Your Career Forecast: May / June 2018

Ellen Fondiler | Your Career Forecast: May / June 2018

I work as a career and business strategist. But my secret passion is… astrology!

About once a month,  I post an overview of what’s happening in the cosmos and how it might influence your career. It’s called: Your Career Forecast.

Whether you’re job-hunting, running your own business, or wondering about the ideal time to ask for a raise or take a vacation, each Career Forecast will reveal the important dates and cosmic shifts that you need to know about.

I am joined by my dear friend, Heidi Rose Robbins, a master astrologer who will provide expert insight into what’s going on in the stars.

Let’s dive in!


What’s going on this month…

HEIDI: The Sun moves into Gemini on May 20th at 7:15pm Pacific time. Gemini brings movement and connection. It rules communication, bridge building, and relationships. It is curious and quick, agile, and interested. It is a sign, at its best, of loving intelligence and goodwill.

When the Sun is in Gemini, we are meant to reach out and meet new people, connect with old friends and allies, and share our unique message and offerings with the world.

On May 25th, there is a beautiful trine—a 120 degree angle—between Jupiter in Scorpio and Neptune in Pisces. This creates harmony between the agent of expansion and the dreamer. This is a time to dream big. It would be an amazing day to retreat—either solo or in a group—and imagine your next chapter. There is tremendous flow, grace, and ease to this transit. It welcomes depth.

The Full Moon of Gemini occurs on May 29th, the same day that Mercury moves into Gemini. This is a day of loving connection. Take some time today to think about the many people in your life and how each relationship inspires or uplifts you or how you uplift or inspire another. Recognize that every day we forge a new relationship—even if it’s with a simple, kind hello. Build bridges of love and leave connection in your wake. Mercury in Gemini is also a terrific time to write all the letters, make all the calls, and reach out to your community. Our communication speeds up with Mercury in Gemini.

On June 12th, just two weeks later, Mercury moves into Cancer. Mercury in Cancer asks that we stop, breathe, and feel. We’re invited to turn inward and quiet down. Conversation is more personal. Communication might be more about family matters and sensitive issues. It’s a deeply receptive time.

Finally on June 13th, there is a New Moon in Gemini, sparking new ideas, thoughts and plans. Venus moves into Leo on the same day, igniting our desire to express and lead. We don’t shy away from the spotlight when Venus is in Leo. We dare ourselves to lean into our lives and express what needs to be expressed.

It’s an exciting, dynamic month. We are on the move—forging relationships that fuel our message and vision.

What does all of this mean for your career? Let’s look closer…


Here’s what you need to know…

ELLEN: May 25th and May 29th are two auspicious days for anyone who’s job hunting.

On May 25th, we’ve got a trine between Jupiter in Scorpio and Neptune in Pisces. This is the moment to dream BIG. It’s an excellent time to day-dream and fantasize about your next career chapter.

What do you truly want next? Do you want to pursue a new job that’s similar to your last job? Or do you want to pursue something different? With Neptune, we have a deep, watery, imaginative quality in the cosmos. Dive deep within. What does your heart really want? Curl up with a book like The Crossroads of Should and Must by Elle Luna, and let your mind wander into new possibilities.

A few days later, it’s the Full Moon of Gemini on May 29th. Gemini is the social butterfly of the Zodiac—a talkative, enthusiastic sign that loves to reach out and connect. Tap into the Gemini vibes and spend some time connecting, texting, emailing, chatting, and strengthening relationships.

The fastest way to turn an acquaintance into a strong friend? Generosity.

Instead of asking for a special favor, grant a favor. Instead of pleading for help, be the helper. If you reach out to someone and do something generous—with no strings attached—they’ll be wowed. You’ll win a true friend for life.

A few generous ideas: nominate someone for an award, offer to help out with their grant application, or introduce them to a potential client or employer. Your generosity will be rewarded in innumerable ways.

Check out this TED Talk called “The Generosity Experiment” to hear the true story of a man who decided to say “Yes” to every request for 30 days in a row, and what he learned in the process.


Here’s what you need to know…

ELLEN: The entire time of Gemini—which starts on May 20th and lasts for one month—is a beautiful time for workplace relationships. It’s all about building bridges, not walls. If there’s been some office conflict in the past, now is the time to soothe the friction and begin anew.

