UNLOCKED Links: April 2018


Once a month, I curate the best links on how to find work that you love, be excellent at what you do, and unlock any door that stands in your way. Mostly, I gather articles and podcasts that capture my attention because they make me think or laugh. Here is the link round-up for April 2018!

• Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock. This is the story of an alarm clock that was stuck behind a wall for THIRTEEN years and went off twice a day at the same time!! Hard to believe they didn’t think to break open the wall for all that time! Ah, the things we choose to live with!

• Ageism is a sad fact of life. We all need to speak to it and do something about it. In other words, hire women your mom’s age!

• The high cost of housing in major cities is well known. In search of reasonable rent, the middle-class backbone of San Francisco — maitre d’s, teachers, bookstore managers, lounge musicians, copywriters and merchandise planners — are engaging in an unusual experiment in communal living: They are moving into dorms.

• Speaking of high cost of living, cities like Detroit, Akron and South Bend — get ready. Silicon Valley is over.

• A grandfather left an amazing legacy for his children and grandchildren. So beautiful.

• Usually, when we think about a portfolio, we think of finance, business, or art. But how about thinking of it in terms of a career? A portfolioist takes inspiration from these other disciplines to create an adaptable, diversified, and personal career. She does the hard work of figuring out what the world truly needs, maps that to a range of skills she possesses (and enjoys), and folds that into a business model. Sounds like my kind of job!!

• I love obituaries. The vast majority of the thousands obituaries published in the NY Times over the past 150 years, chronicled the lives of men, mostly white ones. Left out are some amazing women who left indelible marks. Here are a just a few.

• And while we are looking at lives well lived, here’s a look at people that are still alive who inspire us daily. Lives Well Lived is a feature documentary film by Sky Bergman that celebrates the incredible wit and wisdom of adults 75 to 100 years old who are living their lives to the fullest. Encompassing over 3000 years of experience, forty people share their secrets and insights to living a meaningful life.

• And while we are thinking about living well and dying well and leaving legacies, let’s not forget the importance of exercise! Here are the best ways to exercise those aging muscles!

• As we reach retirement age, we reach that moment when we have to decide what is next. This woman decided at age 64, to go back to graduate school. The end result: priceless.

• The Awakening Joy class by James Baraz is, well a joy. Finding joy is not easy. We often face dark times and are called upon to bring consciousness, love and skillful action into the world. Here are a few conversations between James and some very wise people who talk about how they navigate the dificult times and find their way to the small pockets of light.

• A woman with four kids, a bit of middle age malaise, a complicated second marraige, and lots of questions decided to start a Facebook group where she and other women could ask each other the myriad of questions that were keeping them up at night (including “How do you get a good night’s sleep?” ) The result is “What Would Virginia Woolf Do?” (WWVWD) a growing movment of over 7000 that meet online, in real life, and is now a book. Check it out!

• The future of weed consumption is filled with vape pens, sugar-free pretzels, and a lot of contraptions that Silicon Valley hasn’t invented yet. But what does the new school of products mean for the humble (some might say classic) joint? It’s the end of the joint as we know it.

Happy reading and listening,


Photo: Willie Franklin.

Your Career Forecast: April / May 2018

Your Career Forecast: April / May 2018

I work as a career and business strategist. But my secret passion is… astrology!

About once a month,  I post an overview of what’s happening in the cosmos and how it might influence your career. It’s called: Your Career Forecast.

Whether you’re job-hunting, running your own business, or wondering about the ideal time to ask for a raise or take a vacation, each Career Forecast will reveal the important dates and cosmic shifts that you need to know about.

I am joined by my dear friend, Heidi Rose Robbins, a master astrologer who will provide expert insight into what’s going on in the stars.

Let’s dive in!


What’s going on this month…

HEIDI: The Sun moves into Taurus on April 19th at 8:13 pm Pacific time. Taurus is a sign of manifesting beauty, taking practical action, and implementing the power of the Will.

Taurus rules the garden and under Taurus, the flowers of our lives start to grow. Seeds planted under Aries burst forth and we find ourselves surrounded by beauty. The month of Taurus is a great time to move forward slowly and steadily. We show up, do the work rhythmically, and grow. We attract resources through our sure, committed work.

Some of the slower, more fixed energy of Taurus will be activated and uplifted when Venus moves into Gemini on April 24th. Venus rules Taurus and when Venus spends time in Gemini, we connect. We relate. We write. We exchange. Gemini gets the Taurus energy involved in relationships. It’s a much quicker, moving energy than Taurus. So, we have both the rhythmic manifesting of Taurus and the curious, light energy of Gemini. Use Venus in Gemini to network, exchange information, and ask questions.

The Full Moon of Taurus occurs on April 29th. The phrase for Taurus is, “I see and when the eye is opened, all is illuminated.” Taurus is a sign of great intuition and light. Use the Full Moon time to listen deeply and to see beyond the apparent. What do you intuit about your next steps? Where is the greatest LIGHT in your life? Move towards it.

Mercury moves into Taurus on May 13th. Once Mercury moves into Taurus, we have the Sun, Venus, and Mercury all gathered in this powerful earth sign. We can communicate in a calm, steady, productive manner. We can slow down enough to appreciate all that is unfolding in our lives. We can take deliberate steps to grow.

May 15th is a big day. The planet Uranus, which spends 7-8 years in each sign, is moving into Taurus today. It has been in Aries since May of 2010. Everyone with strong Aries was woken up by this electric, improvisational energy. Now Uranus moves into Taurus. It will vivify and bring more freedom to the realm of Taurus. As Taurus rules our natural resources, there will certainly be a focus on greater sustainability and technological advances to help protect the planet.

Also on May 15th, Mars moves into Aquarius. This is the warrior energy working through the energy of the new. Mars in Aquarius is a great energy to problem-solve and think outside the box.

Finally, Venus moves into the Cancer on May 19th. Venus is what and who we love. Cancer rules the home and family. When Venus moves into Cancer, our attention can shift to the home front. We can also be extremely resourceful as we grow our work lives. Cancer is a great energy for finding and using what is available.

Let this month be one of grounded, practical growth, and unexpected pockets of beauty.

What does all of this mean for your career? Let’s look closer…


Here’s what you need to know…

ELLEN: If you’re job-hunting, there’s a ton of excellent energy in the air!

