Your Career Forecast: July / August 2018

Ellen Fondiler: Your Career Forecast: July / August 2018

I work as a career and business strategist. But my secret passion is… astrology!

About once a month, I post an overview of what’s happening in the cosmos and how it might influence your career. It’s called Your Career Forecast.

Whether you’re job-hunting, running your own business, or wondering about the ideal time to ask for a raise or take a vacation, each Career Forecast will reveal the important dates and cosmic shifts that you need to know about.

I am joined by my dear friend, Heidi Rose Robbins, a master astrologer who will provide expert insight into what’s going on in the stars.

Let’s dive in!


What’s going on this month…

HEIDI: The Sun moves into Leo on July 22 at 2:01 pm pacific time. Leo, the second fire sign, brings leadership, creativity and self-expression. It is a sign of great courage and generosity. We each have the opportunity to shine forth under this solar sign.

Leo loves the question, “Who am I?” And even more than the question, Leo loves answering it through art, leadership and dramatic living. Who am I if I paint? Who am I if I dance? Who am I if I decide to become an astronaut? Who am I now? It’s good to ask this question throughout a life and not simply resign ourselves to old self-definition. It keeps us young and curious and growing.

On July 25, Mercury moves retrograde and will stay retrograde until August 18th. Interestingly, Mercury is in the sign of Leo at this time and will turn inward to reflect upon the questions of Leo even more fully. We can think of this as a pause, a few weeks of reflection before the next full flowering. We cannot always be moving unstoppably forward. We need windows of time to breathe, to slow down, and to assess. This Mercury retrograde period offers time to delve into some serious soul searching. This is not to say the momentum of life stops. But it is important to spend a little time each day, thinking more deeply about the next steps forward.

The Full Moon of Leo occurs on July 27th at 1:20 pm pacific time. Use the two days leading up to the Full Moon and the two days after to truly work with and integrate the energies of Leo. What part do you wish to play in life’s great unfolding? What is your role at this moment in your life? Are you meant to lead? Are you meant to support a larger group that is bringing change? Are you allowing your full light to shine? Are you identifying with a light greater than your own as inspiration?

On August 6th, Venus moves into the sign of Libra. Venus rules Libra and loves to work through this sign of beauty and balance. It’s a very social combination and excels at playing the host. It’s a time when we can all bring more beauty, poise and collaboration into our lives. Relationships flow with greater ease during this time. A greater diplomacy is possible and solutions can be reached that earlier felt impossible.

August 11th brings the New Moon of Leo and a Solar Eclipse. If you have planets at 18 degrees Leo, this eclipse will activate those planets strongly for the next 6 months. New Moons are as they sound — full of potential and fresh starts. Again, let us practice asking, “Who am I now?” Perhaps we don’t take the time to notice how we are growing, evolving and changing. We must always seek to know ourselves fully so we can act on and offer what we know.

Mars continues its journey retrograde from Aquarius to Capricorn on August 12th. This is a very determined and driving combination. The key with Mars retrograde is to take stock before acting. Sometimes patience or a little review is required before proceeding. If you take the necessary time of reflection, you can then use the Mars in Capricorn to build purposefully and with clarity. This combination always helps us achieve what we set out to do. Consider the possibility that the “review” time may take until the 27th when Mars moves direct.

When Mercury turns direct on the 18th, there will be a focused, clear energy of self-available to meet the sign of VIRGO as Virgo’s month begins on August 22nd. The directed, creative, generous impulse will then be ready to be put to work!

Use this month to come to know who you are in THIS moment. Express. Explore. Experiment. Be spontaneous and curious. Discover something NEW about yourself and lead with that.

What does all of this mean for your career? Let’s look closer…


Here’s what you need to know…

ELLEN: As Heidi mentioned, the Sun moves into Leo on July 22nd. Leo is radiant, warm, and courageous. If you are job-hunting, this would normally be a terrific time to shake up your search by doing something bold and unexpected—something that allows your warmth and humanity to shine brightly.

However, this year there are some aspects that strongly suggest that instead of going big and bold, you go inward and use the month to organize, reflect and get yourself ready for the organized and focused Virgo season next month.

The planet Mercury goes retrograde on July 25, and will stay retrograde until August 18th. In addition, the planet Mars is retrograde until August 27th. This is probably not the best time to send out resumes or cover letters or go out on interviews. There are too many possible mishaps re: technology and communication that could take place. Plus the last weeks of summer are always slow.

Instead, think of this time as a pause, a few weeks of reflection before the next full flowering. This Mercury retrograde period offers time to delve into some serious soul searching and delve into the whole Leo-esque question, “Who am I?” and “Where do I fit in?”

This is a great time to organize your job search, update your resume and cover letters, and research new companies you may want to approach come the fall. It is also a perfect time to catch up on books and articles that you have been meaning to read. I love David Whyte’s book, Crossing the Unknown Sea. It is one of the best books that I have ever read about the meaning of work. For anyone who wants to deepen their connection to their life’s work—or find out what their life’s work is—this is the book to read.


Here’s what you need to know…

ELLEN: On August 6th, Venus moves into the sign of Libra. It’s a very social combination. Libra excels at playing the host and Venus loves being a guest in this sign. It’s a time when we can all bring more collaboration into our lives. Relationships flow with greater ease. A greater diplomacy is possible and solutions can be reached that earlier felt impossible.

This would be a great time to suggest a group offsite to gather members of your team together to brainstorm the final quarter of 2018. And since we are talking about Venus, it is a perfect time to also throw in some fun and games. Plan to go to a beautiful spot out in nature and have plenty of yummy food on hand. You can’t lose!!

You can also use the downtime of August to get everyone together to deep clean the office or redesign the workspace. Use the Marie Kondo method to get rid of all the boxes and papers and general stuff that has built up. A clean working space will do wonders for group productivity.


Here’s what you need to know…

ELLEN: There is a lot of opportunity this month to realign and re-assess the direction that your business is taking.

