Your Career Forecast: June / July 2018

Ellen Fondiler | Your Career Forecast: May / June 2018

I work as a career and business strategist. But my secret passion is… astrology!

About once a month,  I post an overview of what’s happening in the cosmos and how it might influence your career. It’s called: Your Career Forecast.

Whether you’re job-hunting, running your own business, or wondering about the ideal time to ask for a raise or take a vacation, each Career Forecast will reveal the important dates and cosmic shifts that you need to know about.

I am joined by my dear friend, Heidi Rose Robbins, a master astrologer who will provide expert insight into what’s going on in the stars.

Let’s dive in!


What’s going on this month…

HEIDI: The Sun moves into Cancer on June 21st at 3:07 am Pacific time. It is time, once again, to turn inward. Cancer asks that we get a little quieter, feel a little more, and replenish our physical, emotional and mental selves. The phrase for Cancer is: “I build a lighted house and therein dwell.” Cancer asks that we fill our house with light—our body, our home, our business.

Cancer is also the energy of the Mother and it seeks to nourish others and see them grow. This nourishing may apply to projects and businesses as well. It is resourceful and careful. It safeguards what it loves. It parents all it chooses to protect.

Mars moves retrograde on June 26th, which may amplify the need to withdraw even more. Mars usually demands action, but when it moves retrograde, there is a need to reflect and restore before any further assertion. It’s not time for a fight. It’s not a time to push through. It’s more a time for solitude and contemplation and restoration.

The Full Moon of Cancer occurs on June 27th. The moon is actually in Capricorn, but we celebrate Cancer. What do we wish to see grow? For what or whom do we feel compassion? How could we tend to them? What can we do to fill our own bodies with more light so we are a little less protected, shielded, or afraid? How do we dare risk being more vulnerable?

On June 28th, Mercury moves into Leo. This will bring a little more fire to the picture. Mercury in Leo is courageous in its expression. It has a flair for leadership and does not shy away from the spotlight. It’s willing to sound the call. It’s willing to show up. If you have something to write that requires a little bravado, do it now. You will have the capacity to express the best of yourself.

Venus moves into Virgo on July 9th. This helps us refine and improve. It’s excellent energy to edit or clean up. It is interested in everything having its right place. It helps to implement systems that improve the whole. We get healthier and more organized when Venus visits Virgo.

Finally, there is a New Moon and Solar Eclipse the evening of July 12th. We plant seeds under the New Moon. We fertilize the metaphorical egg. We whisper to the tiniest flame or idea within us and encourage it to continue to take form. We open our arms and allow our idea of family to grow. We risk being vulnerable and available to others. Our feeling sensitivity leads the way. Intuition is strong.

Overall, it’s a quieter, deeper month. Don’t let that fool you. Much is growing that will emerge next month. Much is in bud.

What does all of this mean for your career? Let’s look closer…


Here’s what you need to know…

ELLEN: Whenever I see Leo energy on the calendar, I always think, “Great news for job hunters!”

On June 28th, Mercury moves into Leo. Mercury rules communication, while Leo brings self-assurance, confidence, and courage. This is an excellent combination if you’re going after a new job, a promotion, or any kind of career upgrade.

Use this day to let your community know, “I’m searching for something new!” Post your dream job description on Facebook. Post a YouTube video introducing yourself to new employers. Send a passionate cover letter and résumé to your top 5 favorite companies, even if they don’t appear to be hiring right now. You never know… a lot can change in a few weeks, and they might be hiring again soon! It doesn’t hurt to make your presence known.

Or, take a cue from the brilliant Tiffany Han, and start a 100 Rejection Letters project. Every day, wake up, have your coffee, and then reach out to someone and make a request, like “Could I send you my résumé?” or “May I ask you three questions on the phone?” or “Could I visit and take a tour of the company?” It’s OK if someone says, “No.” In fact, that’s the whole point of the project! Keep going until you’ve collected 100 Rejection Letters. Consider each rejection a badge of honor. Each one proves that you took a risk and made a gutsy request!

The magic of this project is two-fold: one, you start to get de-sensitized to rejection and it doesn’t feel so terrifying anymore, and two, not everyone will say “No.” A few people will say “Yes.” Each “Yes” can unlock doors for your career. But you won’t get a “Yes”… until you start asking!

If you love the idea of doing a 100 Rejection Letters project, and want even more inspiration, check out Tiffany Han’s podcast, and read Jia Jiang’s book, Rejection Proof. Jiang and Han share a similar message: asking won’t kill you, being rejected won’t kill you either, and incredible things happen when you reach out and ask for what you want. Tap into that Leo courage and go for it!


Here’s what you need to know…

ELLEN: Prior to Cancer, we had the month of Gemini—extroverted, chatty, sociable, a lover of people, a builder of bridges and connections. After energizing Gemini, we swing back to the other end of the spectrum. We go from social butterfly back into a restful cocoon.

And so, when the Sun moves into Cancer on June 21st, we’re invited to slow down, turn inward, and focus on recharging and refilling our tanks. This is a great time to check in with yourself and ask, “Have I been working too hard lately? Have I been burning the candle at both ends? Have I been racing around town like a maniac? Is it time to chill out for awhile?” Even if you absolutely love your job, that doesn’t mean you should be working ‘round the clock. Try to scale things back and find more balance.