Taurus is all about surrounding yourself with beauty, enjoying sensory pleasures, and allowing the garden of your life to flourish and grow. To tap into the Taurean energy, put some plants or flowers in your workspace, play beautiful music, swirl some honey into your tea, and try to make the job-hunting process feel like a pleasurable, even hedonistic experience.

Two dates to mark down are May 13th and May 15th. On May 13th, we’ve got a combination of energies from the Sun, Venus, and Mercury. Venus rules love, Mercury rules communication. This is an excellent day to communicate from the heart. If you’re writing a cover letter, or emailing a colleague, write with sincere passion and enthusiasm. Don’t try to sound “buttoned up” or “corporate.” Let your excitement shine through.

For more writing tips, check out my workbooks, particularly the workbooks on how to write a resume and how to write a cover letter. Or sign up for a writing class like The Copy Cure and learn writing techniques from top copywriters and marketers. After all, when you’re job hunting, you’re marketing a unique, fabulous, and brilliant product: yourself!

Then, on May 15th, Uranus moves into Taurus. Uranus is a planet that’s all about serendipity and unexpected happenings. This day could bring some big surprises, especially in the realm of your surroundings (physical space, physical beauty), finances, and work. It’s the type of day when you might wake up to a completely unexpected job offer!

May 15th is also a great day to do something out of the ordinary. Text someone you normally wouldn’t. Apply for a job that feels like a bit of a stretch. Attend an event spontaneously. Be a little wilder than usual. It might pay off in a big way!


Here’s what you need to know…

ELLEN: On April 19th, when the Sun moves into Taurus, we step into a month-long period of Taurean energy.

Aries—the sign that comes before Taurus—is all about bold, fiery trailblazing. Taurus slows things down a bit. With Taurus, we can take a deep breath, relax, and work at a slow and steady pace. We can take a little more time to appreciate the beauty that surrounds us, rather than feeling an intense need to blaze new trails and shake things up.

If you’ve already got a job, the month of Taurus is a great time to focus on sustainability. Have you been working too hard? Burning the candle at both ends? How’s your physical and mental health? On April 19th, and in the weeks that follow, try to bring things back into balance. Find a sweet, steady rhythm. Don’t push too hard. Remind yourself, “I don’t need to work nonstop. I can find a happy equilibrium.”

If you’ve got a job—but you don’t like it and you’re ready for a change—use the month of Taurus to beautify your workspace and upgrade your daily routine. Find a way to make your job feel more tolerable, maybe even enjoyable.

For starters, put flowers on your desk. Visit a website like DENY Designs.

Not only will you be purchasing some beautiful and very affordable—artwork and decor for your office, you will also be supporting the artisans that make the products. (It’s a win-win). Put a stack of inspiring books next to your computer. I love Salad for President and In the Company of Women. Take breaks more often. Stretch your legs. Eat lunch outside instead of at your desk. Take extra-good care of yourself.

All of these small habits add up and boost your mood. It’s much easier to start figuring out your next career move when you’re feeling positive and optimistic, rather than competed drained.


Here’s what you need to know…

ELLEN: When Venus moves into Gemini on April 24th, we’ve got a beautiful combination of energies. The vibe is: curious, talkative, intimate, and full of love. Use this day to give some extra attention to your personal and professional relationships.

Send a gift to your #1 client. Text a colleague to ask how they’re doing. Throw a cheese and wine party and invite a few friends over to talk about how 2018 is going so far. Gemini tends to be a very chatty sign, but try to remember to listen more than you talk.

If you’re attending or hosting an event and you need a few ice-breakers to get the party started, here’s a list of 100 interesting questions to ask the people you meet. If you need some inspiration to plan the perfect gathering, read this article about some of Barack and Michelle Obama’s legendary White House parties. Very aspirational!

Then on May 19th, Venus moves into the Cancer. If there’s a phrase that sums up this day, it would be: “beautifully resourceful.” If you’ve been feeling like you don’t have enough time, money, connections, energy, and so on, this is the perfect day to shift your attitude.

Think differently. Be resourceful. OK, maybe you’re not best friends with Ellen DeGeneres, but who are the amazing people that you do know? Maybe you can’t afford to get a membership at the hottest, buzziest coworking space in the city, but where could you work instead? Focus on the resources that you do have, rather than obsessing about everything that you don’t. You have far more creativity, support, and opportunities available than you might realize. Find what’s available and use it.

Famous Taureans:

Coretta Scott King. A civil rights activist and the wife of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Working to change society’s mindset—and laws—requires committed, steady, patient work.

Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson. He has created a beautiful and sustainable career for himself—first as an athlete, and later as an actor and producer.

Adele. A grounded, down to earth celebrity who leads a quiet life, away from the media frenzy. She works hard, yet she takes plenty of time to step away from the spotlight and be with her family, too.


Surrounding yourself with pleasure and beauty. Upgrading your daily routine. Beautifying your workspace.

Slowing down a bit, and find a steady, sustainable pace at work. Reasonable working hours. Less frenzied striving. Finding balance.

Connecting with people on a deep, intimate level. Nurturing relationships. Turning acquaintances into true friends.

Being resourceful and focusing on what you do have, rather than what you don’t.


April 19th – The Sun moves into Taurus. We begin a month-long period of steady, committed work.

April 24th – Venus moves into Gemini. An excellent day for conversations, curiosity, and nurturing relationships.

April 29th – Full Moon of Taurus. Taurean energies reach their peak. Spend the day engaged in activities that feel beautiful and full of light. Do what you love.

May 13th – Mercury moves into Taurus. A great day for all kinds of communication: emails, texts, newsletters, phone calls, job applications. Communicate from the heart.

May 15th – Uranus moves into Taurus. A day of beautiful surprises! Also, on this day, Mars moves into Aquarius. Expect disruption and a revolutionary, shake-things-up feeling in the air.

May 19th – Venus moves into Cancer. Celebrate the ample resources that you already have. Use what you’ve got. Do great things.


“Let us be grateful to people who make us happy; they are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom.” —Marcel Proust

This month, surround yourself with experiences—and people—that bring you joy.

The happier you feel, the better your career will be. After all, it’s tough to do great work—or secure a new job, or a new client—when you’re down in the dumps. Focus on nurturing yourself like a garden with patient, steady, loving care. Allow yourself to bloom—and beautiful opportunities will be drawn to you.

Have an amazing month!

With love,

Ellen & Heidi

Learn more about my career & business coaching services here.

