Your Career Forecast: July / August 2016

Ellen Fondiler | Your Career Forecast for Cancer: July / August 2016

I work as a career and business strategist. But my secret passion is… astrology!

About once a month,  I post an overview of what’s happening in the cosmos and how it might influence your career. It’s called: Your Career Forecast.

Whether you’re job-hunting, running your own business, or wondering about the ideal time to ask for a raise or take a vacation, each Career Forecast will reveal the important dates and cosmic shifts that you need to know about.

I am joined by my dear friend, Heidi Rose Robbins, a master astrologer who will provide expert insight into what’s going on in the stars.

Let’s dive in!


What’s going on this month…

HEIDI: The Sun moves into Leo on July 22nd at 2:30am Pacific Time, bringing passion, warmth, generosity, self-expression, spontaneity, and play. Leo rules from July 22nd – August 18th, making this a fantastic time to tap into your inner lion or lioness. Be courageous. Take center-stage. Start an ambitious project. Don’t whisper—roar!

On July 30th, Mercury moves into the analytical sign of Virgo. This is an exceptionally powerful day because you’ve got Leo / Virgo energies working together—Leo: warmth, play, creation. Virgo: refinement, polishing, editing. If there was ever a day to dive into a project that requires creativity AND organization—rewriting your résumé, for example—this is it! With Mercury in Virgo, the only thing to watch out for is an overly critical “perfectionist” energy. Take a breath and think before you speak. Make sure that what you say—to yourself and others—is constructive, not snarky or nit-picky.

The very next day, July 31st, we have a lovely trine between Venus and Uranus. The theme for this day is: “unexpected and delightful surprises.” It’s a great day to ask, “What if?” and “Why not?” Your brainstorming powers will be amplified. Mention an unusual idea to your boss or colleagues on this day—you might notice that everyone is remarkably open-minded.

On August 1st—when the Sun trines Saturn—it’s time to make new plans, solidify old plans, and bring more structure to your goals and projects. Perhaps it’s time to build a spreadsheet to keep track of companies you’ve sent your résumé to, and when, and to whom, rather than trying to keep all the info inside your head! It’s also a great day for making major decisions. You may notice a strong feeling of determination and clarity.

August 2nd is another potent day. Mars moves into the optimistic sign of Sagittarius. Throughout June and July, we’ve been struggling across the globe with unprecedented levels of violence, terrorism, and reactivity. This shift into Sagittarius should help us move forward into a better future—a future imbued with more hope and less fear. Mars will stay in Sagittarius for about two months.

On August 5th, Venus joins Mercury in the sign of Virgo. You might feel the urge to tidy, spruce, organize, and “clean up your act” in a literal—or metaphorical—way. Does your workspace need some de-cluttering attention? Is it time to polish up your mission statement or manifesto? Time to review your finances and make a new budget? The Virgo theme of “refinement” continues.

On August 13th, Saturn—which has been retrograde—goes direct. If there’s a goal or project that you’ve been feeling hesitant about (“Too much work, too risky, too scary…”) you may notice that you feel differently today: more confident, mature, and authoritative. Ready to make it happen—for real.

Finally, on August 18th, we celebrate the full moon of Leo. Time to focus on individuality, self-expression and the potency and power of the generous heart. As the full moon rises on this night, ask yourself, “What am I here to give with all my heart?”

Do some meditation, talk a walk and ponder, or discuss that question with a few friends. Trust whatever answers come up for you.

What does all of this mean for your career? Let’s look closer…


Here’s what you need to know…

ELLEN: As Heidi mentioned, the Sun moves into Leo on July 22nd. Leo is radiant, warm, and courageous. If you are job-hunting, this would be a terrific time to shake up your search by doing something bold and unexpected—something that allows your warmth and humanity to shine brightly. Instead of emailing your cover letter to your dream company, email your cover letter AND send along a “video cover letter” so that they can hear your voice and see your smiling face. Ask yourself, “What would a brave lion do?” and do that. Don’t do what’s expected. Go above and beyond.

On August 5th when Mercury (the planet of the mind) moves into Virgo (the sign of organization) it’s time to plan, tidy, and organize to the max. If you are job-hunting, this would be the perfect day to hole up at your favorite coffee shop and polish up your résumé, cover letter, LinkedIn profile, and social media profiles. Even if they’re already pretty great, there’s always room for improvement! (Download my workbooks on résumé and cover letter writing for specific tips.) Also, on August 5th: Google yourself. Does anything pop up that’s out of date, inaccurate, or unflattering? Spruce away!


