very close, and yet don’t quite reach the pinnacle of the mountain. And yet, making the effort is still worth it. Every step is worth it.

Millions watched as Hillary Clinton set her sights on the highest position in the world—President of the United States. She had a big mountain to climb to receive a nomination from the Democratic party. It took decades of service and hard work before she earned the nomination, and many grueling months and millions of dollars on the campaign trail. And even though she’s not sitting in the White House today, her fierce determination made a lasting impression of millions of women and girls.

Because of the example that she set, more women than ever before are running for office, running their own businesses, and reaching higher than they ever dared before.

Even though Hillary didn’t reach the top of the mountain, her upward climb—her courage, her focus, and disciplined effort—has changed the world.

To me, this is the greatest lesson of Capricorn. It’s not just about the goals you achieve, or the position you attain, or the impressive job title on your business card, or your flashy website. It’s all about your tenacity along the journey—the example you set for others, and the sense of pride you feel in your efforts.

Keep climbing up your own personal mountain, whatever it may be. Do your best. Stay the course. Make yourself proud. No matter what happens in the end, you will know, “I made my absolute best effort. I held nothing back.”

Happy New Year!

Have an amazing month!

With love,

Ellen & Heidi

Learn more about my career & business coaching services here.

Learn more about Heidi and her astrological services here.

Your Career Forecast: November / December 2017

Ellen Fondiler | Your Career Forecast: November / December 2017

I work as a career and business strategist. But my secret passion is… astrology!

About once a month,  I post an overview of what’s happening in the cosmos and how it might influence your career. It’s called: Your Career Forecast.

Whether you’re job-hunting, running your own business, or wondering about the ideal time to ask for a raise or take a vacation, each Career Forecast will reveal the important dates and cosmic shifts that you need to know about.

I am joined by my dear friend, Heidi Rose Robbins, a master astrologer who will provide expert insight into what’s going on in the stars.

Let’s dive in!


What’s going on this month…

HEIDI: The Sun moves into Sagittarius on November 21st at 7:05 pm Pacific Time. Sagittarius is the sign of freedom and adventure. It wants a big vision and a big goal and is eager to pursue it. It is optimistic, risk taking and lives with a sense of CAN DO. This is a month to see, articulate and dive into the journey towards your next major goal. Inspiration abounds. Breathe it in.

On December 1st, Venus joins the Sun in Sagittarius. Venus lends its beauty and creativity to the adventure. The journey itself is exciting and innovative. With Venus in Sagittarius, we love to grow, expand and push past old boundaries.

December 2nd brings two major transits. Jupiter trines Neptune in the heavens. This is a deeply idealistic and imaginative time. Dreams feel possible and the intuition is alive and thriving. This is also the day that Mercury goes retrograde. It will stay retrograde until December 22nd. Don’t worry so much about Mercury retrograde. Use it as a quieter, reflective time if you can. Don’t try to manifest a new major idea. Review what has been accomplished this year instead. Reflect, review and remember. Then, you’ll be ready to launch 2018 having synthesized the journey of 2017.

December 3rd is the Full Moon of Sagittarius. The Moon is actually in Gemini, but we consider this the Full Moon of Sagittarius. This is a day when the energies of Sagittarius are MOST available to us. Vision, inspiration and optimism rule the day. Remember the phrase for Sagittarius: “I see the goal. I reach the goal. And then I see another.” There is movement and growth, inspiration and exertion. Sagittarius is also considered “the one pointed disciple.” We get focused and clear about the path we wish to walk.

Mars moves into Scorpio on December 9th. Mars loves to be in Scorpio. It is a tenacious combination and fights the good fight. Dig in. Dig deep. Be determined. Don’t give up.

The New Moon of Sagittarius falls on December 17th. We plant seeds of hope, faith and inspiration. We have the opportunity to breathe new life into any endeavor.

Finally, December 19th is a big day. Saturn moves into Capricorn. It has spent most of the last 3 years in Sagittarius and now shifts into the earthy sign of Capricorn. Saturn will stay in Capricorn for 2 1/2 years. It will be a time of testing and great growth for all who have strong Capricorn in their astrological chart. It’s a time to build, climb and achieve.

Use this month to clarify your goals and launch yourself with renewed optimism towards all you envision.

What does all of this mean for your career? Let’s look closer…


Here’s what you need to know…

ELLEN: On December 2nd, Jupiter trines Neptune. On this day, there’s an idealistic, imaginative quality in the air. It’s a great day to tap into your intuitive decision-making powers.