Learn more about Heidi and her astrological services here.

An Interview with Claire Wasserman

Ellen Fondiler | An Interview with Claire Wasserman

Whenever I meet someone who’s got a really cool job, who runs a thriving business, or who has completed an amazing project, I always want to know: “How did you do that?”

I’m always curious to hear the “behind-the-scenes story” — who they emailed, what they said, how they got their first client, how they got their foot in the door — the exact steps that they took to achieve their goal.

HOW DID YOU DO THAT? is an interview series where we get to hear the REAL story behind someone’s success—not the polished, neat and tidy version.

To see a complete list of all the interviews that have been completed to date, head over here.

Ellen Fondiler | An Interview with Claire Wasserman

Name: Claire Wasserman
Location: New York City
Profession: Founder of Ladies Get Paid

Claire, you’re the founder of Ladies Get Paid, an organization that teaches women how to determine what they could—and should—be earning at work, ask for the salary they deserve, and get it.

You started Ladies Get Paid because you’re discouraged about the fact that women typically earn much less than their male colleagues, and you want to change that.

I’m wondering… can you remember “the moment” when the idea for Ladies Get Paid came into your brain? Did you bolt upright in bed one day and declare, “I’m going to create my own company!” Or was it a more gradual realization? Walk us through the story of how it all started.

The idea came to me gradually. It all started with some emails that were exchanged privately between me and a few of my friends.

What happened was, about three years ago, I went to an advertising festival in the South of France. It’s a very fancy event where companies send their CEOs and their top people. And, as you can probably imagine, there were a lot of white older men.

I walked into a party and this older guy came up to me, and the first thing out of his mouth was, “Whose wife are you?” And that really set the tone for the rest of the week. It was a combination of not being taken seriously and being objectified. I went back home and just felt really gross. I was tired of being treated this way, and I decided to write a personal essay about what I had experienced.

I sent this essay to some of my friends. I was curious if they had had similar experiences. They said, “Yes,” and they urged me to post the essay online. I really did not feel like that was a good idea. I worried that by publicly announcing that I had concerns with men that I would be labeled a “man hater.” At the time, I was afraid. So instead, I said to my friends, “Why don’t you forward the essay to your friends, and we can share it, but let’s keep it private, just in our inboxes.”

So, you wrote this essay. You’re circulating it privately to your friends, and they’re forwarding it to their friends. Your essay is percolating around, landing in people’s inboxes, being read by people who’ve never met you. What happened next?

Women started writing to me, sharing their own stories. The stories kept unfolding. The more I read, the more I learned about the problems that women face in the workplace—not being taken seriously, not being respected, being underestimated, and also, the lack of women in leadership positions, and how the wage gap is even worse than what I thought.

It’s often stated that for every dollar a man earns, a woman—with equal education, skills, and experience, doing the same job—will earn around 78 cents. Is that accurate?

I thought it was 78 cents to the dollar, but it never dawned on me that that totally depends on the color of your skin. And I was ashamed that I, an educated person, wasn’t aware of the fact that a Hispanic women make 55 cents to the dollar, not 78. And if I didn’t know it, then maybe other people didn’t know it, too.

For about a year, I read people’s stories, I researched, and I immersed myself in the reality of women in the workplace. I wanted to do something to fix these huge, systemic problems, but I had no clue what to do.

Eventually, I had an idea, which was to host a discussion for women—like a town hall meeting. I invited women to attend, and I said, “Come and talk about money.”

Why money? Why not sexual harassment, or some other problem that women deal with in the workplace?

I chose money because it represents power, self-worth, value and identity.

100 women showed up for that first event. It was a really cathartic experience. People shared their stories and frustrations, and after that first event, it was really clear that women had a lot of questions about salary negotiation and money in general: “What should my salary be?” “How do I ask for more?” “What if they say no?” “If I’m self-employed, what should I be charging per hour?” “How do I find salary information?”
“When I ask for a raise, what, exactly, am I supposed to say?”

Right after that first event, I emailed those 100 women and I invited them to join a Slack group so that we could keep the conversation going. Two days later, these women just kept talking and talking and talking on Slack. There was so much energy and engagement. That’s when I realized, “I am onto something really special here.”

Two weeks later, I quit my job so that I could focus on turning Ladies Get Paid into a business, do more events and classes, and grow this project into something bigger.

Wow! So it all started with one essay, and then one event, and then an online discussion group, and then you took the plunge and decided, “This is going to be my full time career.” You’ve got serious chutzpah. I love that. Did you feel anxious about quitting your job and becoming an entrepreneur? Did you have doubts?

Oh my god, one million percent. I’ve definitely, definitely, definitely experience doubts, partly because I’m a perfectionist. I’m very hard on myself.

But something that I remind myself, often, is that men will typically apply for a job if they meet 60% of the requirements, whereas a woman will want to meet at least 90% before she’ll apply. So when I’m doubting my abilities, sometimes I ask myself, “Would a guy feel like this?” Probably not. He would probably think, “Oh, I can do this. No problem.”

That’s great to remember! When a woman is sitting there wondering, “Can I really do this?”, somewhere, out there, there’s probably a man with equal—or fewer—qualifications who feels perfectly capable of doing it.

Do you have any other tips on how to deal with doubts and insecurities?

I try to reframe everything I do as a “learning experience” instead of a “failed task.” I know that’s easier said than done, but it really does help. Before I give a speech in front of a crowd, instead of focusing on, “Okay, did I memorize my lines?” or, “I hope I’m good,” or any of that, I try to remind myself, ”I am walking into this experience with one goal, and that is to see what I can learn from it.”

I also keep track of nice things that people say to me. When I get emails that are really lovely, I take screenshots of them and keep them in a folder. That helps me to remember that I am having a positive effect on people. It’s easy to dismiss that.

How many women have joined the Ladies Get Paid community, at this point?

We have close to 15,000 now.

Ellen Fondiler | An Interview with Claire Wasserman

Wow! It’s impressive to be able to build that kind of community, especially so quickly. What are some things you’ve done to spread the word? What has helped to attract new fans and community members?

Mainly, it’s been word-of-mouth. Also, partnerships. With every Ladies Get Paid event, I try to partner with other women’s groups. We do some cross-promotion with our partners. Like, I’ll put your events on my social media if you do it on yours. I also bring speakers into these events, and I rely on them to help spread the word to their own communities.

