Your Career Forecast: July / August 2017

Your Career Forecast: July / August 2017

I work as a career and business strategist. But my secret passion is… astrology!

About once a month,  I post an overview of what’s happening in the cosmos and how it might influence your career. It’s called: Your Career Forecast.

Whether you’re job-hunting, running your own business, or wondering about the ideal time to ask for a raise or take a vacation, each Career Forecast will reveal the important dates and cosmic shifts that you need to know about.

I am joined by my dear friend, Heidi Rose Robbins, a master astrologer who will provide expert insight into what’s going on in the stars.

Let’s dive in!


What’s going on this month…

HEIDI: The Sun moves into Leo on July 22nd at 8:16am Pacific Time. We have a big month ahead. Leo is a sign of courage. It is a sign of radiance and, at its best, benevolent leadership. Leo grows from being entirely self-consumed to wanting to be generous with its gifts in the name of the greatest good for all.

Leo asks us to express, to be generous, and to give our gifts. It asks us to ignite the fire of the heart and love with greater gusto.

One of the reasons that this is such a huge month is that we have a complete Solar Eclipse on August 21st. The solar energy is completely blocked by the lunar energy. It’s a time when we will need to hold steadfastly to the greatest light in our nature, to keep the light within us kindled and potent. Strong eclipses often bring major external events. In the sign of Leo, this could have to do with who is in charge. I would expect intense political upheaval during this month.

Earlier in Leo, we have a New Moon on July 23rd. During the New Moon, we plant seeds with the energy available to us in any given sign. In Leo, we sow the seeds of self-expression, courageous acts, and a commitment to our loving nature. We make choices that don’t allow us to compromise our true, radiant Self. We dare ourselves to be who we truly are.

On July 25th, Mercury moves into Virgo. This is a time for careful, analytical thinking. Make a plan in these next weeks. Figure out how you will execute it step by step. Under Virgo, we create systems that work. We solve problems. We refine our offerings.

July 31st brings the shift of Venus into the sign of Cancer. Venus is the planet of what we value. Cancer is a sign that rules family and home. Though we are blazing in the sign of Leo, we may find comfort in the nourishment of our chosen families during this time. Though Leo asks that we express and be courageous, Venus in Cancer will welcome us back to the nest where we can replenish.

August 7th brings the Full Moon of Leo. Though the moon is in Aquarius on this date, we celebrate the energies of Leo during the Full Moon. This is a time to prepare for the Solar Eclipse just two weeks later. It’s a time to stand in your greatest light. We can all sound a note of the power of love, and the power of intelligent and loving leadership. We must recognize our interconnectedness and stand for the good of all.

It’s a fiery month. If ever there was a time to dare yourself to give your gift, it’s now.  Let’s cheer one another on!

What does all of this mean for your career? Let’s look closer…


Here’s what you need to know…

ELLEN: The phrase “job hunting” is usually accompanied by groans and deep sighs. Most people don’t enjoy hunting for a new job. Resumes, cover letters, online applications, waiting to hear back, and then hearing nothing. It can feel like one big… Ugh.

If that’s how you’re feeling, then it’s time to change the channel inside your brain from sad, dreary music to something more positive and proactive. Flip your attitude-switch. You can tap into the meticulous, hyper-organized Virgo energy that’s arriving on July 25th, and use this energy to your advantage.

Virgo is a sign that’s all about planning and list-making. So, start by making a list of your top 25 dream companies—places you’d really love to work. You can search sites like to learn about different company cultures and read anonymous reviews posted by employees who actually work there.

Then, ask yourself, “What kind of job am I hunting for, exactly?” Make a list of your dream job qualities—hours, pay, location, responsibilities, benefits, perks, everything you’d love to have as part of your salary package and workday.

Then, make a list of people who might be able to help you find that kind of job. Cast a wide net. Friends. Family. Colleagues. Classmates. Online connections. People you know from church, temple, mosque, the gym, yoga class, wherever. Start reaching out, one by one. Text, email, or call one or two people, every day, and share the exciting news that you’re searching for a new job.

You never know who might know somebody… who knows somebody… who works at one of your dream companies. The people in your social circle might be more well-connected than you think!