The Full Moon of Leo occurs on July 27th at 1:20 pm pacific time. Use the two days leading up to the Full Moon and the two days after to truly work with and integrate the energies of Leo. As Heidi noted, it’s a great time to ask yourself, “What am I here to give with all my heart?”

If you run your own business, are you truly “giving your all”—or have you been holding back? Do you treat your customers with warmth and generosity or are you doing the “bare minimum” that’s expected of you? How could you serve your audience at an even higher level? Explore these questions and without being too hard on yourself, look for ways to improve.

On the night of the full moon, spend some time filling your cup of inspiration to the brim. Watch TED Talks delivered by entrepreneurs you admire. Watch your favorite music videos on YouTube. Listen to podcasts featuring interesting business. ‘How I Built This’ is a wonderful way to learn about how innovators and entrepreneurs built their brands and movements. And on Girl Boss Radio, Sophia Amoruso interviews boundary-pushing women who talk about all the lessons they’ve learned along the way to their success.

You can also catch up on my ‘How Did You Do That?’ interview series and Heidi’s podcast, ‘The Radiance Project’. Surround yourself with examples of “role models” who are running their businesses with heart, warmth, and generosity and remind yourself, “I can absolutely do that, too.”

August 11th brings the New Moon of Leo and a Solar Eclipse. New Moons are as they sound — full of potential and fresh starts. Take the time to notice how you are growing, evolving and changing. Journal. Take a few days to retreat and go off by yourself. Start a meditation practice. The app Calm is a great way to start.

Remember that both Mars and Mercury will be in retrograde at this time, so it is important to take the necessary time for reflection. Mars will be in Capricorn, which is a combination that always helps us achieve what we set out to do. While we may not get instant gratification, once Mercury goes direct on August 18th and Mars goes direct on August 27th, there will be a focused, clear energy available to meet the sign of Virgo and you will be ready to move forward.

In the meanwhile, enjoy the waning days of summer to replenish, refresh, spend time with friends and loved ones and relish in the Leo season. After all, Leos love a good party!


Leos love the limelight, which is why many of them make a career in the performing arts.

Barack Obama. President Obama represents some of the best Leo qualities. He’s confident, without being flashy. He’s comfortable in the spotlight, but not self-obsessed. He’s a caring leader, devoted to the highest good for all. Most of all, he’s driven by the idea that change begins on an individual level—with individual leadership.

Jennifer Lopez. “Jenny from the Block’ is the quintessential Leo. She clearly loves the limelight, often showing up at events in scene-stealing outfits, accompanied by very young escorts. However, her talent is what always takes front and center. She is an award-winning actress, musician, and is regarded as the most influential Latin performer in the United States.

JK Rowling. Her rags-to-riches story is lore for hundreds of millions around the world. She was a welfare mom, with nothing to lose. The entire seven books of Harry Potter came to her one-day on a long train ride and the rest is history. After untold numbers of rejections, a wise man at Bloomsbury offered her $2,250 and agreed to print 1,000 books. When Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows went on sale, it sold 15 million copies worldwide in 24 hours, Forbes magazine put Rowling second only to Oprah as the richest woman in entertainment, ahead of Martha Stewart and Madonna — and as the first person to become a billionaire by writing books.

Madonna. Referred to as the “Queen of Pop”, Madonna is known for pushing the boundaries of lyrical content in mainstream popular music, as well as visual imagery in music videos and on stage. She has also frequently reinvented both her music and image while maintaining autonomy within the recording industry. She is an extraordinarily successful businesswoman, philanthropist, won a Golden Globe for Best Actress for her role in Evita (I love that movie!), and is the highest grossing solo touring artist of all time.

Mick Jagger. How can someone with this much charisma, swagger, stamina and passion for performing be anything but a Leo? Mick Jagger is acknowledged as the greatest front man ever, and has single handedly defined what it means to be the singer with a rock band, a blues band or any other kind of band during his fifty-year career.


• Expressing

• Exploring

• Experimenting


July 22nd – The Sun moves into Leo (tap into your inner lion—lead, be bold, roar!)

July 25th – Mercury moves retrograde until August 18th (back up your computers and stay away from hostile arguments)

July 27th – Full moon of Leo; total lunar eclipse (ask, “What am I here to give with all my heart?”)

August 6th – Venus moves into Libra (bring beauty, poise and collaboration into your life)

August 11th – New Moon of Leo and a Solar Eclipse (full of potential and fresh starts)

August 12th – Mars moves into Capricorn (build purposefully and with clarity)

August 18th – Mercury moves direct (The directed, creative, generous impulse will be ready to be put to work!)


“Of any stopping place in life, it is good to ask whether it will be a good place from which to go on as well as a good place to remain.” -Mary Catherine Bateson

This month is a time to stop, pause and take stock. Do you like what you are doing? What is your role at this moment in life? Do you want to change it? Can you move into yourself and what you offer with greater force and passion? Are you holding back?

Re-treat. Re-vitalize. Re-examine outdated beliefs.

Have an amazing month!

With love,

Ellen & Heidi

Learn more about my career & business coaching services here.

Learn more about Heidi and her astrological services here.

Your Career Forecast: June / July 2018

Ellen Fondiler | Your Career Forecast: May / June 2018

I work as a career and business strategist. But my secret passion is… astrology!

About once a month,  I post an overview of what’s happening in the cosmos and how it might influence your career. It’s called: Your Career Forecast.

Whether you’re job-hunting, running your own business, or wondering about the ideal time to ask for a raise or take a vacation, each Career Forecast will reveal the important dates and cosmic shifts that you need to know about.

I am joined by my dear friend, Heidi Rose Robbins, a master astrologer who will provide expert insight into what’s going on in the stars.

Let’s dive in!


What’s going on this month…

HEIDI: The Sun moves into Cancer on June 21st at 3:07 am Pacific time. It is time, once again, to turn inward. Cancer asks that we get a little quieter, feel a little more, and replenish our physical, emotional and mental selves. The phrase for Cancer is: “I build a lighted house and therein dwell.” Cancer asks that we fill our house with light—our body, our home, our business.