Really, though, it all comes back to word-of-mouth. I think what we’re doing is pretty different from other women’s organizations out there. The atmosphere at the events, and in the online community, is really special. Women come and experience it, then they talk about it to their friends, and the word spreads.

What has been the most discouraging or frustrating moment in this journey thus far, and how did you get through it?

I’ve been harassed and threatened by men’s rights groups. These are groups of men who think it’s wrong for me to produce events geared towards women because they feel excluded, and think it’s unfair, even discriminatory. It’s really disheartening, because my goal is never to exclude, my goal is to give women the tools to feel stronger and build confidence and earn what they deserve.

That sounds incredibly stressful. How do you take care of yourself and stay focused when difficult things are going on?

I focus on the work that needs to get done. One foot in front of the other. Whatever I was able to accomplish today, no matter how small, I try to celebrate that. It could be something really small like answering all of my emails and getting to inbox zero. That’s still something, and helps me to see that things are moving forward.

Ellen Fondiler | An Interview with Claire Wasserman

Pretend you’re sitting down for coffee with a woman who suspects she could be earning more than what she currently is. She’d like to ask for a raise, but she doesn’t know how, or she’s nervous to say anything to her boss. What are three pieces of advice that you’d give her?

1. First, gather information.

What is the range of salaries that a person in your position makes, based on where you live, how many years of experience and skills you have, and the size of the company? Start by finding that out.

You can use websites like salary.com and glassdoor.com to find salary information. But don’t stop there. Talk to people. Ask your friends. If they don’t know anybody who works in your industry, ask them to ask their friends. Say, “Here’s the ballpark of the salaries that I found online. Here’s what I’m currently earning. Here’s what I’d like to be earning. Am I off base? Does this seem reasonable to you?”

2. Come up with three numbers: high, middle, and bottom line.

First, pick a very high salary. A big number, maybe a lot higher than anything you’ve asked for in the past. This is the very highest of the salary range, maybe a little bit higher. Don’t be embarrassed to say it. You need to practice saying it out loud to get used to it.

Then, pick a middle number. The middle number is something that you’d feel really good about getting, something you’d be proud to get.

Then, pick a bottom line number. This is an interesting one. The way that you actually figure out your bottom line is, you make a budget of all the things that make you, you. Not just the surviving you, but the thriving you. How much does it cost to live the life you want to live? If you want organic groceries, if you want SoulCycle classes, whatever makes you feel productive and happy, write it down, and total it up.

You look at your three numbers. Then you go in, and you ask for even more. And you go in with a back-up plan. If they can’t give you the salary you want, come up with a salary package that includes money and other, intangible forms of compensation: training, networking, mentorship, vacation time, whatever is most valuable to you.

3. Don’t ‘demand’ more money. Make a strong case for it.

This means talking about your accomplishments in terms that your employer can understand. You’re not “begging” for more money or “demanding” it. You’re stating the facts about what you’ve done in the past, and putting together a strong case for why you ought to be paid more.

That’s great advice, Claire, and I would also add… check out the Ladies Get Paid blog for more advice, starting with this post. Also, listen to the Lady Talk podcast, especially Episode 1: How to negotiate.

Thanks for sharing your story with us, Claire!


Do you have “one more quick question” that you’d like to ask Claire? Email me and tell me what you want to know! I might choose your question for my ONE MORE THING… Podcast (Coming soon!!!)


Do you need some encouragement to help you achieve a big, daunting career goal? Would you like to have a career coach/strategist in your corner—feeding you ideas that you’d never considered before, helping you figure out who to contact, and what to say, and checking in to make sure you don’t procrastinate? If so… click here to find out how we can work together. I’d love to coach you!


Your Career Forecast: March / April 2018

Your Career Forecast: March / April 2018

I work as a career and business strategist. But my secret passion is… astrology!

About once a month,  I post an overview of what’s happening in the cosmos and how it might influence your career. It’s called: Your Career Forecast.

Whether you’re job-hunting, running your own business, or wondering about the ideal time to ask for a raise or take a vacation, each Career Forecast will reveal the important dates and cosmic shifts that you need to know about.

I am joined by my dear friend, Heidi Rose Robbins, a master astrologer who will provide expert insight into what’s going on in the stars.

Let’s dive in!


What’s going on this month…

HEIDI: The Sun moves into Aries on March 20th, 2018 at 9:16 am Pacific time. Aries is the first sign of the Zodiac and launches us into a new astrological year.

Aries brings initiative, bold ideas, and chutzpah. It’s pioneering and cutting-edge. It says, “the time is now to begin again.” It is not shy. It leaps in and seizes the moment. It does not wait for perfect circumstances. It is, in fact, impatient and tends to plunge in. So much is begun under this fiery energy.

However, on March 22nd, not far after we launch into Aries, Mercury goes retrograde. It stays retrograde until April 15th. Many people think about Mercury retrograde as a time when our technology goes awry and when travel plans get muddied. It is true that Mercury retrograde can put a wrench in our plans and bugs in our computers. But there is a gift in Mercury retrograde as well. It asks us to step back and reflect on what has transpired over the previous four months. It asks us to generate new ideas,  feel the forward momentum, but also to pause before acting.

Venus moves into Taurus on March 30th. This is the ideal time to share your beauty and your gifts with the world, a time when you attract beauty and abundance in equal measure. Pay attention to what you value most, put energy towards that, and let it grow.

Then, there is the Full Moon of Aries on March 31st. While the moon is actually in Libra, we celebrate the energy of Aries. This is a time when the energies of Aries are most available to us. The phrase for Aries is “I come forth and from the plane of mind, I rule.” We might take a few moments on this day to get quiet and ask ourselves how we want and need to come forth during this next month. What ideas do we want to share?

Mars lines up with Saturn on April 2nd. This is all about endurance and discipline. The young warrior teams up with the wise mentor and together, they tackle whatever needs to be addressed. Stay the course, commit, and bring all your feisty energy along for the ride.

Mercury moves direct on April 15th. There is also a New Moon in Aries on the same day. This is the true liberated Aries energy, let loose at last. Everything moves forward after tax day. Feel the joy of direct, unimpeded, initiating energy.

Finally, the Sun sits in the same degree as Uranus on April 18th. Expect the unexpected. Feel your freedom and do something out of your own box. Brainstorm. Be a little wild.