Here’s what you need to know…

ELLEN: Every astrological sign has a dark side and a light side. Leo is no exception. When Leo falls into a dark place, the energy can be aggressive (think: schoolyard bully) self-obsessed and narcissistic. When Leo rises into a bright place, we find generosity and skillful, courageous leadership.

If you currently have a job, but you’re not particularly happy, this month is a potent time to examine your life and career and ask, “Who is leading my life?”

Are you the leader of your own life? Are you taking courageous action to create what you want? Or have you taken a passive role?

When we’re unhappy at work, it’s tempting to passively point fingers at everyone else. “My boss doesn’t get it.” “There’s so much red tape.” “It’s impossible to get anything approved.” “Management is terrible.” “Nothing ever changes around here.”

Instead of blaming other people, what if you took matters into your own hands? OK, maybe your workplace isn’t perfect, and maybe you don’t have your dream job… yet. But that doesn’t mean you have to continue feeling miserable. What are 3, 4, or 5 things you could do this week to feel a little happier at work? A yoga class during your lunch break? Fresh flowers on your desk? An exciting new project that you pitch to your boss and lead? You can probably come up with at least a couple ideas that are realistic. Things you could put into motion today, or this week.

When you take matters into your own hands, your career will feel better immediately, and you’ll become an inspiration to those around you.


Here’s what you need to know…

ELLEN: Just before we entered the month of Leo, I booked a photo shoot. I wanted fresh photos for my website, which I’ll be revamping soon. But more importantly, I wanted to challenge myself to stand in front of the camera and “be seen.”

This is not something that’s particularly comfortable for me. I definitely prefer to be behind a computer screen, or behind a camera, or crafting someone else’s story rather than telling my own. I’ve never been extroverted or flashy. But I recognize that being an entrepreneur means being willing to step into the spotlight and say, “Here I am,” even when doing so is not 100% comfortable.

August 7th is the Full Moon of Leo. This is a beautiful day for everyone—especially entrepreneurs, freelancers, consultants, and all kinds of self-employed people. It’s a day, as Heidi put it so beautifully, to “stand in your greatest light.”

This would be an excellent day to write a business manifesto and post it publicly, to let the world know why you do what you do. It would also be an excellent day to do a photo shoot, post a Facebook Live video, send out a newsletter or a press release, host a party, or anything that represents you “being seen” in a strong, vibrant way.

Do you believe that your products and services can improve people’s lives? If so, then there’s no reason for you to hide in the shadows. Take centerstage. Imagine a noble lion or lioness. Stand tall and proud and let the people know what you’re selling, with the intention of serving as many people as possible, contributing to the highest good for all.


• Leadership. Taking charge of new projects. Taking charge of your life. Taking personal responsibility to create the career that you want.

• Courage. Putting yourself in a new kind of spotlight. Taking centerstage. Making a bold proposition.

• Disruption. Leadership shake-ups. Political shake-ups. There could be big changes ahead, both positive and maybe not-so-positive.

• Planning. The last week of July is an especially good time for making lists, making plans, and updating systems.


• July 22nd – Sun moves into Leo. (Themes: courage, radiance, benevolent leadership.)

• July 23rd – New Moon in Leo. (Dare to be who you truly are.)

• July 25th – Mercury moves into Virgo. (A great time for making careful lists and double-checking all the details.)

• July 31st – Venus in the sign of Cancer. (Take a mental health day and relax with friends and family, or wherever feels like “home” for you.)

• August 7th – Full Moon of Leo. (Stand in your greatest light.)

• August 21st – Solar Eclipse. (Change, upheaval, intensity in the air!)


“Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for. We are the change that we seek.” —Barack Obama

Barack Obama is a Leo, with a birthday coming up on August 4th. Obama represents some of the best Leo qualities. He’s confident, but without being flashy. He’s comfortable in the spotlight, but not self-obsessed. He’s a caring leader, devoted to the highest good for all. Most of all, he’s driven by the idea that change begins on an individual level—with individual leadership.

Rather than asking, “Who will save me?” or “Who’s fault is this?” or “Why is this happening to me?” this month, we have an opportunity to ask, “What can I do to make things right?”

We can’t wait, as Obama reminds us, “for some other person or some other time.” The time has arrived.

Have a beautiful month!


Learn more about my career & business coaching services here.

Learn more about Heidi and her astrological services here.