Once a month, I post an overview of what’s happening in the cosmos and how it might influence your career. It’s called the Career Forecast.
Whether you’re job-hunting, employed, or running a business, each Career Forecast reveals the important dates you need to know.
I’m joined by my dear friend, Heidi Rose Robbins, a master astrologer who provides expert insight into what’s going on in the stars.
Love these forecasts? Want more? Book a Chart Your Career session. You get a 60 minute astrology reading with Heidi plus a 60 minute career strategy session with me. Find out what’s happening in your chart right now, what to expect from the year ahead, and how to take your career in the direction you want it to go. Schedule a Chart Your Career session here.
What’s going on this month…
HEIDI: The Sun moves into Virgo at 3:02 am Pacific time on August 23rd, 2019. Virgo is a sign of work, devotion, and precision. It is the most mentally acute of the earth signs, with a great love of analysis and intelligent discrimination. It’s the sign we associate with getting back to work, going back to school, and generally attending to what needs our care. It’s one of the most dedicated and determined signs, with an eye for perfection within and without.
On August 24th, Venus and Mars form an exact conjunction in Virgo as well. This is creativity married to the industry of Virgo. We not only have innovative, original ideas but begin to make them manifest. Creativity wants structure and Virgo provides the way.
Mercury joins the Sun, Venus and Mars in Virgo on August 29th just before the New Moon of Virgo on the 30th. Mercury in Virgo will help us get clear about our next steps. It will help us assess this moment in our lives. The question for the New Moon is about our devotion. Where do we wish to devote our full attention? What or whom requires the particular service we offer? We also may turn our attention to the health and well being of ourselves, our families and our communities. How can we be healthier physically, emotionally, and mentally? Another good question for the New Moon is: “What requires loving improvement in our lives?”
The Full Moon of Virgo falls on September 13th. The esoteric phrase for Virgo is: “I am the Mother and the Child, I God, I Matter, am.” Virgo pays attention to the sacred within the mundane. She attends to what needs attending in the physical world so that great grace and love can flow. Virgo is supremely devoted and willing to do hard work in the name of beauty. During the Full Moon, let’s ask ourselves what we can attend to in very practical, concrete ways that will bring greater health, ease and flow to our daily lives.
Mercury and Venus shift into Libra on September 14th. This shift brings an eloquence and peace to our communication. We explore both sides of an issues. We weigh what is the next correct choice. We strive for greater ease in all our written and spoken exchanges.
Finally, Saturn moves direct on September 18th. The qualities of Saturn—discipline, commitment, authority, and responsibility—are now strongly present. We take action on all we considered and learned during the retrograde period. We are ready for some potent, deliberate steps forward. No more procrastination!
It’s an exciting month ahead. It’s a month when much can be accomplished. Enjoy the productivity of Virgo!
What does all of this mean for your career? Let’s look closer…
Here’s what you need to know…
ELLEN: After those long, lazy, hot, and sticky summer months, Virgo brings a crisp, whip-cracking energy back into our lives. It’s time to sharpen those pencils, make a plan, and enact your plan with precision and diligence.
If you’ve been somewhat lackadaisical with your job search, now’s the ideal moment to get organized and really apply yourself.
Make a list of companies you admire. Research each one to see if they’re hiring. (Even if they’re not hiring right now, it still never hurts to get in touch and send over your résumé! Who knows? They might open a new position two weeks from now. Happens all the time.)
Reach out to interesting companies. Create a spreadsheet to track who you contacted, and when, and which people you need to follow up with. Update your résumé, if need be, and load the new version to LinkedIn. Tie up loose ends. Bring a serious, focused energy into your job search. Your efforts will be doubly rewarded during the month of Virgo!
August 29th and 30th are especially potent dates for job-hunters. With New Moon energy in the air, we’re invited to make new wishes and plant new seeds. This is a beautiful time for self-reflection. Turn inward. Check in with yourself. Take a few moments to write down some new wishes and goals. It’s believed that wishes made under the New Moon are supercharged with special energy, and more likely to come true!
Good questions to consider during the Virgo New Moon: What are your career aspirations for the next 2-5 years? What is your dream job? Not your “oh I suppose I could settle for that” just-okay job, but truly, your dream?
Contemplate these questions. Write down your thoughts. And then, let your answers determine your “next move” with your job hunt. Be honest with yourself. Have you been applying for jobs that, honestly, you don’t even want? Life is short. Why not reach for your dream?
Here’s what you need to know…
ELLEN: September 14th is a lovely day for workplace communication. Mercury and Venus shift into Libra, bringing a feeling of eloquence to our communication. Mercury rules communication. Venus is all about precision and attention to detail. Libra represents the scales of justice, fairness, and harmony. On this day, words flow gracefully. Emotions are steady. (Think: more Obama, less Trump!)
If you have an important document you’ve been working on, a presentation, any type of communication-related project, September 14th is an especially good day to work on this. Similarly, if you have to deliver some difficult news to a colleague—perhaps, giving some constructive criticism—this is an especially good day to do it. Your words are more likely to flow smoothly—and be received well.
I also want to highlight September 18th. Saturn moves direct on this day—and it’s all about discipline, commitment, and responsibility. This is a powerful day to do a self-assessment on your performance at work. Where are you flourishing? Where are you holding back? Are there any loose ends you’ve been avoiding? Any projects you’ve been procrastinating on finishing, and if so, why is that? This is an excellent day to take responsibility for your actions—and pledge to do better.