The month of Aries is a potent time, full of vitality, refreshing energy, and new beginnings. Seeds are ready to burst—finally emerging through the solid ground.

What does all of this mean for your career? Let’s look closer…



Here’s what you need to know…

ELLEN: With the Sun moving into Aries, it’s the astrological New Year! A chance to hit the reset button. On March 20th, it’s like New Year’s Day all over again.

If you’ve been job-hunting without much success—and if things are feeling frustrating, blocked, or stagnant—this is the perfect opportunity to begin anew.

You’ve heard of New Year’s Resolutions, right? On March 20th, consider setting some New Job Resolutions. Make a list that starts with two powerful words: “I want.” But instead of writing, “I want to hit the gym 3x a week” or “I want to quit eating so much sugar,” focus on job-related resolutions. For example: “I want 3 weeks of paid vacation every year.” “I want a flexible schedule.” “I want to be able to walk or bike to work.” Write down everything you want.

When you set clear intentions, then it’s easier to figure out which jobs to apply for and which to skip, and it’s easier to focus your attention in the right places.

If you’re more of a visual thinker, instead of making a list of resolutions, try making a New Job Vision Board with images that express the kind of job you want. You can use Canva (it’s free) to create a beautiful online collage.

Download your collage and make it your computer desktop wallpaper so that you’ll see it every day—a visual reminder of the career that you’re working to create. Then, tap into the power of Aries and go for it! Take one bold step towards making it happen. One phone call. One networking event. One application. Go!

To keep you inspired throughout your job hunt, consider reading When To Jump by Mike Lewis and Playing Big by Tara Mohr, two books that will motivate you to be bolder and reach for the type of career that you really want.


Here’s what you need to know…

ELLEN: Mercury goes retrograde from March 22nd to April 15th. This is an ideal time to take stock of the last four months. Review, assess, and evaluate. How have things been going? Do you feel on track with your projects? What about the people that you manage or supervise? Have you checked in with them recently?

Also, is there any “unfinished business” that needs to be dealt with? March 22nd to April 15th is an excellent time to tidy things up. Finish any lingering projects. Clear out your inbox. Tie up loose ends. Focus on finishing what’s already been started. Ideally, try to wait until April 15th (or later) to begin any big new projects.

A great book to read during Mercury retrograde: The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up by Marie Kondo. It’s a lovely book on how to create more simplicity, organization, and serenity in your environment.

Also, if you’ve already got a job, mark down April 18th on your calendar. On that day, the Sun sits in the same degree as Uranus. Uranus is all about… the unexpected! On this day, you might be offered an unexpected promotion, or someone at the company might step down, or a project might get canceled suddenly, without warning, or… who knows? Anything could happen! Stay alert and enjoy the ride. This is also a great day to propose wild, unusual ideas—like turning that empty conference room in an employee Pilates studio! Go nuts!


Here’s what you need to know…

ELLEN: As an entrepreneur myself, I’m looking forward to the Full Moon of Aries on March 31st. On this day, the energies of Aries reach their peak. It’s a day of boldness and trailblazing. The universe whispers, “Come forth.” If you’ve been hiding, come out. If you’ve been holding back, shift gears. If you’ve been wishy-washy or indecisive, make up your mind.

One of Aries worst—and also, best—qualities is impatience. Impatience can sometimes be a very good thing! If there’s something about your business that hasn’t felt right for a long time, March 31st is a great day to put your foot down and decide, “Enough!” Be decisive. Use your impatience as fuel to make positive changes. This might mean firing someone, hiring someone, finally launching your long-awaited podcast, or fixing a system that’s not functioning. Do whatever needs to be done!

If you’re thinking, “Oh my gosh, there are so many things that need to be upgraded… it’s going to take more than just one day to fix everything!”… that’s OK! You’re in luck, because after the Full Moon of Aries, you’ve got another big burst of passionate energy on April 2nd. On this day, Mars lines up with Saturn. It’s all about endurance, discipline, and tackling whatever needs to get done. Go, go, go!

If you’re looking for something to read, I recommend Shooting the Boh, a memoir by Tracy Johnston. It’s the story of a woman who decides to raft down one of the world’s most dangerous rivers. It’s a story of courage, risk-taking, and pioneering into new territory. Much like white-water rafting, running a business is an exciting (and sometimes terrifying) adventure. Like Tracy, we’ve got to be brave and bold—and maintain a sense of humor throughout the journey.

Famous Aries:

Aries people often tend to be first in line and ahead of their time. They’re bold, trailblazing, independent thinkers. Here are a few famous Aries leaders and celebrities:

Lady Gaga. Who else would wear a dress made entirely of raw meat?

Reese Witherspoon. A passionate leader who not only acts, but also runs her own production studio.

Marc Jacobs. A brilliant fashion designer who made history by employing transgender models for many of his runway shows and ad campaigns.

Al Gore. A forward-thinking man who revealed the “inconvenient truth” about climate change to the world.

David Blaine. A magician and endurance artist who pushes our concept of what is “possible.” David has pushed his body to unbelievable limits—including holding his breath underwater for over 17 minutes.


Bold action. Be first in line, first to apply, first to raise your hand and speak up.

Seizing the moment. If an unexpected opportunity arises, don’t overanalyze it. Go for it!

Independence. Break away from tradition. Create your own rules.

Hitting the reset button. In a sense, it’s New Year’s Day all over again.

Going after what you really, truly want. What’s your secret wish? Your buried dream? Let it come forth. Bring it into the light!


March 20th: The Sun moves into Aries. We begin a month-long period of boldness, independence, and trailblazing. This is not the time for shyness!

March 22nd: Mercury moves retrograde until April 15th. Keep working towards your goals, but focus more on “finishing” rather than “starting new projects.”

March 30th: Venus moves into Taurus. A day of beauty, love, and manifesting to make your dreams real.

March 31st: The Full Moon of Aries. All of the bold Aries energies are maximized.

April 2nd: Mars conjunct Saturn. Another burst of bold, warrior-like energy. Charge forward. Get things done.

April 15th: Mercury moves direct and New Moon of Aries. A feeling of liberation and freedom.

April 18th: Sun conjunct Uranus. A day of unexpected propositions, surprise invitations, a little bit of wildness. Who knows what might happen?


“Fortune favors the bold.” —Latin proverb

It’s been reported that women are less likely to receive a salary increase at work. There are many, many reasons for this. One reason is that women are far less likely to actually ask for a raise.

