UNLOCKED Links: May 20, 2014


Every Friday, I curate the best links on how to find work that you love, be excellent at what you do, and unlock any door that stands in your way. Here’s your list for today!






Writing your resume is just half the battle. Next step? Making it spiffy and stylish, so it pops out from the pack! Here are 41 of the best resume templates. Ever.

Trying to figure out your next career move? Here are 7 myths that you need to ditch.

Still feeling stuck? Get inspired by these 5 people who made seemingly “crazy” career changes, because they refused to settle for a “just okay” kinda life.



Jonathan Fields, a seasoned entrepreneur, speaks out about the importance of being “naked and silent.” Translation: being open to receiving advice.

Think you’re “too old” (or “too young”) to start your own business? Here’s a list of 100 amazing things that have been achieved by people at every age.

It’s a tricky, emotional question: “How should I decide what to charge for my skills?” Take this short master-class by Ramit Sethi to figure it out.



Not great at detecting what people are (really) feeling? Not to worry. Soon, your phone will read people’s emotions better than you ever could!

Parched for inspiration? See how a disposable coffee cup inspired this person to invent a housing solution for families displaced by natural disasters.

It feels like there’s a new app every minute! Here’s a list of must-have apps
from a man who has sifted through thousands, in search of the BEST.



Gloria Steinem permanently changed the career landscape for women. In honor of her 80th birthday, here are 25 ways she taught us to be better women — and human beings.

Reality check: life never turns out exactly the way we expect. Writer Dani Shapiro offers a few beautiful pointers on the art of letting go.

Eat, Pray, Love author Elizabeth Gilbert has a secret to share: everyone who has ever delivered a TED Talk was terrified to get up on that stage. No matter how rich, famous, successful or smart. (As an aside, her new book — The Signature of All Things — is a wonderful read.)



Ready for a break? Here is the ultimate guide to taking a sabbatical. And also: how to prepare before you unplug and check out!

Want to take a trip, but don’t know where to go? Here are 32 surreal places that actually exist (… and these photos were NOT photoshopped!)

You snooze. You lose. Literally. The science of sleep and the trouble with the snooze button. (Just a little more motivation to get up … and on with your day!)

Find great work. Do great work. And have a great weekend!


Images: Magnus Klackenstam and Claptone.

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