September 18th is also a great day to officially begin a new project. If there’s a project you’ve been discussing in meetings for awhile (but nobody’s actually done any concrete work to move it forward), September 18th is the perfect day to dive in (for real!) and go, go, go.
Here’s what you need to know…
ELLEN: I love this New Moon question that Heidi posed earlier: “Where do we wish to devote our full attention?” On August 30th, the night of the Virgo New Moon, this is a beautiful question to consider.
As an entrepreneur, it’s so easy to get caught up in the hamster-wheel-race of what you think you “should” or “ought” to be doing. Perhaps you’ve been told you “should” have a large Instagram following, and you “should” write an email newsletter twice a week, and hire a publicist, and launch a podcast, and strive to increase your sales every quarter, etc., etc. So many projects! So much to do! But which things are unnecessary noise—and which really deserve your attention?
August 30th is a powerful day to ask yourself, “What do I really want to be doing as a business owner? If I had two weeks to live, how would I run my business? What really matters? What doesn’t?”
Another great question to help you simplify and subtract: “Which of my marketing efforts lead directly to new clients/customers, and which are just sucking up my time without yielding any rewards?” Is there anything you could delete from your to-do list? The answer is probably: Yes.
The Full Moon of Virgo falls on September 13th. Virgo energies reach their peak! Celebrate your accomplishments from the last month, large and small. What did you check off your list? What did you complete? What loose ends did you tie up? How have you created even more order, grace, and ease in your life?
Every astrological sign has a light side—and a dark one, too. Virgo’s dark side is a highly self critical, perfectionistic, nothing’s-ever-good-enough attitude towards life. All the more reason to focus on your “wins” from the month! Rather than obsessing about what you haven’t finished yet, take a moment to acknowledge everything you’ve done. It’s probably a great deal more than you think.
Virgos are perfectionists, quick-thinking, observant, and analytical. They pay attention to detail and have a tendency to be critical—both within and without. They’re hard workers and go all out with whatever they do. So, it’s no wonder that the following people were born under this sign…
Beyoncé is a Virgo—which isn’t too surprising, given her incredible work ethic. She’s considered one of the hardest working people in show business—if not the entire world! In this interview, she explains: “I am a Virgo to the tee! […] I pay attention to details. When I do something, I do it 100 percent. I have high expectations of myself and expect the exact same thing of everyone around me. I’ve always been that way. I am all or nothing.”
If you haven’t seen it yet, watch her Homecoming documentary on Netflix to see a behind-the-scenes look at Beyonce’s incredible work ethic and determination.
A multi-talented artist who can sing, dance, and act—with astounding maturity and depth for someone who’s just 22 years old. (Side note: if you haven’t seen HBO’S Euphoria, check it out—and buckle up for serious heartbreak and drama! The Internet is already buzzing with Emmy Award predictions about Zendaya’s performance on the show.)
It takes tremendous focus and discipline to achieve such a high level of artistry and superstardom. People like Beyoncé and Zendaya prove that when it comes to “applying yourself” and “working hard to achieve your goals,” Virgos do it like nobody else!
Freddie Mercury
Did you know that Freddie, lead singer of Queen, was a huge astrology lover? In fact, he chose his last name (“Mercury”) because of its astrological significance! The band’s logo also contains secret symbols representing the zodiac signs of each band member. Fellow musicians recall that Mercury was extremely perfectionistic—an artist with a very specific vision for how he wanted his music to sound, and nothing less would suffice.
For instance, Mercury began composing his most famous song of all time—
“Bohemian Rhapsody”—in the late ’60s but did not feel ready to record until 1975, about five years later! Once recording began, it was an elaborate undertaking requiring three weeks of rehearsal time and four different recording studios, with Mercury directing every move. If that’s not Ultimate Virgo Energy, I don’t know what is! Of course—the hard work paid off. The song became the UK’s third-best-selling single of all time, with over one million copies sold.
• Focus. Direct your full, undivided attention into projects that really matter.
• Practicality. What’s the simplest, most sensible approach? Choose that.
• Planning. Spreadsheets, checklists, and bulletin boards—to the max!
• Responsibility. Tie up loose ends. Don’t leave people hanging. Handle your affairs with integrity and discipline.
• August 23rd – The Sun moves into Virgo. We begin a one-month period of focused, organized, disciplined Virgo energy!
• August 24th – Venus and Mars form an exact conjunction in Virgo. A combination of love, warrior-like focus, and precision. Creativity and structure, combined.
• August 29th – Mercury joins the Sun, Venus and Mars in Virgo. Where do you wish to devote your full attention?
• August 30th – New Moon of Virgo. Make new wishes. Consider which areas of your life/career could be lovingly improved. How will you do that?
• September 13th – Full Moon of Virgo. Celebrate all that you’ve accomplished. (Watch out for perfectionistic not-good-enough gremlins lurking in your mind!)
• September 14th – Mercury and Venus shift into Libra. A great day for graceful, balanced communication.
• September 18th – Saturn moves direct. Take responsibility and take charge. Get things done. Let your actions speak louder than words.
“It is never too late to be what you might have been.” —George Eliot
With Virgo’s focused, productive energy, you can choose any goal imaginable—and go for it!
It’s never too late to pivot your career, reinvent yourself, or make subtle changes to upgrade your quality of life.
Have a fantastic month! No matter what type of work you do, you’ll benefit from the Virgo vibes in the air. The stars and planets are completely on your side!
Much love,
Ellen & Heidi
Want a personalized astrological forecast + career planning session—based on your star chart? Book a Chart Your Career session here. Let’s take a close look what’s happening in your chart—and what it means for your career!