In fact, about 40% of women never ask. Ever. Not even once over the course of their entire career. We tend to hang back and hope it will just… happen. But it rarely works like that. When you don’t ask, you don’t get.

Regardless of your gender, there’s a big lesson here: Be bolder. The time of Aries invites us to tap into our boldness and stop apologizing and hesitating. Fly! Jump! Go! Ask for what you want. Or if it doesn’t exist yet, then be a trailblazer and create what you want.

Have an amazing month!

With love,

Ellen & Heidi

Learn more about my career & business coaching services here.

Learn more about Heidi and her astrological services here.

Your Career Forecast: February / March 2018

Your Career Forecast: February / March 2018

I work as a career and business strategist. But my secret passion is… astrology!

About once a month,  I post an overview of what’s happening in the cosmos and how it might influence your career. It’s called: Your Career Forecast.

Whether you’re job-hunting, running your own business, or wondering about the ideal time to ask for a raise or take a vacation, each Career Forecast will reveal the important dates and cosmic shifts that you need to know about.

I am joined by my dear friend, Heidi Rose Robbins, a master astrologer who will provide expert insight into what’s going on in the stars.

Let’s dive in!


What’s going on this month…

HEIDI: The Sun moves into Pisces on February 18th at 9:18 am Pacific time. Pisces is a water sign. It brings an ocean of sensitivity and compassion. Pisces rules endings, as it is the last sign in the zodiac. It rules letting go, release and surrender.

Under Pisces, the ocean washes up and erodes what has outlived its time. It also softens the more rigid or structured parts of ourselves, helping us to learn more about unconditional love in our lives.

On another note, Pisces rules the imagination and wakes up the dreamer in each of us. When the Sun is in Pisces, we are meant to steep in the dream. Music, film and poetry all fall under the domain of Pisces.

The Full Moon of Pisces falls on March 1st, amplifying the energy of Pisces. This is the most heightened time of the year for meditating upon compassion, love and uplifting one another through kindness and service. We can take time today to feel beyond ourselves and remember our capacity to positively impact and profoundly change and uplift the lives of others.

March 4th is an extra dreamy day as the Sun shares the same degree as Neptune in the heavens. This is a perfect day for artistry and love. It is a time to receive. The imagination is hugely stimulated. Always with Neptune, however, we must be sure we are seeing clearly. It is easy to let the dream subsume reality.

Mercury moves into Aries on March 5th. Mercury loves to be in Aries. This is a combination that brings bold ideas and forward progress. There may be a certain impatience that accompanies this duo, but sometimes it’s good to get a little impatient with ourselves so we finally take the action we need to take.

The very next day, March 6th, Venus moves into Aries and amps up the fire. These are days to begin again, to push forward, to brainstorm. These are days when the great ideas descend and we get excited to dive in.

Mars moves into Capricorn on March 17th which is the best energy to help implement those new ideas. Mars in Capricorn is the Warrior of Work, The Warrior of Determination, The Warrior of Leadership. You’ll get the work done—and done well—when Mars is in Capricorn.

There is also a New Moon in Pisces on March 17th which plants the seeds for the upcoming month. Plant seeds of self-compassion and compassion for Humanity! Imagine a better world and take your own tiny steps to make it so.

What does all of this mean for your career? Let’s look closer…


Here’s what you need to know…

ELLEN: Mercury moves into Aries on March 5th. It’s a day of bold ideas, forward momentum, and quite possibly, a feeling of urgency and impatience. You might think to yourself, “It feels like I’ve been job-hunting forever. Why is everything taking so long?” If you feel annoyed, that’s good! Take your irritation and use it as fuel. Channel all of that energy into your job-hunt.

Be bold. Be decisive. Call someone you’ve been meaning to call. Reach out to a recruiting expert. Contact five close friends and ask them to keep their eyes and ears open for you. Contact a company you love and give them your résumé—even if they’re not hiring right now—“just in case.” It certainly couldn’t hurt. A week or two from now, who knows… they might have an unexpected opening!

Bottom line: on March 5th and March 6th (which is another fiery, push-things-forward type of day) take whatever action step you’ve been hesitating on. Now is the time to act!

(Side note: if you’re feeling stuck with your job-hunt—like nothing’s moving forward—I recommend reading Designing Your Life: How to Build a Well-Lived, Joyful Life by Bill Burnett and Dave Evans. It’s one of my favorite books on how to map out your life and career with thoughtfulness and care. It might trigger several new ideas for you.)


Here’s what you need to know…

ELLEN: The Sun moves into Pisces on February 18th. Here, we have an opportunity to wash away the past—and begin anew. As Heidi mentioned, Pisces is the final sign in the Zodiac and it’s associated with endings, release, and letting go.

Is there anything you’ve been “holding onto” at work? Maybe there’s a project from last year that didn’t pan out very successfully—and you’re still feeling embarrassed about it. Maybe you’re holding a grudge against a colleague who took credit for your hard work. Or that person who flaked out and left you with a huge mountain of extra tasks. Or that person who sends you passive-aggressive emails five times a day.

If there’s anything about your job that feels burdensome, it’s time to let it all go. After all, you don’t want to walk into the office feeling heavy and stressed!

During the time of Pisces, do whatever you need to do to release the heaviness of the past. Meditate. Exhale deeply. Put a quartz crystal—known for clearing away stale energy—or a healthy plant in your office. Create some kind of ritual or symbol to indicate to yourself, “The past is past. I’m moving on.”

About a month later, on March 17th, Mars moves into Capricorn. If there’s something at work that seriously needs to get done, today, the Universe is completely on your side! The word for today is: “Implement.” This is not a day for dreamy musing and meditating. It’s a day to buckle down and crunch the numbers, write the emails, make the calls, complete the designs, send out the invoices… go, go, go! Keep your nose to the grindstone. You’ll be stunned by how much you get done.


Here’s what you need to know…

ELLEN: Not only is March 17th an excellent day for implementing and getting things done, it’s also the New Moon in Pisces. On this day, we’ve got a big, beautiful ocean of emotion—love, compassion, and hope for humanity. If you’re self-employed, ask yourself, “How could I use my position as an entrepreneur to improve the world?”

You don’t have to be “world famous” or a “billionaire philanthropist” in order to make a difference in people’s lives. Be imaginative. Come up with a project that you feel excited to do. The New Moon is an especially good day to begin a healing, world-changing project.