Here’s what you need to know…

ELLEN: As Heidi pointed out, on August 2nd, the planet Mars (the planet of action) moves into Sagittarius (The planet of optimism and vision). Action + optimism = a powerful combination! If you’re already employed, and you love your job, this is a great time to meet with your colleagues, set new goals, and create a beautiful vision for the future.

Sagittarius is an adventurous sign (Sagittarians love travel and novelty!) so if you’re meeting with your team, don’t do it at the office—go somewhere new. Hold a meeting at a nearby park, a cool restaurant, or a retreat center. Plant yourselves in a new setting to unlock fresh ideas.

If you’re employed, but you’re not that “into” your current job, you’re in luck—August is a terrific month to brainstorm new job possibilities and make decisions about your future.

August 1st, in particular, is a great day to make major decisions. Use this day to write a resignation letter (even if you don’t feel ready to submit it to your boss just yet), or hire a career coach, or purchase the domain name for your first website, or make some other “big move.” You’ll feel exceptionally clear and confident on this day—use those emotions to your advantage!


Here’s what you need to know…

ELLEN: On August 13th, Saturn (the task-master planet) turns direct. If you’ve been feeling sluggish or unfocused with your business lately, or if you are wondering about your next steps, Saturn’s energy will help you to “pick up the pace.” As Heidi mentioned, August 13th is a “make it happen” type of day. Take a cue from business consultant Melissa Cassera and try the “batching” productivity technique: block out a big chunk of time (like 4 – 6 hours), gather your work materials, choose one type of project (like writing a whole bunch of blog posts, or doing all of your invoicing for the month, or clearing your email inbox), and then… dive in! Complete your work in a big “batch” (like baking three dozen cookies at once) rather than multi-tasking or frittering from one thing to another. You might be shocked by how much you’re able to get done.

And finally, Aug 18th brings a Leo full moon. As Heidi noted, it’s a great night to ask yourself, “What am I here to give with all my heart?”

If you run your own business, are you truly “giving your all”—or have you been holding back? Do you treat your customers with warmth and generosity—or are you doing the “bare minimum” that’s expected of you? How could you serve your audience at an even higher level? Explore these questions and—without being too hard on yourself—look for ways to improve.

On the night of the full moon, spend some time filling cup of inspiration to the brim. Watch TED Talks delivered by entrepreneurs you admire. Watch your favorite music videos on YouTube. Listen to podcasts featuring interesting business owners—Entrepreneur on Fire is a great one. Surround yourself with examples of “role models” who are running their businesses with heart, warmth, and generosity and remind yourself, “I can absolutely do that, too.”


July 22nd – The Sun moves into Leo (tap into your inner lion—lead, be bold, roar!)

July 30th – Mercury moves into Virgo (watch out for that highly-critical “perfectionist” energy—be kind to yourself and others)

July 31st – Venus trines Uranus (a day of unexpected surprises—ask, “What if?”)

August 1st – Sun trines Saturn (make plans, create structure, great day for making big decisions)

August 2nd – Mars moves into Sagittarius (a new wave of hope and optimism)

August 5th – Venus moves into Virgo (tidy, spruce, organize, clean up your act)

August 13th – Saturn goes direct (set those hesitations aside—make it happen!)

August 18th – Full moon of Leo (ask, “What am I here to give with all my heart?”)


When the poet Mary Oliver’s long-term partner died, she said:

“I decided I would do one of two things when she died. I would buy a little cabin in the woods and go inside with all my books and shut the door. Or I would unlock all the doors… and see who I could meet in the world. And that’s what I did. I haven’t locked the door for five years. I have wonderful new friends.”

Leo is a perfect time to open all the doors of your life and let the world in.

Be courageous. Be daring. Be open to experiences that feel new and different.

And remember: no matter what’s going on in the cosmos, ultimately, you are the master of your own destiny. You are always in charge—and even when conditions aren’t “perfect,” you can still choose to focus, apply yourself, and make big things happen.

Remember: no matter what’s going on in the cosmos, ultimately, you are the master of your own destiny. You are always in charge—and even when conditions aren’t “perfect,” you can still choose to focus, apply yourself, and make big things happen.

Every door can be unlocked.

Have an amazing month!


Learn more about my career & business coaching services here.

Learn more about Heidi and her astrological services here.