If you’ve been offered a job recently, don’t make a snap decision based in fear (“I won’t get another offer…” “There’s nothing else out there…”). Breathe. Meditate. Talk a long walk. Visualize the next five years of your life. What do you really want? What do your instincts tell you about this job opportunity? Is it truly right for you? Use your intuition to guide you.

If you’re job hunting and you’ve been coming up empty, again, tap into your intuition. What are you not seeing? Are you on the right path? Is there another way to go about this search? Sometimes, we get so fixated on doing things one way—or getting that one job—that we forget to look at the world of possibility out there that is available to us.

With Mercury retrograde throughout most of December, this is an excellent time to pause, reflect, and get organized for 2018. Back-up your computer. Save an extra copy of your résumé on a flash drive. Update your LinkedIn profile to reflect your latest achievements. Get your ducks in a row so you can reboot your job hunt in January. Historically, January is one of the biggest months for hiring—so take some time in December to get prepared, and then swing back out there in full force after January 1st!


Here’s what you need to know…

ELLEN: With the Full Moon of Sagittarius on December 3rd, all the best Sagittarian qualities—focus, taking aim, bounding towards a goal, adventure and optimism—will be magnified. This is a powerful day! If you’ve been feeling unfocused or uninspired recently, you might notice a major attitude shift on the 3rd.

If you’ve got a job, take some time on December 3rd to map out your plan for next year. Is there a special project you’d love to lead? Is there a new skill you’d like to acquire? What would make 2018 feel like your best year ever? What would make you feel even happier and more fulfilled at work? Write it all down. Then set up a meeting to discuss your vision with your supervisor.

Feeling stuck? Not sure what you want to focus on next year? Here’s a fun exercise that I learned from a colleague of mine who’s a life coach…

Start writing an email to your best friend and pretend that it’s December 2018—not December 2017. In other words, pretend it’s one year from now.

In your email, tell your friend about all the wonderful projects, achievements, and experiences that you’ve enjoyed over the last 12 months. Write “as if” all of these things have already happened—as if you’re “recapping” the year for your friend. This is sometimes called “pre-capping” or “pre-membering.” It’s a really fun exercise—and you might be surprised by what you start typing out!

Also, mark down December 9th on your calendar. On this day, Mars moves into Scorpio, which creates a tenacious, persistent energy. If there’s a project at work that’s been lagging behind schedule, this is a great day to hold a meeting, get your colleagues fired up, and get things moving again. The theme of the day is: perseverance. Is there a colleague who hasn’t returned your emails? Pick up the phone and call. Is there a supervisor who forgot to approve your vacation request and you’ve been waiting for ten days? Nudge them again. Maybe you’ve been told, “Sorry, we can’t do XYZ because it’s not within our budget this year.” Revamp your proposal and get back in there—try again! With the Mars-Scorpio combination on the 9th, your persistence will be rewarded.


Here’s what you need to know…

ELLEN: On December 1st, Venus joins the Sun in Sagittarius. Venus is all about love, beauty, affection, and connection. Lovey-dovey, swoony feelings. Don’t be surprised if you get some fan mail or a glowing review from a client on this day! Sagittarius brings a spirit of adventure and a goal-oriented perspective—think: an archer taking aim at the target.

On the 1st, this Venus/Sagittarius combination is terrific for entrepreneurs. We’ve got love in the air—plus a spirit of adventure and optimism. Anything is possible! Consider questions like, “What do my clients love most about working with me?” and, “What’s the next adventure for me, as a business owner?”

The New Moon of Sagittarius falls on December 17th. The New Moon is always a potent time to plant new seeds, begin a project, or set a new intention. This is a wonderful day to breathe some new life your business. What’s feeling stale or stagnant? Maybe it’s time to update the photos on your website. Or change some business policies or systems. Or maybe there’s an exciting new program or service that you want to develop—this will be a great day to put things into motion!


• Clarifying your goals.

• Being quiet and reflective (especially from Dec 2nd – 22nd).

• Cleaning, clearing, setting the stage for a successful new year.

• Using your intuition and imagination to find new solutions and pathways.

• Optimism, possibility, taking creative risks, and feeling a little more “daring” than we might typically feel.


November 21st – Sun moves into Sagittarius. (A month of optimism and enthusiasm begins!)

December 1st – Venus joins the Sun in Sagittarius. (Love is in the air, along with a spirit of adventure.)

December 2nd – Jupiter trines Neptune. (A day of idealistic, imaginative thinking.)