Cancer is also the energy of the Mother and it seeks to nourish others and see them grow. This nourishing may apply to projects and businesses as well. It is resourceful and careful. It safeguards what it loves. It parents all it chooses to protect.

Mars moves retrograde on June 26th, which may amplify the need to withdraw even more. Mars usually demands action, but when it moves retrograde, there is a need to reflect and restore before any further assertion. It’s not time for a fight. It’s not a time to push through. It’s more a time for solitude and contemplation and restoration.

The Full Moon of Cancer occurs on June 27th. The moon is actually in Capricorn, but we celebrate Cancer. What do we wish to see grow? For what or whom do we feel compassion? How could we tend to them? What can we do to fill our own bodies with more light so we are a little less protected, shielded, or afraid? How do we dare risk being more vulnerable?

On June 28th, Mercury moves into Leo. This will bring a little more fire to the picture. Mercury in Leo is courageous in its expression. It has a flair for leadership and does not shy away from the spotlight. It’s willing to sound the call. It’s willing to show up. If you have something to write that requires a little bravado, do it now. You will have the capacity to express the best of yourself.

Venus moves into Virgo on July 9th. This helps us refine and improve. It’s excellent energy to edit or clean up. It is interested in everything having its right place. It helps to implement systems that improve the whole. We get healthier and more organized when Venus visits Virgo.

Finally, there is a New Moon and Solar Eclipse the evening of July 12th. We plant seeds under the New Moon. We fertilize the metaphorical egg. We whisper to the tiniest flame or idea within us and encourage it to continue to take form. We open our arms and allow our idea of family to grow. We risk being vulnerable and available to others. Our feeling sensitivity leads the way. Intuition is strong.

Overall, it’s a quieter, deeper month. Don’t let that fool you. Much is growing that will emerge next month. Much is in bud.

What does all of this mean for your career? Let’s look closer…


Here’s what you need to know…

ELLEN: Whenever I see Leo energy on the calendar, I always think, “Great news for job hunters!”

On June 28th, Mercury moves into Leo. Mercury rules communication, while Leo brings self-assurance, confidence, and courage. This is an excellent combination if you’re going after a new job, a promotion, or any kind of career upgrade.

Use this day to let your community know, “I’m searching for something new!” Post your dream job description on Facebook. Post a YouTube video introducing yourself to new employers. Send a passionate cover letter and résumé to your top 5 favorite companies, even if they don’t appear to be hiring right now. You never know… a lot can change in a few weeks, and they might be hiring again soon! It doesn’t hurt to make your presence known.

Or, take a cue from the brilliant Tiffany Han, and start a 100 Rejection Letters project. Every day, wake up, have your coffee, and then reach out to someone and make a request, like “Could I send you my résumé?” or “May I ask you three questions on the phone?” or “Could I visit and take a tour of the company?” It’s OK if someone says, “No.” In fact, that’s the whole point of the project! Keep going until you’ve collected 100 Rejection Letters. Consider each rejection a badge of honor. Each one proves that you took a risk and made a gutsy request!

The magic of this project is two-fold: one, you start to get de-sensitized to rejection and it doesn’t feel so terrifying anymore, and two, not everyone will say “No.” A few people will say “Yes.” Each “Yes” can unlock doors for your career. But you won’t get a “Yes”… until you start asking!

If you love the idea of doing a 100 Rejection Letters project, and want even more inspiration, check out Tiffany Han’s podcast, and read Jia Jiang’s book, Rejection Proof. Jiang and Han share a similar message: asking won’t kill you, being rejected won’t kill you either, and incredible things happen when you reach out and ask for what you want. Tap into that Leo courage and go for it!


Here’s what you need to know…

ELLEN: Prior to Cancer, we had the month of Gemini—extroverted, chatty, sociable, a lover of people, a builder of bridges and connections. After energizing Gemini, we swing back to the other end of the spectrum. We go from social butterfly back into a restful cocoon.

And so, when the Sun moves into Cancer on June 21st, we’re invited to slow down, turn inward, and focus on recharging and refilling our tanks. This is a great time to check in with yourself and ask, “Have I been working too hard lately? Have I been burning the candle at both ends? Have I been racing around town like a maniac? Is it time to chill out for awhile?” Even if you absolutely love your job, that doesn’t mean you should be working ‘round the clock. Try to scale things back and find more balance.

For your reading list, consider reading Tim Ferriss’ bestseller, The 4-Hour Workweek. In this book, Ferriss discusses a number of different ways that you can drastically reduce the amount of time you spend at work. Less time shackled to your desk. More flexibility and freedom. And no, you don’t necessarily have to quit your job and start your own business. Ferriss shares lots of principles that apply to all kinds of professions. A very thought-provoking read!

Or, if you want to take a break from thinking about work-related matters, pick up a copy of The Little Book of Hygge. “Hygge” is a Danish word that doesn’t really have an English equivalent, but loosely, it means “cozy, peaceful, happy times at home.” Perfect for the month of Cancer! Read along and learn how to create a serene, tranquil, incredibly cozy environment at home, just like the Danes do.


Here’s what you need to know…

ELLEN: Running a successful business requires passion and creativity, and also… systems! Systems for handling emails, systems for billing clients, systems for scheduling social media posts, and more. With good systems in place, you can eliminate a lot of headaches and panicky 3am moments where you bolt awake, wondering, “Did I update that webpage, or did I forget?”

Good news, because when Venus moves into Virgo on July 9th, we have a combination of loving, beautiful energies (thanks to Venus) and fantastic organizational skills (because of Virgo). It’s the perfect day to assess your current systems (or lack thereof!) and put new ones into place. The word of the day is: organize! Tidy up your desk drawers, your bookshelf, your inbox, and your administrative processes. You’ll feel refreshed, and you’ll set yourself up for smooth sailing throughout the second half of 2018.

