Your Career Forecast: April / May 2018

Your Career Forecast: April / May 2018

I work as a career and business strategist. But my secret passion is… astrology!

About once a month,  I post an overview of what’s happening in the cosmos and how it might influence your career. It’s called: Your Career Forecast.

Whether you’re job-hunting, running your own business, or wondering about the ideal time to ask for a raise or take a vacation, each Career Forecast will reveal the important dates and cosmic shifts that you need to know about.

I am joined by my dear friend, Heidi Rose Robbins, a master astrologer who will provide expert insight into what’s going on in the stars.

Let’s dive in!


What’s going on this month…

HEIDI: The Sun moves into Taurus on April 19th at 8:13 pm Pacific time. Taurus is a sign of manifesting beauty, taking practical action, and implementing the power of the Will.

Taurus rules the garden and under Taurus, the flowers of our lives start to grow. Seeds planted under Aries burst forth and we find ourselves surrounded by beauty. The month of Taurus is a great time to move forward slowly and steadily. We show up, do the work rhythmically, and grow. We attract resources through our sure, committed work.

Some of the slower, more fixed energy of Taurus will be activated and uplifted when Venus moves into Gemini on April 24th. Venus rules Taurus and when Venus spends time in Gemini, we connect. We relate. We write. We exchange. Gemini gets the Taurus energy involved in relationships. It’s a much quicker, moving energy than Taurus. So, we have both the rhythmic manifesting of Taurus and the curious, light energy of Gemini. Use Venus in Gemini to network, exchange information, and ask questions.

The Full Moon of Taurus occurs on April 29th. The phrase for Taurus is, “I see and when the eye is opened, all is illuminated.” Taurus is a sign of great intuition and light. Use the Full Moon time to listen deeply and to see beyond the apparent. What do you intuit about your next steps? Where is the greatest LIGHT in your life? Move towards it.

Mercury moves into Taurus on May 13th. Once Mercury moves into Taurus, we have the Sun, Venus, and Mercury all gathered in this powerful earth sign. We can communicate in a calm, steady, productive manner. We can slow down enough to appreciate all that is unfolding in our lives. We can take deliberate steps to grow.

May 15th is a big day. The planet Uranus, which spends 7-8 years in each sign, is moving into Taurus today. It has been in Aries since May of 2010. Everyone with strong Aries was woken up by this electric, improvisational energy. Now Uranus moves into Taurus. It will vivify and bring more freedom to the realm of Taurus. As Taurus rules our natural resources, there will certainly be a focus on greater sustainability and technological advances to help protect the planet.

Also on May 15th, Mars moves into Aquarius. This is the warrior energy working through the energy of the new. Mars in Aquarius is a great energy to problem-solve and think outside the box.

Finally, Venus moves into the Cancer on May 19th. Venus is what and who we love. Cancer rules the home and family. When Venus moves into Cancer, our attention can shift to the home front. We can also be extremely resourceful as we grow our work lives. Cancer is a great energy for finding and using what is available.

Let this month be one of grounded, practical growth, and unexpected pockets of beauty.

What does all of this mean for your career? Let’s look closer…


Here’s what you need to know…

ELLEN: If you’re job-hunting, there’s a ton of excellent energy in the air!

Taurus is all about surrounding yourself with beauty, enjoying sensory pleasures, and allowing the garden of your life to flourish and grow. To tap into the Taurean energy, put some plants or flowers in your workspace, play beautiful music, swirl some honey into your tea, and try to make the job-hunting process feel like a pleasurable, even hedonistic experience.

Two dates to mark down are May 13th and May 15th. On May 13th, we’ve got a combination of energies from the Sun, Venus, and Mercury. Venus rules love, Mercury rules communication. This is an excellent day to communicate from the heart. If you’re writing a cover letter, or emailing a colleague, write with sincere passion and enthusiasm. Don’t try to sound “buttoned up” or “corporate.” Let your excitement shine through.

For more writing tips, check out my workbooks, particularly the workbooks on how to write a resume and how to write a cover letter. Or sign up for a writing class like The Copy Cure and learn writing techniques from top copywriters and marketers. After all, when you’re job hunting, you’re marketing a unique, fabulous, and brilliant product: yourself!

Then, on May 15th, Uranus moves into Taurus. Uranus is a planet that’s all about serendipity and unexpected happenings. This day could bring some big surprises, especially in the realm of your surroundings (physical space, physical beauty), finances, and work. It’s the type of day when you might wake up to a completely unexpected job offer!

May 15th is also a great day to do something out of the ordinary. Text someone you normally wouldn’t. Apply for a job that feels like a bit of a stretch. Attend an event spontaneously. Be a little wilder than usual. It might pay off in a big way!


Here’s what you need to know…

ELLEN: On April 19th, when the Sun moves into Taurus, we step into a month-long period of Taurean energy.

