Your Career Forecast: July / August 2018

Ellen Fondiler: Your Career Forecast: July / August 2018

I work as a career and business strategist. But my secret passion is… astrology!

About once a month, I post an overview of what’s happening in the cosmos and how it might influence your career. It’s called Your Career Forecast.

Whether you’re job-hunting, running your own business, or wondering about the ideal time to ask for a raise or take a vacation, each Career Forecast will reveal the important dates and cosmic shifts that you need to know about.

I am joined by my dear friend, Heidi Rose Robbins, a master astrologer who will provide expert insight into what’s going on in the stars.

Let’s dive in!


What’s going on this month…

HEIDI: The Sun moves into Leo on July 22 at 2:01 pm pacific time. Leo, the second fire sign, brings leadership, creativity and self-expression. It is a sign of great courage and generosity. We each have the opportunity to shine forth under this solar sign.

Leo loves the question, “Who am I?” And even more than the question, Leo loves answering it through art, leadership and dramatic living. Who am I if I paint? Who am I if I dance? Who am I if I decide to become an astronaut? Who am I now? It’s good to ask this question throughout a life and not simply resign ourselves to old self-definition. It keeps us young and curious and growing.

On July 25, Mercury moves retrograde and will stay retrograde until August 18th. Interestingly, Mercury is in the sign of Leo at this time and will turn inward to reflect upon the questions of Leo even more fully. We can think of this as a pause, a few weeks of reflection before the next full flowering. We cannot always be moving unstoppably forward. We need windows of time to breathe, to slow down, and to assess. This Mercury retrograde period offers time to delve into some serious soul searching. This is not to say the momentum of life stops. But it is important to spend a little time each day, thinking more deeply about the next steps forward.

The Full Moon of Leo occurs on July 27th at 1:20 pm pacific time. Use the two days leading up to the Full Moon and the two days after to truly work with and integrate the energies of Leo. What part do you wish to play in life’s great unfolding? What is your role at this moment in your life? Are you meant to lead? Are you meant to support a larger group that is bringing change? Are you allowing your full light to shine? Are you identifying with a light greater than your own as inspiration?

On August 6th, Venus moves into the sign of Libra. Venus rules Libra and loves to work through this sign of beauty and balance. It’s a very social combination and excels at playing the host. It’s a time when we can all bring more beauty, poise and collaboration into our lives. Relationships flow with greater ease during this time. A greater diplomacy is possible and solutions can be reached that earlier felt impossible.

August 11th brings the New Moon of Leo and a Solar Eclipse. If you have planets at 18 degrees Leo, this eclipse will activate those planets strongly for the next 6 months. New Moons are as they sound — full of potential and fresh starts. Again, let us practice asking, “Who am I now?” Perhaps we don’t take the time to notice how we are growing, evolving and changing. We must always seek to know ourselves fully so we can act on and offer what we know.

Mars continues its journey retrograde from Aquarius to Capricorn on August 12th. This is a very determined and driving combination. The key with Mars retrograde is to take stock before acting. Sometimes patience or a little review is required before proceeding. If you take the necessary time of reflection, you can then use the Mars in Capricorn to build purposefully and with clarity. This combination always helps us achieve what we set out to do. Consider the possibility that the “review” time may take until the 27th when Mars moves direct.

When Mercury turns direct on the 18th, there will be a focused, clear energy of self-available to meet the sign of VIRGO as Virgo’s month begins on August 22nd. The directed, creative, generous impulse will then be ready to be put to work!

Use this month to come to know who you are in THIS moment. Express. Explore. Experiment. Be spontaneous and curious. Discover something NEW about yourself and lead with that.

What does all of this mean for your career? Let’s look closer…


Here’s what you need to know…

ELLEN: As Heidi mentioned, the Sun moves into Leo on July 22nd. Leo is radiant, warm, and courageous. If you are job-hunting, this would normally be a terrific time to shake up your search by doing something bold and unexpected—something that allows your warmth and humanity to shine brightly.

However, this year there are some aspects that strongly suggest that instead of going big and bold, you go inward and use the month to organize, reflect and get yourself ready for the organized and focused Virgo season next month.

The planet Mercury goes retrograde on July 25, and will stay retrograde until August 18th. In addition, the planet Mars is retrograde until August 27th. This is probably not the best time to send out resumes or cover letters or go out on interviews. There are too many possible mishaps re: technology and communication that could take place. Plus the last weeks of summer are always slow.

Instead, think of this time as a pause, a few weeks of reflection before the next full flowering. This Mercury retrograde period offers time to delve into some serious soul searching and delve into the whole Leo-esque question, “Who am I?” and “Where do I fit in?”

This is a great time to organize your job search, update your resume and cover letters, and research new companies you may want to approach come the fall. It is also a perfect time to catch up on books and articles that you have been meaning to read. I love David Whyte’s book, Crossing the Unknown Sea. It is one of the best books that I have ever read about the meaning of work. For anyone who wants to deepen their connection to their life’s work—or find out what their life’s work is—this is the book to read.


Here’s what you need to know…

ELLEN: On August 6th, Venus moves into the sign of Libra. It’s a very social combination. Libra excels at playing the host and Venus loves being a guest in this sign. It’s a time when we can all bring more collaboration into our lives. Relationships flow with greater ease. A greater diplomacy is possible and solutions can be reached that earlier felt impossible.

This would be a great time to suggest a group offsite to gather members of your team together to brainstorm the final quarter of 2018. And since we are talking about Venus, it is a perfect time to also throw in some fun and games. Plan to go to a beautiful spot out in nature and have plenty of yummy food on hand. You can’t lose!!