If you’re thinking, “I am just not a systems person! My brain doesn’t work that way!”… you’re not alone! If you’re a creative, artistic, imaginative thinker—not an Excel spreadsheet person—consider reading The Right Brain Business Plan by Jennifer Lee. It’s a beautiful book with illustrated worksheets to make business planning joyful, not tedious.

Another suggestion: consider hiring a professional organizer to whip your office—and business—into shape! Sometimes, getting an outside perspective can help you to identify issues and inefficiencies that you’re not even “seeing” clearly. Hire an organizing pro to create new systems that you can maintain. Don’t you feel relieved already, just thinking about it?


Clever, witty, brilliant with words and lyrics, communicative, expressive, skilled at building relationships and tribes… it’s no wonder the world is filled with so many famous Geminis!

June 21st – The Sun moves into Cancer. Recharge. Fill your life with light.

June 26th – Mars moves retrograde. Another invitation to slow down. Warriors need to retreat, sometimes, not just advance.

June 27th – The Full Moon of Cancer. A beautiful day to retreat inward, spend time alone, or with loved ones.

June 28th – Mercury moves into Leo. Skillful communication and courage. Write. Share. Post. Speak up. Let the world know who you are and what you can offer!

July 9th – Venus moves into Virgo. An excellent day to assess your systems and policies at work. What needs to be tightened up, simplified, or beautified?

July 12th – New Moon and Solar Eclipse. Listen to the voice of your intuition. Set new intentions. In the upcoming month, watch these seedlings grow!


• Turning inward, recharging, taking a mental health day, or going on a retreat.

• Working less. Finding more balance. Focusing on domestic, personal, and emotional matters rather than working ‘round the clock.

• Noticing what fills you up, what energizes you, what helps you to shine brighter. Filling your life with routines that light you up.

• Doing some organizing at home and at work, too. Creating new systems, setting things into order, creating greater peace of mind.

• Stretching yourself in new ways and taking risks to create your dream career, which doesn’t necessarily mean being “loud,” “flashy,” or “extroverted.” An quiet risk (like sending a email to invite someone to meet with you 1 on 1) is still a risk.


June 21st – The Sun moves into Cancer. Recharge. Fill your life with light.

June 26th – Mars moves retrograde. Another invitation to slow down. Warriors need to retreat, sometimes, not just advance.

June 27th – The Full Moon of Cancer. A beautiful day to retreat inward, spend time alone, or with loved ones.

June 28th – Mercury moves into Leo. Skillful communication and courage. Write. Share. Post. Speak up. Let the world know who you are and what you can offer!

July 9th – Venus moves into Virgo. An excellent day to assess your systems and policies at work. What needs to be tightened up, simplified, or beautified?

July 12th – New Moon and Solar Eclipse. Listen to the voice of your intuition. Set new intentions. In the upcoming month, watch these seedlings grow!


“The time to relax is when you don’t have time for it.” —Sydney J. Harris

If you find yourself anxiously thinking, “I don’t have time to rest…” “I need to work faster…” or “There’s so much to catch up on, I couldn’t possibly take the weekend off…” those are the moments when you need to rest, most of all.

The month of Cancer invites us to refill ourselves rather than expending energy in thirty-seven different directions. Sit down. Put up your feet. Nestle into a pillow and refill your own cup. With a full cup, and with a refreshed mind and body, you’ll be able to do your greatest work.

Have an amazing month!

With love,

Ellen & Heidi

Learn more about my career & business coaching services here.

Learn more about Heidi and her astrological services here.

An Interview with Meral Arik

Ellen Fondiler | An Interview with Meral Arik

Whenever I meet someone who’s got a really cool job, who runs a thriving business, or who has completed an amazing project, I always want to know: “How did you do that?”

I’m always curious to hear the “behind-the-scenes story” — who they emailed, what they said, how they got their first client, how they got their foot in the door — the exact steps that they took to achieve their goal.

HOW DID YOU DO THAT? is an interview series where we get to hear the REAL story behind someone’s success—not the polished, neat and tidy version.

To see a complete list of all the interviews that have been completed to date, head over here.

Ellen Fondiler | An Interview with Meral Arik

Name: Meral Arik
Location: San Francisco
Profession: Founding Team Member & Growth Lead at Hello Chava, Founder of DOER Society

Meral Arik is a go-getter in every sense of the word. She is a founding team member and Growth Lead of Hello Chava (B-Corp), a technology startup using AI to power client relationships for solo entrepreneurs. Her popular instagram @my.startuplife is the first of its kind, documenting the day-to-day experiences of a young woman building a tech startup in Silicon Valley.

Meral is also founder of DOER Society, a fast-growing entrepreneurial community for women. She built this active community on the firm belief that real, shared experiences are the best way to improve & scale mentorship.

You are a busy woman. And VERY motivated. You seem to work 24/7. You are working in a startup called Hello Chava and are also the Founder of DOER Society. First things first. Tell us a little about your career path. How did you end up working at Hello Chava? What exactly do you do and are the steps you took to get this job?

I got to where I am today by putting myself out there and taking chances. I started my entrepreneurial endeavors with a dog walking business at 8 years old. Fast forward a decade and I co-founded an events & ticketing company during my time at UCLA. Though that company didn’t go too far, the lessons I learned did— and by the time I decided to shut that company down (towards the end of my junior year), I was more determined than ever to find my way into the startup scene.

I started reaching out to founders/CEOs in the LA area, offering to help them with anything from marketing, business development, and growth/ partnerships to coffee delivery. I was ignored by what felt like hundreds of founders, until one day, I “lucked out”: the CEO of one of Mark Cuban’s companies, Dust (fka Cyber Dust), responded to my cold LinkedIn InMail and the rest was history.

I spent the next year working at Dust, where I learned lessons about building companies that I couldn’t learn in the classroom. Throughout that year, I made sure that on top of working and successfully completing my senior year, I was networking as much as I possibly could. That was the year I met Zac Choi, a brilliant McKinsey alum who was still ideating Hello Chava at the time.

