UNLOCKED Links: May 2018


Once a month, I curate the best links on how to find work that you love, be excellent at what you do, and unlock any door that stands in your way. Mostly, I gather articles and podcasts that capture my attention because they make me think or laugh. Here is the link round-up for May 2018!

• The legacies our moms leave us: a touching story about a woman who could not stop baking bread after her mother died.

• We all know about gap years for high school or college students. But what about a gap year for the modern elder? Check out Chip Conley’s new project and book, Wisdom at Work: The Making of the Modern Elder.

• Do you have something to say about the years beyond midlife? Apply to the Encore Public Voices Fellowship to amplify your voice and thoughts.

• Clearly aging is a topic front and center on our minds. Here are Brene Brown’s thoughts on midlife.

• And while we are taking about aging gracefully, read this  great interview with Jane Fonda, She is an inspiration.

• More women than ever are joining Japan’s work force, which now has a higher female labor force participation rate than the United States. But construction industry efforts to hire women shows how difficult it will be to integrate women more broadly into the economy. They will have to do better than their tone-deaf campaign that includes pastel colored websites and pink toilets.

• The ceiling is low, the heat is high, the bathroom is missing. But serious cooks are at work here. What’s in a food truck?

• Remembering the grocery list, coordinating with the babysitter, making food for the potluck, scheduling a get-together with the in-laws: These are some of the invisible tasks that (most) women exclusively do in their romantic relationships — and the list goes on and on. Dear Sugars on the Invisible Work (Most) Women Do.

• An amazing story in a month of not so great news. Together Rising: The non profit started by Glennon Doyle, Brene Brown, Elizabeth Gilbert and Marie Forleo raised one million dollars in 24 hours to provide legal counsel to the children and parents that have been separated by the United States’ horrific immigration policy (well, not exactly a policy — just heartless actions). This is what happens when we all raise our voices together. Let’s keep it up!

Happy reading and listening,


Photo: Willie Franklin.