You can also use the downtime of August to get everyone together to deep clean the office or redesign the workspace. Use the Marie Kondo method to get rid of all the boxes and papers and general stuff that has built up. A clean working space will do wonders for group productivity.


Here’s what you need to know…

ELLEN: There is a lot of opportunity this month to realign and re-assess the direction that your business is taking.

The Full Moon of Leo occurs on July 27th at 1:20 pm pacific time. Use the two days leading up to the Full Moon and the two days after to truly work with and integrate the energies of Leo. As Heidi noted, it’s a great time to ask yourself, “What am I here to give with all my heart?”

If you run your own business, are you truly “giving your all”—or have you been holding back? Do you treat your customers with warmth and generosity or are you doing the “bare minimum” that’s expected of you? How could you serve your audience at an even higher level? Explore these questions and without being too hard on yourself, look for ways to improve.

On the night of the full moon, spend some time filling your cup of inspiration to the brim. Watch TED Talks delivered by entrepreneurs you admire. Watch your favorite music videos on YouTube. Listen to podcasts featuring interesting business. ‘How I Built This’ is a wonderful way to learn about how innovators and entrepreneurs built their brands and movements. And on Girl Boss Radio, Sophia Amoruso interviews boundary-pushing women who talk about all the lessons they’ve learned along the way to their success.

You can also catch up on my ‘How Did You Do That?’ interview series and Heidi’s podcast, ‘The Radiance Project’. Surround yourself with examples of “role models” who are running their businesses with heart, warmth, and generosity and remind yourself, “I can absolutely do that, too.”

August 11th brings the New Moon of Leo and a Solar Eclipse. New Moons are as they sound — full of potential and fresh starts. Take the time to notice how you are growing, evolving and changing. Journal. Take a few days to retreat and go off by yourself. Start a meditation practice. The app Calm is a great way to start.

Remember that both Mars and Mercury will be in retrograde at this time, so it is important to take the necessary time for reflection. Mars will be in Capricorn, which is a combination that always helps us achieve what we set out to do. While we may not get instant gratification, once Mercury goes direct on August 18th and Mars goes direct on August 27th, there will be a focused, clear energy available to meet the sign of Virgo and you will be ready to move forward.

In the meanwhile, enjoy the waning days of summer to replenish, refresh, spend time with friends and loved ones and relish in the Leo season. After all, Leos love a good party!


Leos love the limelight, which is why many of them make a career in the performing arts.

Barack Obama. President Obama represents some of the best Leo qualities. He’s confident, without being flashy. He’s comfortable in the spotlight, but not self-obsessed. He’s a caring leader, devoted to the highest good for all. Most of all, he’s driven by the idea that change begins on an individual level—with individual leadership.

Jennifer Lopez. “Jenny from the Block’ is the quintessential Leo. She clearly loves the limelight, often showing up at events in scene-stealing outfits, accompanied by very young escorts. However, her talent is what always takes front and center. She is an award-winning actress, musician, and is regarded as the most influential Latin performer in the United States.

JK Rowling. Her rags-to-riches story is lore for hundreds of millions around the world. She was a welfare mom, with nothing to lose. The entire seven books of Harry Potter came to her one-day on a long train ride and the rest is history. After untold numbers of rejections, a wise man at Bloomsbury offered her $2,250 and agreed to print 1,000 books. When Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows went on sale, it sold 15 million copies worldwide in 24 hours, Forbes magazine put Rowling second only to Oprah as the richest woman in entertainment, ahead of Martha Stewart and Madonna — and as the first person to become a billionaire by writing books.

Madonna. Referred to as the “Queen of Pop”, Madonna is known for pushing the boundaries of lyrical content in mainstream popular music, as well as visual imagery in music videos and on stage. She has also frequently reinvented both her music and image while maintaining autonomy within the recording industry. She is an extraordinarily successful businesswoman, philanthropist, won a Golden Globe for Best Actress for her role in Evita (I love that movie!), and is the highest grossing solo touring artist of all time.

Mick Jagger. How can someone with this much charisma, swagger, stamina and passion for performing be anything but a Leo? Mick Jagger is acknowledged as the greatest front man ever, and has single handedly defined what it means to be the singer with a rock band, a blues band or any other kind of band during his fifty-year career.


• Expressing

• Exploring

• Experimenting


July 22nd – The Sun moves into Leo (tap into your inner lion—lead, be bold, roar!)

July 25th – Mercury moves retrograde until August 18th (back up your computers and stay away from hostile arguments)

July 27th – Full moon of Leo; total lunar eclipse (ask, “What am I here to give with all my heart?”)

August 6th – Venus moves into Libra (bring beauty, poise and collaboration into your life)

August 11th – New Moon of Leo and a Solar Eclipse (full of potential and fresh starts)

August 12th – Mars moves into Capricorn (build purposefully and with clarity)

August 18th – Mercury moves direct (The directed, creative, generous impulse will be ready to be put to work!)


“Of any stopping place in life, it is good to ask whether it will be a good place from which to go on as well as a good place to remain.” -Mary Catherine Bateson

This month is a time to stop, pause and take stock. Do you like what you are doing? What is your role at this moment in life? Do you want to change it? Can you move into yourself and what you offer with greater force and passion? Are you holding back?

Re-treat. Re-vitalize. Re-examine outdated beliefs.

Have an amazing month!

With love,

Ellen & Heidi

Learn more about my career & business coaching services here.

Learn more about Heidi and her astrological services here.