December 2nd – Mercury goes retrograde until December 22nd. (Reflect, clean things up, organize, clear space and the set the stage for the new year.)

December 3rd – Full Moon of Sagittarius. (Sagittarian qualities will be in full force! A day of optimism and curiosity. Set some exciting goals.)

December 9th – Mars moves into Scorpio. (Be persistent and tenacious. Your efforts will be rewarded.)

December 17th – The New Moon of Sagittarius. (Begin a new project, plant new seeds of hope and possibility.)

December 19th – Saturn moves into Capricorn. (It’s time to build, climb and achieve… away we go, into the new year!)


“It is true that we are called to create a better world. But we are first of all called to a more immediate and exalted task: that of creating our own lives.” —Thomas Merton

As Merton reminds us, yes, our professional goals are important. It’s wonderful to set big, ambitious, world-changing goals, to build a business, or build a legacy. At the same time, let’s not forget about the other parts of our lives. After all, “work” is one facet of life. But it’s not the whole picture.

If you’ve been hyper-focused on your career lately, take a step back, and consider the other parts of your life. Relationships. Health. Family. Friends. Is there an artistic, travel, or fitness-related goal that you’ve got in mind? Something that’s not directly related to your career? Something that’s “just for you”? Write it down. Set the intention. Take aim and let your arrow fly towards the target.

Sagittarius invites us to gallop into the future with a “Yes, we can!” attitude. This month, the cosmos seeks to remind us that anything is possible. With the right attitude, nothing is out of reach, and every door can be unlocked.

Wishing all of you a lovely holiday week.

With love,

Ellen & Heidi

Learn more about my career & business coaching services here.

Learn more about Heidi and her astrological services here.

Your Career Forecast: October / November 2017

Your Career Forecast: October / November 2017

I work as a career and business strategist. But my secret passion is… astrology!

About once a month,  I post an overview of what’s happening in the cosmos and how it might influence your career. It’s called: Your Career Forecast.

Whether you’re job-hunting, running your own business, or wondering about the ideal time to ask for a raise or take a vacation, each Career Forecast will reveal the important dates and cosmic shifts that you need to know about.

I am joined by my dear friend, Heidi Rose Robbins, a master astrologer who will provide expert insight into what’s going on in the stars.

Let’s dive in!


What’s going on this month…

HEIDI: The Sun moves into Scorpio on October 22nd at 10:27pm Pacific. Scorpio is the sign of tenacity, depth, and control. It rules sex, intimacy, money, and death. It likes everything to be INTENSE. It dives deep and doesn’t come up for air. It commits. The month of Scorpio is always a very powerful, get-it-done month. We work hard. We face ourselves. We wrestle with our own inner dark and try to lift it repeatedly into the light. We call upon our inner warrior.

Interestingly, Mars moves into Libra on October 22nd as well, so there can be both diplomacy and fight. We can fight (Scorpio) for right relationships (Libra). We can have intense conversations (Scorpio) with an open hand (Libra).

Expect inspiration and imagination on October 24th when Mercury trines Neptune. It’s not the best day to get things done. It’s a much better day to dream about your next project, to seek inspiration, and to let your intuition lead the way.

It’s the Full Moon of Scorpio on November 3rd. Use the Full Moon energies to honor your warrior. Lift everything that feels dark, problematic or unloveable into the light. Do a ceremony. Light a candle. Meditate. Choose to end something that doesn’t serve you. Use this phrase: “Warrior am I and from the battle I emerge triumphant!”

Mercury moves into Sagittarius on November 5th giving us new vision and a renewed sense of purpose. If you have felt depressed or unmotivated, this shift will help tremendously. What are your goals? What is one tiny goal that you could reach today? Go for it.

Venus moves into Scorpio on November 7th, joining the Sun and Jupiter in Scorpio. Venus is the planet of love, intuition, and artistry. It is about pleasure and beauty. Venus in Scorpio is sexy, sensual and deep. It’s also a very positive financial placement. It would be a good time to negotiate for a raise—to feel your inherent value and worth.

Venus and Jupiter meet in the same degree of Scorpio on November 13th. It is a day to make something more beautiful. With the moon in Virgo for a good chunk of that day, it might be connected to your work. Do you need to clean your desk or make your office space a truer reflection of you?

Finally, say what you need to say on November 17th. Mercury and Mars are sextile giving a punch and energy to your words. The moon is in Scorpio which speaks the truth.