What type of project? Well, for example, you could host a fundraiser inside your shop. You could contribute a small percentage of your profits to charity. You could use your online platform to spread an important message. You could partner with a local school to create a special line of products featuring artwork from kids. You could do something really, really small—like mail one anonymous “thank you” letter to a fellow entrepreneur who inspires you. You could mentor young business owners, writers, or artists—perhaps you’ve got one, two, or ten years of hard-earned wisdom that you could share.

During the time of Pisces, especially on the powerful New Moon day, think beyond yourself—beyond your individual life and your individual ambitions.

How could you create a ripple of compassion that extends far, far, far beyond yourself? Take a step to make it so.

Famous Pisceans:

George Washington. America’s first President. His Presidency marked the end of a turbulent, violent war—and the dawn of a new country. Big, oceanic waves of change!

Albert Einstein. A scientist, a dreamer, an innovator. A prime example of Piscean imagination—seeing what might be possible, even if nobody else sees it yet.

Steve Jobs. Another highly creative, imaginative thinker who created massive ripples of change. Jobs’ creativity has awakened creativity in millions of people—people who now use his products to blog, podcast, make videos, and so much more.

Rihanna. Her new makeup company—Fenty Beauty—is a beautiful example of Piscean artistry and compassion. Her product line includes 40 different skin tones, and with this, Rihanna is sending a clear message to her customers: “Nobody is left out. Everyone is welcome here.”


Dreaming and imagination. Your next big idea could be right around the corner.

Compassion and emotional depth. Dive deep inside your heart. Express. Make art.

Refilling your creative tank. Reading poetry, attending a film festival, or diving into an inspiring Netflix documentary.

Finding new ways to serve humanity. Creating positive ripples of change.

Shedding, creating closure, releasing the past. The time of Pisces is like “New Years Eve” all over again—an ending and a new beginning.


February 18th – Sun moves into Pisces. (We enter a month-long period of dreamy, imaginative, artistic qualities.)

March 1st – Full Moon of Pisces. (Pisces qualities are amplified! Write a love letter today, a love poem, or a song. Let yourself be filled with sensitivity and compassion.)

March 4th – Neptune conjunct the Sun. (Imagination will be highly stimulated. Another great day for dreaming and creativity.)

March 5th – Mercury moves into Aries. (Determination and fire, maybe even a twinge of impatience. It’s time to implement and get things done!)

March 6th – Venus moves into Aries. (Another excellent day to push forward and get lots of things done.)

March 17th – Mars moves into Capricorn. (Yet ANOTHER day for implementation and getting things done! Stay focused. Go, go, go.)

March 17th – New Moon in Pisces. (An opportune moment to begin a new project—especially a project that’s related to artistry, love, and serving humanity.


“Listen to your life…touch, taste, smell your way to the holy and hidden heart of it, because in the last analysis all moments are key moments and life itself is grace.” —Frederick Buechner

Pisces reminds us that there’s so much more to life than just… work.

Yes, it’s wonderful to have a career that you love. Everyone deserves to have meaningful work. Even so, we must remember that work is just one fraction of life—one shore, not the entire ocean.

Try not to let the pressures of work consume you. Don’t forget to dream… to touch, taste, and smell… to experience the full emotional spectrum of life. The tiny moments of joy. The scent of the ocean. The pleasure of discovering your new favorite song. All the precious, ephemeral moments that comprise a well-lived life.

During the time of Pisces, let your inner CEO take a backseat, and let your inner Artist lead the way.

Have an amazing month!

With love,

Ellen & Heidi

Learn more about my career & business coaching services here.

Learn more about Heidi and her astrological services here.

An Interview with Lauren Chiarello

Ellen Fondiler | An Interview with Lauren Chiarello

Whenever I meet someone who’s got a really cool job, who runs a thriving business, or who has completed an amazing project, I always want to know: “How did you do that?”

I’m always curious to hear the “behind-the-scenes story” — who they emailed, what they said, how they got their first client, how they got their foot in the door — the exact steps that they took to achieve their goal.

HOW DID YOU DO THAT? is an interview series where we get to hear the REAL story behind someone’s success—not the polished, neat and tidy version.

To see a complete list of all the interviews that have been completed to date, head over here.

Ellen Fondiler | An Interview with Lauren Chiarello

Name: Lauren Chiarello
Location: New York
Profession: Fitness Instructor, Events Guru, 2x Cancer Survivor

Lauren, you’re a fitness instructor based in NYC, and you’re also a 2x cancer survivor. You’re involved in lots of fundraising efforts, you do event planning, and you’ve raised over $75,000 for cancer charities. You’re a strong, generous, and busy woman!

Can you walk us through a typical workday in your life? Are you by a computer? Riding the subway around town? Meeting with clients? At the gym? Describe a “day in the life” of Lauren Chiarello.

I’m up early every weekday – either teaching a group Pilates / TRX class at Flex Studios or Barre class at exhale or training my private clients. I also teach in a corporate setting – I have 3 groups that I see regularly. I try to stack my days as much as I can to reduce commuting around the city. I live uptown + sometimes I’ll need to commute twice in one day so that’ll add up to 2 – 2.5 hours a day. Not ideal! During my commuting time, I’m usually working from my phone — scheduling / answering emails / planning fitness events / charity work. Whenever I have an open time slot – I grab my own workout. I try to take class or run outside. The days can be quite long so over the past few years, I’ve tried to learn how to conserve my energy. It’s tricky but I think I’m finally getting the hang of it.

Working in the fitness industry seems really fun! You get to move your body all day long, listen to energizing music… it sounds like a dream gig, especially for someone who loves helping people feel better. What’s your favorite part of your work? Also, what’s your least favorite part?

I adore meeting people. My students are the reason I teach. I’ve seen firsthand how movement can transform the body + mind. I teach to educate and my hope is that my students walk out learning something. It’s truly a gift to lead others and I never take it for granted when my rock star students carve out time to get stronger, both physically and mentally.

Working for myself, I wake up everyday unemployed. It’s been challenging to set boundaries. Teaching a lot of hours can put a strain on my body and voice. I try to listen to my body as much as I can so I can rest properly and continue to hold space for my students.

Do you have a morning routine? What is it?