When the time came to make a decision on “what I was doing with my life,” I was almost certain I would start my own company until I took a trip to SF, met up with Zac and his cofounder, Leonard. I fell in love with their vision for Hello Chava, and eagerly agreed to join their team as employee #1. Today, I lead user acquisition and growth at Hello Chava, and I couldn’t be more excited to roll my sleeves up and hustle hard everyday in our quest to make the world a better place.

You started DOER Society in 2017. It is a community of mostly women who share their experiences, learn from each other and grow together. You presently have over 1700 members in your Facebook group. I have noticed that there seems to be a hunger for women to join together in community: coworking centers, Facebook groups, gatherings of all sorts. Was this the motivation behind starting DOER society? Do you have a specific goal for this project? What is it? Where are you at, right now, in terms of reaching that goal?

I built DOER Society because I wholeheartedly believe in the power of community. I’ve seen the crucial role that community (i.e. networking, mentorship) has played in accelerating and enhancing my professional career. I’ve also felt the negative impact of the lack of community that comes with the entrepreneur’s journey.

My goal is to build a positive, friendship-first community that provides massive personal and professional value for entrepreneurial women. We currently have a Facebook group, newsletter, interview series, website, and exclusive member opportunities (like this year’s partnership with Startup Grind, where we brought 55+ female founders to the Startup Grind Global Conference). I’m proud to say we are currently growing our early team and getting some more exciting partnerships together! That said, how DOER Society takes shape over the years will be up to the community. Stay tuned!

Ellen Fondiler | An Interview with Meral Arik

Can you share one piece of advice for someone who’s thinking about starting a side project like the DOER society?

Do what you love and play to your strengths. When it’s time to grow, find a team that believes in what you’re doing and complements your strengths.

A lot of things happened in order for you to get the job yu have now. Were there any moments along the journey that felt discouraging, stressful, where you felt worried, or where your attitude went into a negative place? What happened? How did you get your attitude back on track?

My toughest obstacle has always been myself. I constantly dream big and push my limits. Though in many ways this works to my advantage, I also spend a lot of time feeling like I’m not good enough, fast enough, doing enough, etc., as a result.

Whenever I catch myself feeling overwhelmed or in a state of self-doubt, I do a few things to get back on track:

Give myself credit for what I HAVE done. As an overachiever, it’s important to get in the habit of stepping back and putting things into perspective.

Prioritize! I often find that my negative feelings stem from trying to do too much at once, while mentally assigning equal importance to every single thing I’m trying to accomplish. I combat these feelings by asking myself the question: “what one or two things MUST I get done today?” This exercise reminds me to focus my time on the tasks that will have the greatest impact- and that I am in control of my work, my life, and my attitude.

Talk it out with a trusted source. A conversation with a friend, family member, team member, or DOER Society member always does the trick!

You are still so young (23!!) and at the beginning of your career and life journey. So far, so much of what has unfolded for you is part serendipity and part grit. Is this the path you see yourself on 10 years from now? Or do you have other dreams and plans in mind? If you had a crystal ball, what do you see yourself doing in 10 years?

First things first, I see Hello Chava becoming wildly successful. Since we’re an early stage startup, this will require a few more years of fantastic growth – I really believe we’ll get there!

10 years from now, I’d love to find more ways to empower others at scale whether that’s through DOER Society, investing, speaking, etc.


Rapid fire round! (1-2 word answers!!) What’s the first thing you do when you wake up in the morning?

Business Podcasts

What’s the last TV show or book that you really, really enjoyed?

HBO’s Silicon Valley

Who is your #1 hero?

Zac! (Hello Chava Co-founder)

What’s something you always carry around in your purse or pocket?

Black eyeliner

If someone looked in your fridge right now, what would they see?

Peanut Butter

Do you prefer typing or writing by hand?


What is your favorite smartphone app?

Hello Chava, of course!

What is one habit you’d like to change?

More exercise



If you were to sit down with a newly minted college graduate who wants to find work she loves, what are the 3 things you would tell her?

1. NETWORK, network, network.
Put yourself out there, meet with people that inspire you, and stay close to people you want to be like.

2. Give value without expecting anything in return.
There’s good business karma.

3. Fail fast and fail often.
Experiment with different opportunities, and when one doesn’t work out, pick yourself up and go for it again. You have time.


Do you have “one more quick question” that you’d like to ask Meral? Email me and tell me what you want to know! I might choose your question for my ONE MORE THING… Podcast (Coming soon!!!)


Do you need some encouragement to help you achieve a big, daunting career goal? Would you like to have a career coach/strategist in your corner—feeding you ideas that you’d never considered before, helping you figure out who to contact, and what to say, and checking in to make sure you don’t procrastinate? If so… click here to find out how we can work together. I’d love to coach you!



photos by Sergio Gomez

UNLOCKED Links: May 2018


Once a month, I curate the best links on how to find work that you love, be excellent at what you do, and unlock any door that stands in your way. Mostly, I gather articles and podcasts that capture my attention because they make me think or laugh. Here is the link round-up for May 2018!

• The legacies our moms leave us: a touching story about a woman who could not stop baking bread after her mother died.

• We all know about gap years for high school or college students. But what about a gap year for the modern elder? Check out Chip Conley’s new project and book, Wisdom at Work: The Making of the Modern Elder.

• Do you have something to say about the years beyond midlife? Apply to the Encore Public Voices Fellowship to amplify your voice and thoughts.

• Clearly aging is a topic front and center on our minds. Here are Brene Brown’s thoughts on midlife.

• And while we are taking about aging gracefully, read this  great interview with Jane Fonda, She is an inspiration.

• More women than ever are joining Japan’s work force, which now has a higher female labor force participation rate than the United States. But construction industry efforts to hire women shows how difficult it will be to integrate women more broadly into the economy. They will have to do better than their tone-deaf campaign that includes pastel colored websites and pink toilets.

• The ceiling is low, the heat is high, the bathroom is missing. But serious cooks are at work here. What’s in a food truck?

• Remembering the grocery list, coordinating with the babysitter, making food for the potluck, scheduling a get-together with the in-laws: These are some of the invisible tasks that (most) women exclusively do in their romantic relationships — and the list goes on and on. Dear Sugars on the Invisible Work (Most) Women Do.