It’s also a great time to re-connect with people you haven’t chatted with in awhile. Invite someone from a different department to join you for a coffee break. Chat with someone in the elevator. Every human being is fascinating, and everyone has a story. You might be pleasantly surprised to discover that your co-workers are a LOT more interesting than you previously thought!

June 13th is a great day to step into a stronger leadership role. With Venus in Leo, you might feel a little bolder than usual. On this day, propose a new idea to your manager. Offer to lead a new project. Or, offer to take over a project that’s been stalling and inject new vitality into it. Take charge! For inspiration, pick up a book like Lean In by Sheryl Sandberg or a classic like How To Win Friends And Influence People by Dale Carnegie.


Here’s what you need to know…

ELLEN: As an entrepreneur, it can be tough to “stop working.” When 5pm rolls around, even if you’re already been working for 8 hours straight, there’s always something else to do. Another client to contact. Another email to write. Another invoice to send off—or pay. The work never ends!

On June 12th, when Mercury moves into Cancer, the Universe invites us to slow down and hop off the never-ending hamster wheel. It’s a time to rest and receive. If possible, play hooky and chill out. Catch up on laundry. Fluff your pillows. Putter around. Take a nap. Spend quiet time alone, or hang with loved ones. Remember that “work” is a big part of our lives, but it’s not the only part that matters. Taking a brief “time out” will refill your creative tank. When you’re ready, you’ll be able to return to your workload with fresh energy.

Overall, the month of Gemini is all about loving connection. Gemini energy is all about conversation, enthusiasm, wit, and nurturing relationships of all kinds.

If you run a business, this would be an especially good time to shine a spotlight on your favorite customers. Select a “customer of the month” and hand out a prize. Feature a talented client in your Instagram feed and share their story. Make people feel extra-special and extra-loved.

Gemini energy can sometimes slip into a flaky, indecisive, overwhelmed place. Think: Too many dinner party invitations, ack! Where should I go? What should I do? FOMO! To avoid getting into this state, try to keep things simple, and focus on quality over quantity. Do less—and do it with great love.


Clever, witty, brilliant with words and lyrics, communicative, expressive, skilled at building relationships and tribes… it’s no wonder the world is filled with so many famous Geminis!

Morgan Freeman. That VOICE! Talk about communication skills. He could read the phonebook and make it sounds fascinating.

Russell Brand. A classic Gemini with lighting-speed wit. Funny, clever, expressive. The life of the party!

Amy Schumer. She’s built a career as a comedian who feels like your best girlfriend. Even better, she uses her fame and platform to give back to her community through important projects like Everytown.

The artist formerly known as Prince. RIP. He blessed us with so much art, and left us too soon.

Donald Trump. All I can say is… Ugh. However, you must admit, this is a man who never stops talking, and his words have resonated with a large portion of the American population. Trump epitomizes the dark side of Gemini energies—communication used to provoke fear, to mock, to bully, to exaggerate, and build walls instead of bridges.


Reaching out. Connecting. Turning acquaintances into deep friends.

Using your words. Expressing yourself. Feeling especially witty and vibrant.

Being unexpectedly generous with your time, connections, and resources.

Moving quickly. Adapting to new things rapidly. Staying in a lively, productive mindset.

Improving your leadership skills. Inspiring people to join you. Building tribes.

Working to get Trump impeached. (It’s always a great month for that!)


May 20th – The Sun moves into Gemini. When Gemini rules, it’s all about building bridges and nurturing relationships.

May 25th – Jupiter trine Neptune. A dreamy, imaginative day. Explore what the next chapter of your career might be.

May 29th – The Full Moon of Gemini and Mercury moves into Gemini. Gemini powers are heightened. Communications ignite and accelerate.

June 12th – Mercury moves into Cancer. Turn towards family matters. Take the day off work, if you can, and focus on the domestic, personal side of life.

June 13th – New Moon of Gemini and Venus moves into Leo. New ideas abound. Shine. Lead from the heart. Take charge!


“Be genuinely interested in everyone you meet and everyone you meet will be genuinely interested in you.” —Rasheed Ogunlaru

When it comes to your career, strong relationships are worth more than gold. More often than not, it’s a personal connection that leads to a new job, new client, book deal, investment, donation, media appearance, or whatever you happen to be seeking right now.

Be genuinely interested in the people that you meet. Be genuinely caring, generous, and helpful. This is how you’ll strengthen the fabric of your network—and unlock all kinds of doors.

With love,

Ellen & Heidi

Learn more about my career & business coaching services here.

Learn more about Heidi and her astrological services here.