UNLOCKED Links: May 2015

Ellen Fondiler | UNLOCKED Links

Once a month, I curate the best links on how to find work that you love, be excellent at what you do, and unlock any door that stands in your way.

Here’s your list for May!


Ellen Fondiler | Unlocked Links: May 2015

Job hunting? Need inspiration? Here are 8 great TED talks to help you find the right job.

Want to feel “rich” without getting attached to a specific number in your bank account — or material possessions? One beautiful insight: collect experiences, not things.

From my dear friend Heidi Rose Robbins: How to show up with courage and grace even when you’ve got sweaty palms and feel overwhelmed with fear.

There are 76.4 million baby boomers in the United States — and they’re looking for smart products that can help them to live well and age gracefully. A neat side-effect: there’s a boom of hot new inventors over the age of 50.

I love reading obituaries, especially when they’re printed in small, quirky publications. Such an interesting glimpse into ordinary people’s stories. Here is what a small-town obituary writer can tell us about what it means to live a “good life.”

The humble story of this year’s Pulitzer Prize winner for poetry: Gregory Pardlo. After a long path riddled with alcohol dependency, odd jobs in restaurants, and failed businesses, he’s finally on top of the world. Further proof that the “road to success” is rarely smooth or predictable.

NPR never fails to deliver brilliant ideas. For a more organized life, desk, and workday — think like a chef!

10 words every girl should learn. I wish I had learned these when I was in my teens and twenties!

For entrepreneurial types: have you ever fantasized about creating your own line of t- shirts, coffee mugs, posters, and other print items? It just got a whole lot easier.

We all know that exercising is great for your body, mind and spirit. So why is working out such a joy for some people — and total drudgery for others? This TED Talk may reveal the answer. So fascinating.

Last but not least: From bestselling author and entrepreneur Danielle LaPorte: 15 tips for public speaking that apply to shining at work and just about everywhere else. My favorite: “Being prepared is an act of love. And intelligence.”

Find great work. Do great work. Unlock every door in your way.


Image: Willie Franklin