• An amazing story in a month of not so great news. Together Rising: The non profit started by Glennon Doyle, Brene Brown, Elizabeth Gilbert and Marie Forleo raised one million dollars in 24 hours to provide legal counsel to the children and parents that have been separated by the United States’ horrific immigration policy (well, not exactly a policy — just heartless actions). This is what happens when we all raise our voices together. Let’s keep it up!

Happy reading and listening,


Photo: Willie Franklin.

An Interview with Katrina Mcghee

Ellen Fondiler | An Interview with Katrina Mcghee

Whenever I meet someone who’s got a really cool job, who runs a thriving business, or who has completed an amazing project, I always want to know: “How did you do that?”

I’m always curious to hear the “behind-the-scenes story” — who they emailed, what they said, how they got their first client, how they got their foot in the door — the exact steps that they took to achieve their goal.

HOW DID YOU DO THAT? is an interview series where we get to hear the REAL story behind someone’s success—not the polished, neat and tidy version.

To see a complete list of all the interviews that have been completed to date, head over here.

Ellen Fondiler | An Interview with Katrina Mcghee

Name: Katrina Mcghee
Location: On the road
Profession: Life Coach

Katrina McGhee is a life coach who recently sold all of her worldly goods, stuffed her car with the bare essentials, and is now on a journey to find her next home.  This is not the first time that Katrina has taken major time off for a BIG adventure.  I recently talked to her about what it is like to take these big jumps and to live on the road. We could all use a little of Katrina’s adventurous spirit!

Your life has been quite a journey. You have had 3 big careers, taken major time off for some BIG adventures and are now on the road, trying to find your next home. Tell us a bit about your career path.

My career path has taken several big twists and turns. I was grateful and excited to start my first career as a healthcare actuary right out of undergrad. I have to admit – I had no idea what an actuary was, but I knew that it paid quite well. Within my first year, though, I realized it wasn’t where I wanted to end up.

After 8 years of bouncing around at 3 different companies, I finally had the courage to leave the profession completely. I headed to UNC to get my MBA and hoped to switch to a new career. That opportunity came with an offer to work as a market researcher for General Mills post-graduation. It was a good opportunity but less than 8 months in, it became very clear to me that the corporate culture was not where I wanted to be.

This led to a chain of events that culminated in taking a 20-month career break and eventually choosing to start my third career as a life coach, helping others who have struggled, like I had, with deviating from a traditional career path.

Does taking risks come naturally to you or have you had to build the muscle?

Taking risks comes more naturally to me these days, but courage was definitely a muscle I had to build. I remember my first big risk. I had a “good” job offer coming out of undergrad. It was going to pay $38,000 which was a huge amount of money to me at that time. But the job was in Hartford, Connecticut and I desperately wanted to get out of New England. In fact, I was obsessed with moving to Atlanta to start my next chapter.

So after delaying the decision for over a month, I turned the job down. My mom freaked out a little and I worried that I would disappoint my parents (and myself) by ending up jobless when I graduated. But a few weeks later, something magical happened – a recruiter found me online (an anomaly back then) and gave me a chance to interview for a position in Atlanta. A few weeks later, I landed the job with a signing bonus, a relocation package AND a starting salary of $45,000. Sometimes we can’t see the way ahead, but I’ve learned to listen when my inner voice makes demands. Things will unfold that you could never have seen coming.

Ellen Fondiler | An Interview with Katrina Mcghee

Once you make up your mind, do you second guess yourself?

When I make important decisions, they are very thoughtful so I tend not to doubt my decision once it’s made. I do, however, sometimes struggle with doubt about my own abilities and/or worry about the outcome. Like when I decided to turn the Hartford job down, I knew it was the right decision.

I knew I didn’t want to stay in New England and that I really wanted to move to Atlanta. But once the decision was made, I definitely had moments of doubt and panic about not being able to find another job. I think when you’re facing the unknown, it can be hard to have unshakable faith. I just have an agreement with myself to not let the fear and self-doubt stop me from doing the things I need to do.

One of the goals of this present journey you are on is to find a new city to call home. What are some of the top places on your list? Will you know it when you see it?

That’s a great question – I’m not sure if I’ll know it when I see it or not, but I definitely hope so! Finding a sense of alignment, like a “Yes – I must live here!” feeling is definitely part of my criteria, but I’m not sure if that will happen immediately.

I’m staying open to the possibilities and would consider trying a few places out for several months if there’s not a clear winner after this experience is over. There are quite a few cities on my list but some of the highlights include: Santa Fe, Boise, Kansas City, Bend, Pittsburgh, Greenville and Salt Lake City.

Ellen Fondiler | An Interview with Katrina Mcghee

How do you incorporate your work into your life style?

I’m currently learning a lot about that as I go. While I was able to work two jobs almost seamlessly over the past 2 years, I’m finding that constantly being on the road has made it tough to really focus on building my business. I’ve recently come to realize that while I believe it should be “easy” – it’s just not. And that’s okay. So right now, I’m experimenting to find a better balance.

I’m committing to having fun without doing any work AND also spending one day each week focused on my business. It’s a learning curve for sure and I’m learning so much about myself and my work style in the process. Right now, I have 5 clients enrolled in my Massive Momentum program, so I generally work out my travel schedule around those appointments. This group is my highest priority right now, so I’m flexible to accommodate this them.

Has traveling changed you and if yes, how?

YES. One thousand times yes. In so many ways. I didn’t have the opportunity to travel abroad growing up so my first international trip wasn’t until I was 29 years old. But once I got started, I couldn’t stop.

I think one of the things I love most about travel is that I’m always learning. I think one of the biggest benefits travel has given me is the ability to truly be present. When you’re on the road, a lot of the small things we get too wrapped up in during our day to day (e.g. laundry, cleaning, doing dishes, managing paperwork, etc.) just kind of disappears. There are many moments were you can just be still and observe. My mind is really active and always jumping around, so the ability to just be present and not sweating the small stuff is such a gift.