Aries—the sign that comes before Taurus—is all about bold, fiery trailblazing. Taurus slows things down a bit. With Taurus, we can take a deep breath, relax, and work at a slow and steady pace. We can take a little more time to appreciate the beauty that surrounds us, rather than feeling an intense need to blaze new trails and shake things up.

If you’ve already got a job, the month of Taurus is a great time to focus on sustainability. Have you been working too hard? Burning the candle at both ends? How’s your physical and mental health? On April 19th, and in the weeks that follow, try to bring things back into balance. Find a sweet, steady rhythm. Don’t push too hard. Remind yourself, “I don’t need to work nonstop. I can find a happy equilibrium.”

If you’ve got a job—but you don’t like it and you’re ready for a change—use the month of Taurus to beautify your workspace and upgrade your daily routine. Find a way to make your job feel more tolerable, maybe even enjoyable.

For starters, put flowers on your desk. Visit a website like DENY Designs.

Not only will you be purchasing some beautiful and very affordable—artwork and decor for your office, you will also be supporting the artisans that make the products. (It’s a win-win). Put a stack of inspiring books next to your computer. I love Salad for President and In the Company of Women. Take breaks more often. Stretch your legs. Eat lunch outside instead of at your desk. Take extra-good care of yourself.

All of these small habits add up and boost your mood. It’s much easier to start figuring out your next career move when you’re feeling positive and optimistic, rather than competed drained.


Here’s what you need to know…

ELLEN: When Venus moves into Gemini on April 24th, we’ve got a beautiful combination of energies. The vibe is: curious, talkative, intimate, and full of love. Use this day to give some extra attention to your personal and professional relationships.

Send a gift to your #1 client. Text a colleague to ask how they’re doing. Throw a cheese and wine party and invite a few friends over to talk about how 2018 is going so far. Gemini tends to be a very chatty sign, but try to remember to listen more than you talk.

If you’re attending or hosting an event and you need a few ice-breakers to get the party started, here’s a list of 100 interesting questions to ask the people you meet. If you need some inspiration to plan the perfect gathering, read this article about some of Barack and Michelle Obama’s legendary White House parties. Very aspirational!

Then on May 19th, Venus moves into the Cancer. If there’s a phrase that sums up this day, it would be: “beautifully resourceful.” If you’ve been feeling like you don’t have enough time, money, connections, energy, and so on, this is the perfect day to shift your attitude.

Think differently. Be resourceful. OK, maybe you’re not best friends with Ellen DeGeneres, but who are the amazing people that you do know? Maybe you can’t afford to get a membership at the hottest, buzziest coworking space in the city, but where could you work instead? Focus on the resources that you do have, rather than obsessing about everything that you don’t. You have far more creativity, support, and opportunities available than you might realize. Find what’s available and use it.

Famous Taureans:

Coretta Scott King. A civil rights activist and the wife of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Working to change society’s mindset—and laws—requires committed, steady, patient work.

Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson. He has created a beautiful and sustainable career for himself—first as an athlete, and later as an actor and producer.

Adele. A grounded, down to earth celebrity who leads a quiet life, away from the media frenzy. She works hard, yet she takes plenty of time to step away from the spotlight and be with her family, too.


Surrounding yourself with pleasure and beauty. Upgrading your daily routine. Beautifying your workspace.

Slowing down a bit, and find a steady, sustainable pace at work. Reasonable working hours. Less frenzied striving. Finding balance.

Connecting with people on a deep, intimate level. Nurturing relationships. Turning acquaintances into true friends.

Being resourceful and focusing on what you do have, rather than what you don’t.


April 19th – The Sun moves into Taurus. We begin a month-long period of steady, committed work.

April 24th – Venus moves into Gemini. An excellent day for conversations, curiosity, and nurturing relationships.

April 29th – Full Moon of Taurus. Taurean energies reach their peak. Spend the day engaged in activities that feel beautiful and full of light. Do what you love.

May 13th – Mercury moves into Taurus. A great day for all kinds of communication: emails, texts, newsletters, phone calls, job applications. Communicate from the heart.

May 15th – Uranus moves into Taurus. A day of beautiful surprises! Also, on this day, Mars moves into Aquarius. Expect disruption and a revolutionary, shake-things-up feeling in the air.

May 19th – Venus moves into Cancer. Celebrate the ample resources that you already have. Use what you’ve got. Do great things.


“Let us be grateful to people who make us happy; they are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom.” —Marcel Proust

This month, surround yourself with experiences—and people—that bring you joy.

The happier you feel, the better your career will be. After all, it’s tough to do great work—or secure a new job, or a new client—when you’re down in the dumps. Focus on nurturing yourself like a garden with patient, steady, loving care. Allow yourself to bloom—and beautiful opportunities will be drawn to you.

Have an amazing month!

With love,

Ellen & Heidi

Learn more about my career & business coaching services here.

Learn more about Heidi and her astrological services here.