For your reading list, consider reading Tim Ferriss’ bestseller, The 4-Hour Workweek. In this book, Ferriss discusses a number of different ways that you can drastically reduce the amount of time you spend at work. Less time shackled to your desk. More flexibility and freedom. And no, you don’t necessarily have to quit your job and start your own business. Ferriss shares lots of principles that apply to all kinds of professions. A very thought-provoking read!

Or, if you want to take a break from thinking about work-related matters, pick up a copy of The Little Book of Hygge. “Hygge” is a Danish word that doesn’t really have an English equivalent, but loosely, it means “cozy, peaceful, happy times at home.” Perfect for the month of Cancer! Read along and learn how to create a serene, tranquil, incredibly cozy environment at home, just like the Danes do.


Here’s what you need to know…

ELLEN: Running a successful business requires passion and creativity, and also… systems! Systems for handling emails, systems for billing clients, systems for scheduling social media posts, and more. With good systems in place, you can eliminate a lot of headaches and panicky 3am moments where you bolt awake, wondering, “Did I update that webpage, or did I forget?”

Good news, because when Venus moves into Virgo on July 9th, we have a combination of loving, beautiful energies (thanks to Venus) and fantastic organizational skills (because of Virgo). It’s the perfect day to assess your current systems (or lack thereof!) and put new ones into place. The word of the day is: organize! Tidy up your desk drawers, your bookshelf, your inbox, and your administrative processes. You’ll feel refreshed, and you’ll set yourself up for smooth sailing throughout the second half of 2018.

If you’re thinking, “I am just not a systems person! My brain doesn’t work that way!”… you’re not alone! If you’re a creative, artistic, imaginative thinker—not an Excel spreadsheet person—consider reading The Right Brain Business Plan by Jennifer Lee. It’s a beautiful book with illustrated worksheets to make business planning joyful, not tedious.

Another suggestion: consider hiring a professional organizer to whip your office—and business—into shape! Sometimes, getting an outside perspective can help you to identify issues and inefficiencies that you’re not even “seeing” clearly. Hire an organizing pro to create new systems that you can maintain. Don’t you feel relieved already, just thinking about it?


Clever, witty, brilliant with words and lyrics, communicative, expressive, skilled at building relationships and tribes… it’s no wonder the world is filled with so many famous Geminis!

June 21st – The Sun moves into Cancer. Recharge. Fill your life with light.

June 26th – Mars moves retrograde. Another invitation to slow down. Warriors need to retreat, sometimes, not just advance.

June 27th – The Full Moon of Cancer. A beautiful day to retreat inward, spend time alone, or with loved ones.

June 28th – Mercury moves into Leo. Skillful communication and courage. Write. Share. Post. Speak up. Let the world know who you are and what you can offer!

July 9th – Venus moves into Virgo. An excellent day to assess your systems and policies at work. What needs to be tightened up, simplified, or beautified?

July 12th – New Moon and Solar Eclipse. Listen to the voice of your intuition. Set new intentions. In the upcoming month, watch these seedlings grow!


• Turning inward, recharging, taking a mental health day, or going on a retreat.

• Working less. Finding more balance. Focusing on domestic, personal, and emotional matters rather than working ‘round the clock.

• Noticing what fills you up, what energizes you, what helps you to shine brighter. Filling your life with routines that light you up.

• Doing some organizing at home and at work, too. Creating new systems, setting things into order, creating greater peace of mind.

• Stretching yourself in new ways and taking risks to create your dream career, which doesn’t necessarily mean being “loud,” “flashy,” or “extroverted.” An quiet risk (like sending a email to invite someone to meet with you 1 on 1) is still a risk.


June 21st – The Sun moves into Cancer. Recharge. Fill your life with light.

June 26th – Mars moves retrograde. Another invitation to slow down. Warriors need to retreat, sometimes, not just advance.

June 27th – The Full Moon of Cancer. A beautiful day to retreat inward, spend time alone, or with loved ones.

June 28th – Mercury moves into Leo. Skillful communication and courage. Write. Share. Post. Speak up. Let the world know who you are and what you can offer!

July 9th – Venus moves into Virgo. An excellent day to assess your systems and policies at work. What needs to be tightened up, simplified, or beautified?

July 12th – New Moon and Solar Eclipse. Listen to the voice of your intuition. Set new intentions. In the upcoming month, watch these seedlings grow!


“The time to relax is when you don’t have time for it.” —Sydney J. Harris

If you find yourself anxiously thinking, “I don’t have time to rest…” “I need to work faster…” or “There’s so much to catch up on, I couldn’t possibly take the weekend off…” those are the moments when you need to rest, most of all.

The month of Cancer invites us to refill ourselves rather than expending energy in thirty-seven different directions. Sit down. Put up your feet. Nestle into a pillow and refill your own cup. With a full cup, and with a refreshed mind and body, you’ll be able to do your greatest work.

Have an amazing month!

With love,

Ellen & Heidi

Learn more about my career & business coaching services here.

Learn more about Heidi and her astrological services here.