A lot of people don’t always talk about the challenges, but travel can also be really difficult. Especially if you choose to travel on a budget where you will be more immersed in the local culture (e.g. taking public transit, eating at local restaurants where the staff might not speak English, etc.). These moments have really stretched me and allowed me to see how capable I truly am. To be sure, they have been hard, scary and uncomfortable. But I always come out okay. And that has been a really meaningful lesson to learn. I can do hard things and I will be okay at the end of the day.

Ellen Fondiler | An Interview with Katrina Mcghee

Do your clients dream of selling everything and leaving it all behind or are most people somewhere in between that?

I think a lot of people dream of selling everything and leaving it behind. My clients are no exception. That said, when it comes to reality, it’s not a genuine aspiration for most. It’s more the fantasy of stripping life down to just the essentials and finding more simplicity and less expectation in life. But that doesn’t necessarily mean you have to purge your way down to nothing.

That said, I do think the idea of bringing it back to the basics and uncomplicating your life is motivating concept for many and one worth pursuing. I think somewhere along the way, we’re taught that consuming more stuff / having more stuff is what will ultimately bring happiness and satisfaction in life. But that’s simply not true. In fact, it keeps us distracted from the things that really matter most, like living a life with purpose and passion.

Ellen Fondiler | An Interview with Katrina Mcghee

Pretend you’re sitting down for coffee with a woman who wants to make a radical change in her life but feels for emotional or financial reasons that she just can’t. What are three pieces of advice that you’d give her?

1. Seek inspiration.

It’s important to surround yourself with stories of what is really possible. Many times our big goals feel impossible, but someone somewhere has already done the thing we really want to do. Listening to their stories and advice allows us to begin believing in the possibility for ourselves. Books, blogs and podcasts are great places to start. Inspiration goes a long way to make big dreams come true.

2. Get your finances in order.

This doesn’t mean you have to become debt-free, build a 6-month nest and start investing before you make a big change. I actually took my 20-month career break with more than $40,000 in student loan debt. But the fear of not having enough money is a universal fear that keeps people stuck. By becoming intimately aware of your true financial situation, you can reclaim your power and reduce the fear. Start tracking exactly what you spend each month and see where you might want to make some changes.

3. Get support.

This can take many forms but is a crucial step to getting unstuck. I actually hired a life coach back when I felt trapped in my corporate job with General Mills. Her perspective and leadership really helped me see new possibilities for myself. I love providing this support to my own clients and I often use my past experiences to help inform and guide them. If hiring a coach is not your thing, then consider finding a peer group of like-minded people (virtually or in real life), take a course in a subject of interest or simply find an accountability partner you can check in with to keep yourself on track.


Do you have “one more quick question” that you’d like to ask Katrina? Email me and tell me what you want to know! I might choose your question for my ONE MORE THING… Podcast (Coming soon!!!)


Do you need some encouragement to help you achieve a big, daunting career goal? Would you like to have a career coach/strategist in your corner—feeding you ideas that you’d never considered before, helping you figure out who to contact, and what to say, and checking in to make sure you don’t procrastinate? If so… click here to find out how we can work together. I’d love to coach you!


Your Career Forecast: May / June 2018

Ellen Fondiler | Your Career Forecast: May / June 2018

I work as a career and business strategist. But my secret passion is… astrology!

About once a month,  I post an overview of what’s happening in the cosmos and how it might influence your career. It’s called: Your Career Forecast.

Whether you’re job-hunting, running your own business, or wondering about the ideal time to ask for a raise or take a vacation, each Career Forecast will reveal the important dates and cosmic shifts that you need to know about.

I am joined by my dear friend, Heidi Rose Robbins, a master astrologer who will provide expert insight into what’s going on in the stars.

Let’s dive in!


What’s going on this month…

HEIDI: The Sun moves into Gemini on May 20th at 7:15pm Pacific time. Gemini brings movement and connection. It rules communication, bridge building, and relationships. It is curious and quick, agile, and interested. It is a sign, at its best, of loving intelligence and goodwill.

When the Sun is in Gemini, we are meant to reach out and meet new people, connect with old friends and allies, and share our unique message and offerings with the world.

On May 25th, there is a beautiful trine—a 120 degree angle—between Jupiter in Scorpio and Neptune in Pisces. This creates harmony between the agent of expansion and the dreamer. This is a time to dream big. It would be an amazing day to retreat—either solo or in a group—and imagine your next chapter. There is tremendous flow, grace, and ease to this transit. It welcomes depth.

The Full Moon of Gemini occurs on May 29th, the same day that Mercury moves into Gemini. This is a day of loving connection. Take some time today to think about the many people in your life and how each relationship inspires or uplifts you or how you uplift or inspire another. Recognize that every day we forge a new relationship—even if it’s with a simple, kind hello. Build bridges of love and leave connection in your wake. Mercury in Gemini is also a terrific time to write all the letters, make all the calls, and reach out to your community. Our communication speeds up with Mercury in Gemini.

On June 12th, just two weeks later, Mercury moves into Cancer. Mercury in Cancer asks that we stop, breathe, and feel. We’re invited to turn inward and quiet down. Conversation is more personal. Communication might be more about family matters and sensitive issues. It’s a deeply receptive time.

Finally on June 13th, there is a New Moon in Gemini, sparking new ideas, thoughts and plans. Venus moves into Leo on the same day, igniting our desire to express and lead. We don’t shy away from the spotlight when Venus is in Leo. We dare ourselves to lean into our lives and express what needs to be expressed.

It’s an exciting, dynamic month. We are on the move—forging relationships that fuel our message and vision.

What does all of this mean for your career? Let’s look closer…


Here’s what you need to know…

ELLEN: May 25th and May 29th are two auspicious days for anyone who’s job hunting.

On May 25th, we’ve got a trine between Jupiter in Scorpio and Neptune in Pisces. This is the moment to dream BIG. It’s an excellent time to day-dream and fantasize about your next career chapter.