What does all of this mean for your career? Let’s look closer…


Here’s what you need to know…

ELLEN: Job-hunting can sometimes be a slow, tedious process. You send out dozens of emails and you wait… and wait… and wait. Or you do a job interview, only to discover that this really isn’t the right workplace for you. Or you get a job offer but the salary is pathetic, and they’re unwilling to negotiate. Ugh. It’s easy to feel discouraged.

But there’s good news: with the Full Moon in Scorpio on November 3rd, this is a great time to shake off discouragement and get fired up. Your inner warrior will ignited, in full force, ready to conquer the challenges ahead.

On this day, write down your “dream job description”—exactly what you want and why. Read it back to yourself. Remind yourself that an amazing job is worth waiting for—and worth fighting for. This isn’t the moment to give up or settle for a second-rate situation. It’s time to rally! You can and you will!


Here’s what you need to know…

ELLEN: With Venus in Scorpio on November 7th, sensuality, beauty, and prosperity are in the air! Your powers of persuasion will be enhanced. Wishes will be granted. If you want to ask for more vacation time, a bigger salary, a different schedule, or a brand new Macbook Air laptop, today is the day.

Overall, November 7th is a powerful day for all things prosperity- and money-related. You might find yourself having a brilliant, out-of-the-blue idea about how your company could generate more revenue or reduce expenses without sacrificing anything important. If something pops into your mind, speak up and share it!

On November 13th, we’ve got Venus conjunct Jupiter in Scorpio. Venus represents love and beauty. Jupiter is all about higher learning, education, and intellectual pursuits. Scorpio is all about tenacity and emotional intensity. On this day, the vibe is: love + knowledge + getting things done. It’s a great day to clean up your workspace, empty your trash bin, grab some inspiring books from the library, or sign up for an interesting seminar. Clear your mind, declutter your space, and set the scene for productivity.


Here’s what you need to know…

ELLEN: I’m thrilled that we’ve got Mercury in Sagittarius on November 5th. In ancient mythology, Mercury is the Messenger God, the ruler of words and communication. Sagittarius is the archer, ready to take aim and charge after big, adventurous goals.

With Mercury and Sagittarius energies in the air, November 5th is a great day to think about your vision for 2018 and express it. Write it down. Email a friend to share your plans. Or make a vision board if you’re more of a visual thinker rather than a verbal person.

Sagittarius has a frisky, daring quality. It’s the centaur—half horse, half human—and this creature refuses to be tamed! If you’ve been feeling “trapped” in your business—working too much, slogging away, undercharging for your services, or hustling to achieve something that just isn’t working—November 5th is a great moment to close that chapter and begin anew. Think: wild horses and wide-open spaces.

Lastly, if there’s something you need to say—that you’ve been holding back— November 17th is a prime opportunity. It’s a day of truth-telling. That blog post you’ve wanted to post, except you worry it’s too revealing, or maybe a little too honest? Post it. Share your story. Maybe you need to fire your assistant because things are not working out? Do it. Or maybe there’s someone you’d love to collaborate with, but you worry they’re too busy or won’t be interested? Just reach out! Don’t suppress the words that you’re yearning to say.


• Deep and authentic conversations.

• Tenacity, intensity, finishing projects, getting things done.

• Connecting with your emotions: what you really want and why.

• Cleaning, clearing, setting the stage for a successful new year.

• Speaking the truth.


October 22nd – The Sun moves into Scorpio. (A month of tenacity and passion begins!)

October 22nd – Mars moves into Libra. (Combative energy, but also balance and equanimity. A great day to have a fiery debate, or to fight for fairness and justice.)

October 24th – Mercury trines Neptune. (A dreamy day. Tune into your imagination.)

November 3rd – Full Moon of Scorpio. (Scorpio powers in full force! Your inner warrior will be activated. Rally the troops. Get things done.)

November 5th – Mercury moves into Sagittarius. (Set new goals and express them. Write it down. Make a vision board. Start working towards this new reality.)

November 7th – Venus moves into Scorpio. (Sensuality, persuasiveness, and intensity ripple through this day. Ask for something you want!)

November 13th – Venus and Jupiter are in the same degree of Scorpio. (Clear your workspace. Make things beautiful. Set the scene for a productive season and new year.)

November 17th – Mercury is sextile Mars. (Let the truth come out. Say what needs to be said.)


“Many of life’s failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up.”
—Thomas A. Edison

Friends, use this month to get fiercely tenacious and committed. Just do it. Go for it. Dive in. Win the battle with yourself. Overcome procrastination and lethargy. Fight the good fight.

With love,


Learn more about my career & business coaching services here.

Learn more about Heidi and her astrological services here.