Sorta! I build in time to drink hot water with lemon and eat something nourishing before starting the day. I also try to take time to sit with a clear mind. I have a full schedule (sometimes up to 8 different pieces of goodness per day!) and my brain wants to start darting in 897347 directions. It’s a practice to try to find stillness to start my day. Work in progress!

Have you ever had a project that didn’t go very well? A class that nobody attended, a fundraiser that didn’t raise much money, or something else? What happened? How did you feel? And how did you pick yourself up and convince yourself to keep trying?

Oh yes. Funny enough, I revel in the failures. Even though they’re tough, I always feel like there is so much to learn.

In 2016, I started an outdoor workout event series called #ChiChiSweatSesh. I love exercising outside and I was super stoked to bring community and connection into Central Park. I teamed up with a fellow fitness instructor to lead a combo workout, followed by a potluck picnic. My friend and fellow coach Rachel led a running workout, and then I taught a core class. Around 5 people signed up; all but one canceled last minute. We still had a truly lovely evening but I remember being so bummed about the attendance numbers. It’s a struggle to get people to come out for events – people in NYC have a lot of commitments! The lack of attendance lit a fire in me to figure out how to rally more people. I thought to myself, How can I make this event stand out?

I decided to start bringing in food and beverage partners to offer samples as well as a charity partner. I ask my teachers to select a cause that is meaningful to them and we invite the charity to participate. Last year, one #ChiChiSweatSesh supported a mental health organization, This is My Brave, and we had a participant perform a poem she wrote to kick off the evening.  It was the most memorable one of the year.

Ellen Fondiler | An Interview with Lauren Chiarello

I’ve known many cancer survivors in my life. Nearly all of them have told me that—even though it’s scary and awful—cancer has also brought many positive lessons into their lives. Lessons about resilience, about being present and appreciating each moment, about going after your goals and not waiting for someday later, about mindfulness and gratitude, and more. I am curious to know… what kind of imprint has cancer left in your life? How has this illness shaped you into the person you are today?

Literally all of the above lessons you mentioned! I was recently on my friend Jill’s podcast, The Career Passport, talking about “How Gratitude Can Save Your Career (And Maybe Even Your Life).” Being grateful allows us to focus on a life of abundance. When we have a tough day, if we can bring a sense of gratitude into our minds, our energy and attitude have the potential to shift in a positive direction. I often say, no day but today.

I was quite young when I was diagnosed with Hodgkin’s Lymphoma — 23 years old, fresh out of college + ready to tackle life! I was completely sidelined when I learned I had cancer. I led a healthy lifestyle – grew up an athlete and have been a vegetarian since I was 14. Going through treatment at such a young age helped me to put life in perspective and changed the trajectory of my entire life. I doubt I would be a fitness instructor. I fell in love with movement after my treatments. About one year after my stem cell transplant, a friend introduced me to Barre classes. My teachers helped me discover strength I didn’t know I had.

My mantra is Yes. You. Can. I believe that everyone has the ability to lead his or her best lives. We must be relentless in the pursuit. Cancer taught me that.

Also, every day is a gift. I start all of my classes by saying “it’s a beautiful day to be alive.” Because, it just is.

You were recently nominated for Reebok’s Most Inspiring Trainer in America Award—and you became a finalist! Congratulations! How did this happen? Did you apply? Did a client submit your name for consideration? Tell us more about this wonderful achievement.

Thank you so much! The nomination was a true honor. Friends / clients / family submitted my name for consideration. My cousin made this amazing video which I feel helped me get noticed. Even though I didn’t win, it was a wonderful platform to share my story. In sharing my story, the hope is to help others feel less alone.

You have such a positive outlook on life. One of your favorite mantras is: “It’s a beautiful day to be alive.” But do you ever have moments in your everyday life where you feel discouraged or overwhelmed? When? And how do you pull yourself out of those moments?

I definitely have those moments – probably everyday. If I am feeling overwhelmed, I try to step away from whatever I am doing and look at it with a bird’s eye view. If I am feeling discouraged, I look to find tiny moments of joy that can lift my spirits.

I truly enjoy reading quotes + passages. One of my favorites is Ralph Marston’s The Daily Motivator. He writes about different life themes and they always seem to resonate with me at just the right time.

You’re obviously very passionate about health, fitness, and self-care. What are some ways that you take care of yourself, and invest in your own wellbeing? Do you have any favorite rituals, classes, products, or…?

This area had been lacking for a while as my schedule had gotten overloaded. Over the past few months, I’ve made active changes. I make my workouts a priority (Barre / Pilates / TRX / Running / Cycling / Yoga) … I like it all!

I was having constant pain in my SI joint + I decided to go for regular therapeutic massages. These have been super-helpful. I schedule them every other Friday and it’s a beautiful way to kick-off the weekend. Since I use my body for my work, I have to keep it healthy!

I love to travel. It expands my heart and mind. I truly enjoy learning about different cultures and immersing myself in new environments. My husband and I try to take lots of adventures when our schedule allows. On the deck in 2018: French Alps with Sharing Bali + Beyond.

Ellen Fondiler | An Interview with Lauren Chiarello


We always end each HOW DID YOU DO THAT? interview with helpful pieces of advice. Imagine someone, out there, who would love to work in the fitness industry… but isn’t sure how to begin. What are the first 3 steps this person could take? Any advice?

1. Find what excites you!

Do you love yoga, Zumba, HIIT, cycling? Find the one you’re most passionate about and start to build consistency. Try taking the class 3-4x/week and see how your body, mind and heart feel.

2. Build Relationships!

This one takes time. I was a Barre student at exhale for 5 years before I became a teacher. I fell in love with the method. I got to know the teachers and from there, it was a natural fit to train.

3. Start to investigate!

Ask your local gym / studio how you can become certified. You’ll also need to be CPR / AED certified which you can do through your local Red Cross. Most studios require a group exercise certification as well – I received mine through AFAA.

You can follow Lauren on Instagram at @chichilifenyc. For all you lucky people in New York City, she offers great classes and events.


Do you have “one more quick question” that you’d like to ask Lauren? Email me and tell me what you want to know! I might choose your question for my ONE MORE THING… Podcast (Coming soon!!!)


Do you need some encouragement to help you achieve a big, daunting career goal? Would you like to have a career coach/strategist in your corner—feeding you ideas that you’d never considered before, helping you figure out who to contact, and what to say, and checking in to make sure you don’t procrastinate? If so… click here to find out how we can work together. I’d love to coach you!