What do you truly want next? Do you want to pursue a new job that’s similar to your last job? Or do you want to pursue something different? With Neptune, we have a deep, watery, imaginative quality in the cosmos. Dive deep within. What does your heart really want? Curl up with a book like The Crossroads of Should and Must by Elle Luna, and let your mind wander into new possibilities.

A few days later, it’s the Full Moon of Gemini on May 29th. Gemini is the social butterfly of the Zodiac—a talkative, enthusiastic sign that loves to reach out and connect. Tap into the Gemini vibes and spend some time connecting, texting, emailing, chatting, and strengthening relationships.

The fastest way to turn an acquaintance into a strong friend? Generosity.

Instead of asking for a special favor, grant a favor. Instead of pleading for help, be the helper. If you reach out to someone and do something generous—with no strings attached—they’ll be wowed. You’ll win a true friend for life.

A few generous ideas: nominate someone for an award, offer to help out with their grant application, or introduce them to a potential client or employer. Your generosity will be rewarded in innumerable ways.

Check out this TED Talk called “The Generosity Experiment” to hear the true story of a man who decided to say “Yes” to every request for 30 days in a row, and what he learned in the process.


Here’s what you need to know…

ELLEN: The entire time of Gemini—which starts on May 20th and lasts for one month—is a beautiful time for workplace relationships. It’s all about building bridges, not walls. If there’s been some office conflict in the past, now is the time to soothe the friction and begin anew.

It’s also a great time to re-connect with people you haven’t chatted with in awhile. Invite someone from a different department to join you for a coffee break. Chat with someone in the elevator. Every human being is fascinating, and everyone has a story. You might be pleasantly surprised to discover that your co-workers are a LOT more interesting than you previously thought!

June 13th is a great day to step into a stronger leadership role. With Venus in Leo, you might feel a little bolder than usual. On this day, propose a new idea to your manager. Offer to lead a new project. Or, offer to take over a project that’s been stalling and inject new vitality into it. Take charge! For inspiration, pick up a book like Lean In by Sheryl Sandberg or a classic like How To Win Friends And Influence People by Dale Carnegie.


Here’s what you need to know…

ELLEN: As an entrepreneur, it can be tough to “stop working.” When 5pm rolls around, even if you’re already been working for 8 hours straight, there’s always something else to do. Another client to contact. Another email to write. Another invoice to send off—or pay. The work never ends!

On June 12th, when Mercury moves into Cancer, the Universe invites us to slow down and hop off the never-ending hamster wheel. It’s a time to rest and receive. If possible, play hooky and chill out. Catch up on laundry. Fluff your pillows. Putter around. Take a nap. Spend quiet time alone, or hang with loved ones. Remember that “work” is a big part of our lives, but it’s not the only part that matters. Taking a brief “time out” will refill your creative tank. When you’re ready, you’ll be able to return to your workload with fresh energy.

Overall, the month of Gemini is all about loving connection. Gemini energy is all about conversation, enthusiasm, wit, and nurturing relationships of all kinds.

If you run a business, this would be an especially good time to shine a spotlight on your favorite customers. Select a “customer of the month” and hand out a prize. Feature a talented client in your Instagram feed and share their story. Make people feel extra-special and extra-loved.

Gemini energy can sometimes slip into a flaky, indecisive, overwhelmed place. Think: Too many dinner party invitations, ack! Where should I go? What should I do? FOMO! To avoid getting into this state, try to keep things simple, and focus on quality over quantity. Do less—and do it with great love.


Clever, witty, brilliant with words and lyrics, communicative, expressive, skilled at building relationships and tribes… it’s no wonder the world is filled with so many famous Geminis!

Morgan Freeman. That VOICE! Talk about communication skills. He could read the phonebook and make it sounds fascinating.

Russell Brand. A classic Gemini with lighting-speed wit. Funny, clever, expressive. The life of the party!

Amy Schumer. She’s built a career as a comedian who feels like your best girlfriend. Even better, she uses her fame and platform to give back to her community through important projects like Everytown.

The artist formerly known as Prince. RIP. He blessed us with so much art, and left us too soon.

Donald Trump. All I can say is… Ugh. However, you must admit, this is a man who never stops talking, and his words have resonated with a large portion of the American population. Trump epitomizes the dark side of Gemini energies—communication used to provoke fear, to mock, to bully, to exaggerate, and build walls instead of bridges.


Reaching out. Connecting. Turning acquaintances into deep friends.

Using your words. Expressing yourself. Feeling especially witty and vibrant.

Being unexpectedly generous with your time, connections, and resources.

Moving quickly. Adapting to new things rapidly. Staying in a lively, productive mindset.

Improving your leadership skills. Inspiring people to join you. Building tribes.

Working to get Trump impeached. (It’s always a great month for that!)


May 20th – The Sun moves into Gemini. When Gemini rules, it’s all about building bridges and nurturing relationships.

May 25th – Jupiter trine Neptune. A dreamy, imaginative day. Explore what the next chapter of your career might be.

May 29th – The Full Moon of Gemini and Mercury moves into Gemini. Gemini powers are heightened. Communications ignite and accelerate.

June 12th – Mercury moves into Cancer. Turn towards family matters. Take the day off work, if you can, and focus on the domestic, personal side of life.

June 13th – New Moon of Gemini and Venus moves into Leo. New ideas abound. Shine. Lead from the heart. Take charge!


“Be genuinely interested in everyone you meet and everyone you meet will be genuinely interested in you.” —Rasheed Ogunlaru

When it comes to your career, strong relationships are worth more than gold. More often than not, it’s a personal connection that leads to a new job, new client, book deal, investment, donation, media appearance, or whatever you happen to be seeking right now.

Be genuinely interested in the people that you meet. Be genuinely caring, generous, and helpful. This is how you’ll strengthen the fabric of your network—and unlock all kinds of doors.

With love,

Ellen & Heidi

Learn more about my career & business coaching services here.

Learn more about Heidi and her astrological services here.